Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

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Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

Hi, I decided to write this patron because the Toad fiend in the BETA didn't really fit in my adventure... please, feel free to use any of this, any feedback and comment is welcome.

the Everburning Flame of the Desert

A whimsical and unpredictable being, Nektherazzan resides in a dimension where everything is fire, flames and dusty winds. He sometimes tears the veil of reality between his world and Aereth, producing unexpected fires and, more rarely, sandstorms. He demands that his servant do his bidding no matter what that may be; he demands that the servant upon completing the soul-binding ceremony holds with his bare hands a piece of searing metal; he also demands that his servant sets to fire as many humanoids as possible: every humanoid who dies burnt in a fire has a good chance of ending up in Nektherazzan's realm and becoming more fine, hot sand.

Invoke Patron Results:

12-13 . Nektherazzan is worried for his servant. He engulfs in flames the body of the caster (these flames do not hurt him), giving him a complete (100%) fire immunity for 2d4 rounds. Moreover, these flames give him +1 to AC and deal 1d3 damage to anyone nearby every round.

14-17 . The Efreet sends a powerful wind of hot, blinding dust against the caster's enemies. This deals 1d6 fire damage to every creature in a 6m cone, and blinds those who fail a Fortitude Save for 1d6 rounds.

18-19 . Flames engulf one of the caster's enemies for 2d6 damage but they can attempt a Reflex Save to take only half damage. If the Reflex Save is failed the target takes an additional 1d6 damage at the end of the next combat round, unless he/she wastes one action to roll on the ground to put off the fire.

20-23 . Any weapon in the wizard's hands becomes surrounded by magical flames. Any attack with that weapon is treated as if magical, and deals +1d6 fire damage. This effect lasts for 3d6 rounds.

24-27 . Nektherazzan sends an Incubus to help the wizard. The beast has the following stats : HP 4d6, AC 14, att +4, fire hoof: 1d6+2 dmg; Act 2d20; MV 50', also flying; Saves Ref +2/Fort +1/ Will +1; The incubus remains for 1 minute per Caster Level.

28-29 . Nektherazzan is angered agaisnt the wizard's foes. Gouts of flames erupt from the caster body, engulfing everyone in a 20ft radius. Those affected take 4d6 damage (Reflex Save for half damage), then if they failed the Save they will take another 2d6 damage at the end of the next combat round, then another 1d6 at the end of the combat round after that. These flames cannot be extinguished by normal means (water, rolling no... holy water, water spell yes)

30-31 . The Everburning Flame of the Desert restores completely the consumed energies of the caster or one of his allies, renewing his life force so that it burns stronger than ever. The target is healed 6d6 HPs and is imbibed with supernatural fire : +4 to STR, AGI, STA, every attack he makes rolls the damage two times and chooses the best result. This effect lasts only for 2d6 rounds. The target will be permanently tainted by Nektherazzan.

32+ . As above, but works on 1d4 targets, who are also engulfed in flames as in the result 12-13 for the duration of the effect.


Nektherazzan, the Everburning Flame of the Desert grants 2 unique spells:

Level 2 : Scorching Sandstorm - the caster fills the area of blinding, searing dust that hurts and blinds enemies and friends alike.

14-15 . Scorching sands burst from the caster hands / mouth, dealing 1d4+CL damage to those in a 6m cone and blinding them for 1 round. They must take a Reflex Save vs Spellcheck to take only half the damage and not being blinded.

16-19 . As above, but deals 1d6+CL damage.

20-21 . As above, but the cone is 9m long.

22-25 . As above, but the cone deals 1d8+CL damage and blinds for 1d4 rounds; those who successfully pass the Reflex Save are blinded for 1 round.

26-29 . As above, but damage is 1d10+CL and the area of effect is a sphere of 9 m radius centered on the caster. The caster is immune to the effects of the spell (but not his allies) and the spell moves with him.

30-31 . As above, but the sandstorm keeps raging as long as the caster keeps his concentration, up to 1d6 rounds.

32-33 . As above, but the sandstorm deals 2d6+CL damage per round. Everyone inside the area of effect is blinded for as long as they remain in the storm and for 1d6 rounds after that.

34+ The caster can move the sandstorm as he likes, for as long as he's concentrating on it. The sandstorm moves up to 9m per round. Maximum duration is increased to 2d6 rounds.

Level 4 : Immolation - This spell ignites the body of a nearby creature; the more the wizard sacrifices his body to this spell, the stronger the effect.

18-19. The touched creature takes 2d6 fire damage, as its body spontaneously ignites. For every ability point spent in Spellburn, the spell does +1d6 extra damage. The fire burns for 1d6 damage per round for 1 minute.

20-23. As above, but damage is 2d6+CL.

24-25. As above, but additional Spellburn damage is +1d8.

26-29. As above, but the caster doesn't need to touch the creature. He just has to be within 3m from his target when he casts the spell.

30-33. Every creature within 3m from the caster suffers the effects of the spell, as per result 20-23.

34-35. As above or as 26-29, but the fire cannot be extinguished by normal means.

36-37. As above but the creatures that take more than 30 damage from the initial burst need to pass a Fortitude Save or die instantly.

38+ As above, but the spell burns the very souls of his victims. The creatures that are slain by this spell are beyond every hope of resurrection or reanimation. Only a major God of Death or Life might resurrect someone killed by Immolation.
Patron Taints for Nektherazzan (roll 1d6 when a wizard aquires a taint from Nektherazzan)

1 Whisps of smoke and sparks are emitted with EVERY spell the wizard casts. These are small manifestations that do no harm nor create any notable light. If the result is rolled again, in addition to the first effect, the wizard emits smoke from his mouth every time he speaks for an hour after any spell cast. If the result is rolled a third time, the wizard's eyes become fiery embers; his hair is set aflame (without actually burning) every time he casts a spell.

2 The wizard face is covered in complex ritual markings that cannot be erased in anyway but can be concealed. If the result is rolled again, his whole body is covered by those markings. If the result is rolled a third time, such markings burn intensely everytime the wizard feels a strong emotion (fear, passion, anger, jealousy): anyone touching him when that happens suffers 1d4 damage; his clothes burn to ashes in 1d4 rounds.

3 The wizard's face takes on the androgynous appearance of the Efreeti: he develops slightly pointed ears, his eyes and eyebrows bend slightly to an acute angle. If this result is rolled a second time, the complexion of the wizard darkens like those who live in the desert and his hair becomes either dark red or black. If this result is rolled three times, the wizard can't be clearly defined as male or female : his voice becomes not clearly masculine nor feminine and his body shape mutates so that it's difficult to understand his sexuality. (He retains his gender despite these androgynous features)

4 The wizard develops a strange connection with fire: torches, candles and campfires burn twice as fast when he's within 30 m. If this result is rolled again, any flame or fire bends towards the wizard as if magnetically attracted: depending on the size of the fire, the wizard might catch fire if he's too close (candle-size: 30 cm; Torch-size: 1,5 m; Campfire-size : 3 m). If this result is rolled 3 times, every fire damage the wizard takes is increased by 1d6, as fire feasts on his flesh.

5 When the wizard casts a spell, humidity in a 3m area around him is dried up: grass becomes yellow and dies, puddles dry up, earth cracks as if in a desertic area. If this result is rolled again, the dry area risks affecting any stored liquid (such as potions, flasks of water, vials of poison) with a 50% chance. If this result is rolled three times, the wizard's mere touch dries small quantities of water (0,1 l per round); it can make flowers wither and deals 1 damage to living creatures.

6 The wizard smells strongly of exotic incense and spices and his nails grow stronger. If this result is rolled again, the wizard's supernatural perfume becomes so enthralling that it grants him a +1 to Personality, but animals fear him and might flee or attack him on sight (depending on the animal ): he can't mount horses, nor caress dogs, for example. If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard's nails become hard as steel, and he can attack with them for 1d5 damage.
Last edited by abk108 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by finarvyn »

Nery cool, and very much "Appendix N" in spirit!

I think that this is the kind of thing that Joseph is trying to achieve. Instead of dusting off an old rulebook that the players also know and saying "well, Thor is like this...." you've created a sense of wonder and the unknown. Players will have no idea in advance what the Patron is trying to accomplish, what he is like, what he can do.

Again, very cool! 8)
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by Black Dougal »

Good stuff. :)

One question, however. Why not put him in the Elemental Plane of Fire? There isn't much official on the setting and cosmology yet, but I assume there is going to be some idea of a planar multiverse.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by jmucchiello »

I'd love to see a book of these come out soon after the game came out. Wish I had time to write it. Could probably edit one but this seems like the kind of thing Judges might need a lot of help with.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

Thanks everyone for the good feedback :D This means I shall write more of this : :wink:
One question, however. Why not put him in the Elemental Plane of Fire? There isn't much official on the setting and cosmology yet, but I assume there is going to be some idea of a planar multiverse.
I did on purpose keep away from "D&D staples" as the elemental planes and such. I wanted to give the Patron a flavour of mistery and distance... Knowing exactly where he lives, like "in the Elemental Plane of Fire" instead of an unknown dimension of fire and dust, is like giving out his address. And I don't think that's cool :? :mrgreen:

I could write Malotoch, the Carrion Crow God, because I used him as deity for an evil cult in one of my adventures. I had to create a Spell Chart for a unique spell, so I figure I could just keep writing more.
... But I don't know if it's ok, since it's official DCC property! :|
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by Black Dougal »

abk108 wrote:Thanks everyone for the good feedback :D This means I shall write more of this : :wink:
One question, however. Why not put him in the Elemental Plane of Fire? There isn't much official on the setting and cosmology yet, but I assume there is going to be some idea of a planar multiverse.
I did on purpose keep away from "D&D staples" as the elemental planes and such. I wanted to give the Patron a flavour of mistery and distance... Knowing exactly where he lives, like "in the Elemental Plane of Fire" instead of an unknown dimension of fire and dust, is like giving out his address. And I don't think that's cool :? :mrgreen:
Cool. This makes sense.
abk108 wrote: I could write Malotoch, the Carrion Crow God, because I used him as deity for an evil cult in one of my adventures. I had to create a Spell Chart for a unique spell, so I figure I could just keep writing more.
... But I don't know if it's ok, since it's official DCC property! :|
I have heard rumors of a reboot of Áereth for DCC, so we shall see what Goodman comes up with. Hopefully the first annual will have this information if it is not in the final draft of the core book.
"The Black Dougal" (formerly known as dkeester) -- DCCRPG Fan Boy since 2010
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

Here's my second patron.

the Emerald Snake, the Coiled One, the Endless Beast

Sseleen'Jeril is a snake demon that originated from a dimension that was made like an endless tropical forest growing on the inside surface of a huge sphere. The rich air of that dimension made most of the natives grow to mind-boggling dimensions; Sseleen'Jeril often roamed the jungles in the mortal world, where primitive cultures adored him like a God, calling him a number of names. Deceitful and selfish, this demon exploited his mortal slaves with an evil pleasure. To these days, the cult of Sseleen'Jeril survived, but it's mostly viewed as sorcery and demon adoration than as a proper cult.

Invoke Patron Results:

12-13. Sseleen'Jeril intervenes, summoning 1d6 Vipers that sprout from the open mouth of the Caster. These Vipers have 1 HP, CA 11, att +1, Bite 1d2+poison, Act 1d20, Move 20', and last in this mortal world for 2d6 rounds. The poisonous bites cause -1 STR unless the victim succeeds at a Fort Save vs. Spellcheck.

14-17. The arms of the caster become big poisonous snakes, allowing him to attack enemies which are within 3m; each attack deals 1d5+CL damage, and the bites are poisonous (as above). It's impossible to hold or use anything during this transformation that lasts 1d6+CL rounds.

18-19. The Emerald Snake summons forth some of the primordial energies of his native dimension. Any vegetation within a 20' radius from a specific spot designed by the caster grows abnormally, entangling each creature that fails a Reflex Save. An entangled creature cannot move and suffers a -4 penalty to AC , Reflex Saves and attacks. Entangled creatures cannot break free until the end of the spell, that lasts for 1d6 rounds.

20-23. The caster's skin becomes soft and gum-like, covered in greenish scales. Any damage the wizard suffers is reduced by 3, unless it is dealt by slashing or fire. This effect lasts for 1d6+CL rounds.

24-27. As above, but the skin is vulnerable only to fire, and the caster regenerates 1 HP per round.

28-29. The wizard polymorphs 1d3 creatures humanoid within 30' in small snakes, unless they pass a Will Save vs (Spellcheck-10). These creatures keep their own HPs and Saves, but their stats are the same as for the vipers of result 12-13. This effect lasts for 1d6 minutes, when the creatures are allowed a second Will Save vs (Spellcheck-10); in case of failure the polymorph lasts until next night of full moon. When these creatures revert to normal form, they suffer a patron taint.

30-31. Sseleen'Jeril itself makes a brief appearance in the mortal world. He is a colossal coiled serpent that moves looming in the sky, his scales bright green, made of emeralds, on his head a spined collar similar to that of a cobra: his presence lasts only for 1 round. He's so huge that he can be seen from miles away but it's often confused for something else. Any enemy of the caster who sees (clearly) this brief but terrible vision has to pass a Will Save vs (Spellcheck-10): success means paralysis for 1d6+CL rounds, failure means falling unconscious. Creatures of less than 6HD are outright killed if they fail the Will save. If this result is rolled when undergound or inside a building, treat it as 28-29.

32+. The caster is transformed in a huge avatar of Seleen'Jeril, 12m long, 1 m thick. He gains +3d8 HD, a Bite attack at +3 Base Attack Bonus, for 1d10 damage (roll twice, keep highest result) and a Tail Whip attack at +3 BAB, for 2d8 damage. The bite is poisonous and anyone bitten who fails a Fortitude Save vs (Spellcheck-10) dies in horrible pain in 1d3 rounds.
In addition, the caster gains the effect as per result 24-27.
This transformation lasts for 2d4+CL rounds.

level 1, Snake Eyes
12-13. The Caster's eyes shine like emeralds and he gains infravision for 2d6 rounds.
14-17. Any one touched creature's eyes become like emeralds and it gains infravision for 1d6 minutes.
18-19. As above, but up to 1d4 creatures for 1d10+CL minutes.
20-23. As above, but up to 1d4+CL creatures for 3d10+CL minutes.
24-27. As above. In addition, the caster (only the caster) can hypnotize any creature of which he meets the eyes: if that creature fails a Will Save vs (Spellcheck-10) it is paralyzed for as long as the Caster maintains eye contact, but not more than 1d4 rounds anyway.
28-29. As above, but the caster doesn't have to maintain eye contact to mantain the paralysis, that lasts now 1d6+CL rounds.
30-31. As above, but the infravision effect lasts for 1d6 hours for every creature.
32+. As above, but any creature paralyzed by the gaze is also automatically poisoned, losing 2 STR.

Level 2, Summon Serpentine Warriors:
14-15. Summons one Serpentine Warrior, a humanoid snake which moves on a muscular tail instead of legs and wields a vicious axe. The Serpentine Warrior has 2d8 HP, CA 13, att +3, Battleaxe 1d8+1(roll twice, keep highest result), Act 1d20, Mv 20'. The Serpentine warriors lasts for 1d6+CL rounds.
16-19. As above, but summons 2 Serpentine Warriors.
20-21. As above, but summons 1d3+1 Serpentine Warriors.
22-25. As above but the Serpentine Warriors are stronger. They have 3d8 HP, CA 15, att +4, Battleaxe 1d8+1(roll twice, keep highest result), Act 1d20, Mv 20'.
26-29. As above but the Serpentine Warriors' thick skin absorbs some damage. Any damage dealt to Serpentine Warriors is reduced by 3 points unless it is slashing or fire damage.
30-31. As above, but Serpentine Warriors score Critical Hits on 19-20, rolling 1d12 on Table III, and they last for 2d8+CL rounds.
32-33. As above, but Serpentine Warriors are stronger: 4d8 HP, CA 17, att +6, Battleaxe 1d8+2(roll twice, keep highest result), Act 1d20, Mv 20'.
34+. As above, but Serpentine Warriors have Act 2d20.

Level 3, Venomous Skin:
16-17. The caster's skin becomes slightly green, and toxic. The first creature he touches in the next 1d4+CL rounds has to pass a Fortitude Save vs Spellcheck to avoid being poisoned (-2 STR and -1d6 max HP)
18-21. As above, but the venom works not only on the first creature the caster touches, but on every creature he touches before the duration is spent.
22-23. As above, but venom is (-3 STR and -1d8 max HP)
24-27. As above, but any object the caster touches with his bare hands is poisoned. The first creature touching it with his bare hands is poisoned ; Fortitude Save vs (SpellCheck-10) to avoid.
28-31. As above, but any creature that damages the caster in meelee combat risks being poisoned.
32-33. As above, but the caster can spit the poison up to 6 m. If he hits with a ranged attack with a +2 bonus, the target is poisoned (unless he passes the Fortitude Save)
34-35. As above, but duration is 1d4+CL minutes.
36+. As above, but venom is (-4 STR and -2d8 max HP)

Patron Taints:

1. The caster's skin is covered in thin serpent scales, which can be noticed only up close; if this result is rolled a second time, the caster's scales assume a strange green hue. If this result is rolled a third time, the skin of the caster becomes like that of a reptile (+1 AC), completely covered in bright green scales with geometrical patterns of brown, blue, yellow or black on his back; moreover, the caster loses his hair.

2. The caster's eyes become like those of a snake (yellow, with narrow vertical pupils) everytime he casts a spell. If this result is rolled again, the transformation lasts for 1 hour after every spell cast. If this result is rolled a third time, the eyes become permanently "snake-like", and the caster gains infravision.

3. The wizard starts hissing and clicking his tongue like a snake, instead of speaking, upon casting any spell; his tongue bifurcates; these conditions last for 1d6 rounds. If this result is rolled a second time, the tongue of the wizard remains bifurcated (preventing him from speaking in any intelligible manner, but not from casting spells) for 1 hour after any spell he casts. If the wizard receives this taint a third time, he develops a retractable collar like that of a cobra and a snake tongue; showing his collar upon casting a spell grants him +2 to the DC of Will Saves made to resist his spells; unlike before, he can speak (even though he hisses on sibilant consonants): any attempt of using verbal diplomacy suffers a -2 Penalty. These changes are permanent.

4. The wizard becomes slowly cold-blooded; his skin is cold if it's not heated by the sun and he moves slower at night or underground: in such conditions his natural Speed is reduced by 10'. If this taint is aquired twice, the wizard blood gets even colder: at night and underground he also suffers a -1 STR and -1 AGI. If this result is rolled three times, the wizard is highly inefficient if the sun is not warming him up: the STR and AGI penalty become -2. However, his slower metabolism make it so that he needs to eat only once every week; he is not limited to eating once every week, though.

5. The wizard's expressions are difficult to read, his feelings and intention are difficult to get through to other people: he suffers -1 Personality. If this result is rolled again, this penalty aggravates to -2, but the wizard's Will Saves against effects of Fear or Charme are increased by +2, as people find it difficult to manipulate his mind. Upon receiving this taint a third time, the penalty aggravates to -3, but he gains +3 on his will saves against Fear or Charme.

6. The wizard grows a snake-like tail, which cannot hold any items or be used in any way other than slightly balancing his stride. If this result is rolled again, the tail becomes thicker and stronger, more difficult to hide; it can be used to make an extra whip attack for 1d4 damage, if it's not restrained in clothes like tight gowns, cloaks or trousers. If this result is rolled again, the wizard sheds his legs as his tail becomes so thick, long and strong that it can support his whole weight. The wizard's speed doesn't change, but he gains a Climb speed of 20' when climbing trees, poles or other cilindrical structures. He can attempt to hide his deformation with long gowns or a large tunic, but he has to move carefully to simulate a normal pace: his movement speed is reduced by 10' in these conditions.
Last edited by abk108 on Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by A Strange Aeon »

Uh, these are freaking amazing! Please keep them coming--they are getting copy-pasted directly into my "Pantheon" file for future use in my campaign. You really have a knack for the Sword and Sorcery theme!

I'm hoping the main book will at least have several of the patrons already listed in the Beta expanded out like they did for the frog-god, but in the meantime, yours are really excellent.

One thing I'm having trouble with is the lawful patrons--presumably a wizard or elf could invoke them as well, but I think it's harder to come up with how they would play out, compared to an evil toadfiend, a fire prince, or a snake, you know?
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

A Strange Aeon wrote:Uh, these are freaking amazing! Please keep them coming--they are getting copy-pasted directly into my "Pantheon" file for future use in my campaign. You really have a knack for the Sword and Sorcery theme!

I'm hoping the main book will at least have several of the patrons already listed in the Beta expanded out like they did for the frog-god, but in the meantime, yours are really excellent.

One thing I'm having trouble with is the lawful patrons--presumably a wizard or elf could invoke them as well, but I think it's harder to come up with how they would play out, compared to an evil toadfiend, a fire prince, or a snake, you know?
Thanks for the nice feedback, it's nice when people appreciate your work! I've done these because i like to write things, but i'd like them to be used by someone else beside me! :wink:

I think they intend to put expanded charts for most (if not all) the gods they've mentioned.

I see what you mean, with the Lawful Patrons... :roll: I will try to find some time and think one, and we'll see how it comes up, all right?
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A Strange Aeon
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by A Strange Aeon »

abk108 wrote:
A Strange Aeon wrote:Uh, these are freaking amazing! Please keep them coming--they are getting copy-pasted directly into my "Pantheon" file for future use in my campaign. You really have a knack for the Sword and Sorcery theme!

I'm hoping the main book will at least have several of the patrons already listed in the Beta expanded out like they did for the frog-god, but in the meantime, yours are really excellent.

One thing I'm having trouble with is the lawful patrons--presumably a wizard or elf could invoke them as well, but I think it's harder to come up with how they would play out, compared to an evil toadfiend, a fire prince, or a snake, you know?
Thanks for the nice feedback, it's nice when people appreciate your work! I've done these because i like to write things, but i'd like them to be used by someone else beside me! :wink:

I think they intend to put expanded charts for most (if not all) the gods they've mentioned.

I see what you mean, with the Lawful Patrons... :roll: I will try to find some time and think one, and we'll see how it comes up, all right?
That'd be awesome! My players have just reached level 1 after some hijinx leaving the Portal Under the Stars, and one has decided to be a cleric dedicated to the goat-faced being in the crystal ball, the other a cleric to the neutral god of nature. The Elf hasn't picked a patron yet, but I guess we'll see who he chooses.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

A Strange Aeon wrote:
abk108 wrote:
A Strange Aeon wrote:Uh, these are freaking amazing! Please keep them coming--they are getting copy-pasted directly into my "Pantheon" file for future use in my campaign. You really have a knack for the Sword and Sorcery theme!

I'm hoping the main book will at least have several of the patrons already listed in the Beta expanded out like they did for the frog-god, but in the meantime, yours are really excellent.

One thing I'm having trouble with is the lawful patrons--presumably a wizard or elf could invoke them as well, but I think it's harder to come up with how they would play out, compared to an evil toadfiend, a fire prince, or a snake, you know?
Thanks for the nice feedback, it's nice when people appreciate your work! I've done these because i like to write things, but i'd like them to be used by someone else beside me! :wink:

I think they intend to put expanded charts for most (if not all) the gods they've mentioned.

I see what you mean, with the Lawful Patrons... :roll: I will try to find some time and think one, and we'll see how it comes up, all right?
That'd be awesome! My players have just reached level 1 after some hijinx leaving the Portal Under the Stars, and one has decided to be a cleric dedicated to the goat-faced being in the crystal ball, the other a cleric to the neutral god of nature. The Elf hasn't picked a patron yet, but I guess we'll see who he chooses.
and you'd like a lawful patron for that elf? i'm quite busy lately, i thought i could write something around friday
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by A Strange Aeon »

abk108 wrote:
and you'd like a lawful patron for that elf? i'm quite busy lately, i thought i could write something around friday
Aw, no, man, you don't need to tailor anything for me! Just follow your imagination and I'm sure more cool stuff will follow! I was just rambling about my campaign which just started. I'll be on the lookout for updates to this thread for when you get around to adding more!
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by abk108 »

Haeviel, the Six-Winged Wonder, the Seraphim, the Righteous Knight of Heavens
Haeviel is among the highest rank in the hierarchy of angel and archangels. Unlike
lesser angels, who are often sent as envoy or messengers, he's not the servant of anyone else.
Haeviel independently promotes the cause of Law, Good and Righteousness, acting in person in
the mortal world of Aereth, or demanding service from its inhabitants.
Haeviel is depicted as a giant, at least 7 m tall, with a sleek body protected by a full suit of armour:
he flies with six feathered white wings, and wields a huge greatsword made of the purest crystal.

Invoke Patron Results:

12-13 : Haeviel protects the caster, surrounding him with holy light. The caster gains +3 AC & all Saves
for 1d6+CL rounds.

14-17 : A choir of cherubims, sent by the Seraphim, arrives and supports the wizard's party, singing with
heavenly voices that heal the wounded and encourage the righteous: 1d4+CL creatures are healed 1d6+1
HP; Lawful creatures also gain +1 attack for 10 rounds.

18-19 : Calling forth the judgement of Haeviel, the wizard gains the ability to smite the pawns of Chaos:
his next attack, or harmful spell,against a Chaotic creature deals +2d6+CL damage, with holy flames;
against a Neutral creature damage is only +1d6. No damage against lawful creatures.

20-23 : Haeviel sends a Warrior Angel to help the wizard ( 3d6HP, CA 14, att+3, Longsword 1d8+1, Act 1d20, Mv 50'flying)
The Angel remains until slain (its body and all its possessions disappear) or until all Chaotic creatures are
killed or arrested. The Angel can Lay-on-hands as a 3rd level lawful Cleric, with a +5 Spellcheck.

24-27 : The wizard sprouts six feathered wings, that allow him to fly at 60' per round. He can flap his wings to produce
a wind that moves creatures no bigger than a human back 30', unless they pass a Fortitude Save vs (spellcheck-10).
The wings remain there for 10 minutes, after which a Spellcheck DC 12 is required to keep them for another 10 mins.

28-29 : Holy light shines against the wizard's foes: any non-lawful creature within 40' must attempt a Fortitude Save vs
(spellcheck -10) to avoid being blinded permanently. Lawful creatures that fail the save are instead paralyzed with awe for 1 round.

30-31 : Haeviel intervenes, making right what was wrong: he can resurrect a dead person if the corpse is still intact,
he can cure any ability damage/drain a character has suffered, he can restore a broken/lost item to its original owner,
he can also act in many other mysterious ways (as the judge decides)

32+ : Haeviel sends an Archangel to help the character, or 1d4+1 Angels. For Angels' stats see result 20-23.
An Archangel has 6d6 HP, CA 18, att +6, Greatsword 1d10+3, Act 2d20, Mv 70'flying).
Angels and Archangels remain until slain (their bodies and all their possessions disappear) or until all Chaotic
creatures are killed or arrested. The Angels can Lay-on-hands as 3rd level lawful Clerics, with a +5 Spellcheck.
The Archangel can Lay-on-hands as a 6th level Lawful Cleric, with a +9 Spellcheck.

Haeviel grants some unique spells to his servants:

level 1, Sacred Halo :

12-13 : holy halo circles the caster's head. He gains +2 AC, +2 att and +2 to all Saves for 1d6 rounds.

14-17 : as above, but affects one touched creature. Duration is 1d6+CL rounds.

18-19 : as above but affects 1d4+1 creatures within 20'.

20-23 : as above, but also +2 damage.

24-27 : as above, but duration is 2d6+CL rounds.

28-29 : as above, but bonuses are +3.

30-31 : as above, but also crits on 19-20.

32+ : as above, but every single creature can end the effect on itself to project the halo of holy light against
a target within sight. The halo hits automatically, and deals 2d6 damage.

level 2, Righteous Mounts of Haeviel:

14-15 : summons rom the heavens a white stallion (HP 2d8, CA 11, att +2, hoof 1d6, Act 2d20, Mv 60') that serves
as a mount for 1 hour.

16-19 : as above, but summons up to 1d4+1 white stallions, protected with shining armor plates (CA +3)

20-21 : as above, but lasts for 1 hour/CL.

22-25 : as above, but 1 of the stallions can be a Pegasus (HP 3d8, CA 12, att +3, hoof 1d6+1, Act 2d20, Mv 60' Flying).

26-29 : as above, but all the stallions can be pegasi instead.

30-31 : as above, but the summoned mounts can be unicorns instead (HP 4d8+4, CA 13, att +5, Horn 1d10+1, Hoof 1d6+1,
Act 2d20, Mv 80'). A unicorn can lay-on-hands as a 1st level cleric with +1 to Spellcheck.

32-33 : as above, but the summoned mounts are blessed with holy might (att +2, damage +2) and speed (+10')

34+ : as above, but the summoned mounts can be winged unicorns instead (flying)

level 3, Haeviel's Judgement:

16-17 : Upon hearing the sacred words, any Chaotic creature within 30' has to pass a Will Save vs spellcheck or be paralyzed
for 1d4 rounds.

18-21 : as above, but paralysis is followed by blindness for another 1d4 rounds.

22-23 : as above, but affects also Neutral cratures, which are allowed to retry the Will Save every round if they failed.

24-27 : as above, but Saves are vs.(Spellchecks -5), paralysis and blindness last for 1d6 rounds, and are followed by 1d6 rounds of shock
(-2 att & ability checks)

28-31 : as above, but Saves are vs (spellcheck -10) and also Neutral creatures suffer 1d8 damage, Chaotic creatures
suffer 2d8 damage.

32-33 : as above, but Lawful creatures within the area of effect are healed 1d8 HPs.

34-35 : as above, but Lawful cratures are healed 2d8 HPs.

36+ : as above, but damage is increased to 4d8 and 2d8 to Chaotic and Neutral creatures, respectively.
Lawful creatures are healed 2d8+CL HPs, and get +4 insight bonus to each of their next Save, Ability Check and Attack roll.

Patron Taints for Haeviel the Seraphim
(roll 1d6 very time a taint is aquired)

1. The wizard takes on an angelic appearance: his eyes become light blue, his hair becomes longer, beautifully curly and blonde. The second time this taint is aquired, everytime the wizard casts a spell he radiates a strong white light and his head is circled by a golden halo. If this result is rolled again, the skin of the wizard becomes fair and smooth as that of a maiden, and he raidiates a constant dim light, that is enough to be seen in the dark; the light is equivalent to that of a candle.

2. The wizard is so pure that he is extremely susceptible to evil : any chaotic creature gains +1 to attack and damage when attacking the character. If this result is rolled a second time, the wizard is almost incapable of any evil deed: before taking an aggressive action against a non-Chaotic creature he has to pass a DC 15 Will Save, otherwise he can't act. If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard is so concerned about morality that witnessing in any way to an act of aggression (seeing someone whipping a pony, hearing someone swearing) makes him flinch: unless he passes a DC 15 Will Save, he is stunned for 1 round (can't use actions but can move). After passing the Will Save, the wizard doesn't have to roll again for aggressive actions of that person for the next 24 hours.

3. The wizard's appetite become more and more difficult to satisfy: at first, he can't eat meat and he can't drink anything but water or white wine. If this result is rolled a second time, he can't eat fish nor products that came from the exploitation of animals (like milk, eggs and honey), and he can't drink anything except water. If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard can't eat anything but fresh fruits and can't drink anything but holy water. If he should ingest any "forbidden" food, he gets sick and suffers -1 to Spellchecks for the rest of the day.

4. The wizard feels repulsion against any material wealth: at first he can't stand the prolonged contact with gold or platinum (see Elves' "iron vulnerability"). If this result is rolled again, this "allergy" extends to silver and electrum. If this result is rolled a third time, this "allergy" extends to gems and precious stones.

5. The wizard is imbued with mystical holy energy, crossing the bounds between clerical and arcane magic. Everytime he casts a spell successfully, he suffers a cumulative -1 to successive spellchecks. This penalty disappears after one night of sleep. If this result is rolled again, the wizard gains the ability to Lay-on-hands like a 1st level cleric (spellcheck based on PER not INT), but only on Lawful creatures. If this result is rolled again, the Lay-on-hands ability works on any non-Chaotic creature.

6. The wizard ages differently, looking younger than he really is. If older than 30 he gets 1 year younger every day, until he reaches 20 years of age: after that he ages 2 times slower than normal (this doesn't affect the natural length of the wizard's life) . If this result is rolled again, he ages 4 times slower than normal (this doesn't affect the natural length of the wizard's life). If this result is rolled again, the wizard stops aging at all, and he will live twice as long as a normal member of his race.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by jmucchiello »

I like how the patrons are all different colors. :)
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by ragboy »

These are fantastic. I was working on a similar system for a C&C conversion of Darklands (the old video game). Wizards/Witches had to treat with a patron to gain spells, etc. Since the game was set in the Holy Roman Empire (1300's I believe) I was going to use the Watchers as the patrons:


Essentially fallen angels detailed in the Book of Enoch. Anyway, I'll probably change gears and do the same for DCC, since the patron system is much better than the road I was walking down... :_)
AKA Paul Wolfe
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by Eldric IV »

I have been working on a patron since this thread started (I also edited abk's patrons for spelling and consistency). I am too much of a perfectionist and thus can only work on it a little bit at a time. I have no idea how abk churned out three of these in a matter of days.

This is what I have so far:

the Lord of Chains, the Bound One

Kizzithixx's realm deep in the bowels of Hell consists of chains and little else. Thousands of chains of all sizes and metals drape above as a ceiling and stretch below as a floor, clinking, rattling, and offering only the most unsure footing. Massive chains thick as trees stand taut like columns, but suspend the floor instead of support the ceiling. And in the midst of this realm sits the devil Kizzithixx, Lord of Chains, upon his throne. Wickedly barbed chains adorn his lean figure, and gaps in the bindings reveal deathly pale flesh etched with jagged scars. Two points of red light stare dispassionately out from behind a veil of fine links. The Bound One breaks those he must bind, but rewards those who would bind themselves to him.

Invoke Patron Results:

12-13. Hooked and barbed chains erupt from the wizard's chest, shoulders, and back, whipping and lashing at his enemies of their own accord. 1D3+1/2 CL chains (round down), which reach 10', atk +0 for 1d4 damage each, Act 1d20. The chains attack enemies at random and do not interfere with the wizard's actions. This effect lasts 1d6+CL rounds.

14-17. Kizzithixx embraces his servant and protects him from harm. Chains wrap and coil around the wizard's body, covering him from head to toe for 1d6+CL rounds. This grants the wizard +4 AC (replacing any protection afforded by armor already worn) and, unlike normal armor, does not interfere with his spellcasting. However, the wizard's movement is reduced to half. When this effect ends, the chains drop to the ground and dissipate into a puff of purple-black smoke.

18-19. Lengths of chain spill from the caster's mouth, arms, and belly. They coil and twist together to form 1d6 snake-like constructs with whirring, barbed chains for teeth. These chainsnakes have HP 2, AC 12, atk +2 for 1d3 damage + Constrict, Act 1d20, Move 20'. Those bitten must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10) or find the chainsnake coiled about its arms and legs (-2 penalty to any actions involving the arms; movement is halved). Once so coiled, the chainsnake ceases its attacks. It can be removed with a Strength or Agility check (DC 10; this check suffers the -2). The chainsnakes become inanimate and dissipate into trails of purple-black smoke after 2d6 rounds.

20-23. As 14-17 above, but the armor also halves damage dealt by weapons (round down).

24-27. A ring of ghostly visages encircle the wizard's head, wailing in anguish. These faces take on the countenances of his enemies and their loved ones, disheartening them. All foes within sight of the wizard must make a Will save (DC = Spellcheck – 10) or become demoralized and fearful (as failing a Morale check, but enemies may be more reckless in their attempts to escape).

28-29. Lengths of chain spill from the caster's mouth, arms, and belly and join with chains that crawl up from beneath the earth. They coil and twist together to form a humanoid construct with tentacles of whirring, barbed chains. This chainthulhu has HP 32, AC 18, atk +5 for 2d4 damage, Act 3d20, Move 20'. The chainthulhu remains for 1 hour, at which time it dissociates and spills back beneath the earth.

30-31. ?

32+. ?

Level 1, Chains of Perdition
(This will mainly deal with hindering, immobilizing, and damaging foes.)

Patron Taints for Kizzithixx, Lord of Chains
(roll 1d6 every time a taint is acquired)

1 Whenever the wizard casts a spell, a small crack breaks the earth at his feet and a lick of hellfire flashes forth with a faint air of sulfur and brimstone. If this result is rolled a second time, the crack grows larger and exhales a gout of flame. The heat sears anyone adjacent to the wizard (DC 8 Reflex save or 1 fire damage; the wizard is immune). If this result is rolled a third time, the earth is rent asunder with a sound like thunder and a column of hellfire bursts from the ground, as though desperate to escape. The heat is scorching and burns with an oily, black flame (DC 8 Reflex save or 1d4 fire damage; the wizard is immune).

2 The wizard's hair loses its natural color and takes on a metallic hue (roll 1d6: (1) copper; (2) bronze; (3) iron; (4) chrome; (5) rust; (6) patina). If this result is rolled a second time, the wizard's hair grows to shoulder length and becomes hard as metal. This makes it impossible to style and next to impossible to cut (if cut, it grows back in a day's time). If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard's hair transforms into fine links of chain.

3 The wizard's fingers become double-jointed and can bend back on themselves unnaturally. If this result is rolled a second time, all the wizard's joints become double. He can slip through spaces or escape bonds more easily than normal. If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard's limbs and spine may bend and twist with a serpentine freedom. No bonds can hold him and any portal large enough for his head may be traversed, though with some difficulty (it takes up to a turn to pass through the smallest hole possible for the wizard).

4 Whenever the wizard casts a spell, the sounds of rattling chains and muffled, tortured moans of agony rise up from somewhere deep below. If this result is rolled a second time, the sounds are heard not just when the wizard casts a spell, but also 1d4 times randomly each day. If this result is rolled a third time, the sounds become a permanent accompaniment to the wizard.

5 The wizard's eyes flash red intermittently (anywhere from every few minutes to several times a day), betraying his infernal patronage to those who catch it. This may be concealed behind a low hood or smoked glasses. If this result is rolled a second time, the wizard's entire face appears as someone known to the onlooker, perhaps drawing unwanted attention (again, every few minutes to several times a day). If this result is rolled a third time, the wizard's features continuously morph and mutate. Kizzithixx has claimed his visage.

6 A scar shaped like a chain burns across the wizard's body, snaking around the arms, face, and torso. It radiates a faint hellish aura but is otherwise indistinguishable from a normal scar. If this result is rolled a second time, the scar undulates briefly as an actual chain wends its way beneath the wizard's skin. The lumps produce a dull ache but can easily be concealed by a hooded robe or cloak. If this result is rolled a third time, the chain becomes animate and continually crawls beneath (and sometimes above) the wizard's skin. The caster finds it difficult to rest and the dull ache blossoms into a fiery tingling.
Last edited by Eldric IV on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by claytonian »

suggest you change Chainhulu's HP to hit dice.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by Eldric IV »


I would have aped the stats of a Toadfiend if I could find it. Instead, I just modified a chimera.
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by ragboy »

abk108 has inspired me. Lemme know what you think -- this is the patron that the party wizard is currently trying to get the attention of...

Ghywval, the Dead God
Once the god of Nobility and Peace, the Noble Lion, Ghywval was betrayed by the upstart demi-god Waz, deity of sun, harvest and rain. Waz sent his half-god son, Faz, with Udil, the Black Blade, to assassinate Ghywval in his noble realm. Udil pierced Ghywval through the eye and lodged there, and though the resulting burst of energies destroyed the assassin, Ghywval fell into the fetid dimension of the dead gods. Through the actions of a strange group of adventurers, Ghywval has been brought back into a twilight half-life and seeks to regain his power by making pacts with mortal worshippers and wizards.

Invoke Patron Results:

12-13 . The Lion's Rage. Ghywval roars in annoyance. A blast of air emanates from the caster with the force of a hurricane -- extinguishing small fires and causing a REF save (DC = spell check) to enemies and allies 360 degrees around the caster. A failure knocks the victim prone.

14-17 . Eyes of Green. The caster's eyes glow bright emerald for 1d4+CL rounds. During this time, the caster can fire blasts of energy from his or her eyes, attacking with an attack bonus of Class Bonus+INT Bonus+CL. Those struck by the blasts take 1d4+CL damage.

15-17 . Ennobled Power. One of the caster's enemies must make a Will Save (DC = spell check) or be charmed by the caster. The charmed victim will protect the caster as if him or her were lifelong friends. The victim makes a morale check if he or she feels that the caster is unnecessarily cruel (if the "friendship" is not mutual, for instance). If the save roll is a natural 1, the victim is permanently charmed, serving as a willing servant to the caster for life. This power works on humanoid creatures of greater than animal intelligence. It does not work on magical creatures, giants, otherworldly beings, or the like. For instance, the caster can charm a 10th level warrior, but not a djinn.

18-19 . Wave of Peace. Enemies within a 20' radius of the caster must make a WILL save (DC = spell check). Those enemies that fail cease hostilities (becoming "neutral" on the hostile-friendly continuum). If an enemy rolls a natural 1 on the save, he or she becomes "friendly."

20-23 . Strike of Ghywval. The caster's arms become lion's claws. The caster gains 2 action dice per round (d16/d16) that can only be used for claw attacks. The caster cannot cast spells, hold weapons or other objects, or manipulate tools. The claws inflict 1d6+CL damage per hit and last for 1d5+CL rounds.

24-27 . The White Guardian. A massive white lion appears and serves at the wizard's whim. (AC: 14, HD 4d8, hp: 36, ATT: Claw +4 or Bite +2 Dmg: 1d6+3 or 2d6+1; REF +2/Fort +1/Will +0). Once before the lion disappears, it can fully heal one living creature (even restoring the person from beyond the grave). The subject is likewise infused with the energies of Ghywval for 2d6 rounds, gaining a +4 to PER/INT/STA. The subject falls unconscious at the end of this time and is permanently tainted by Ghywval.

28-29 . The Sword of Betrayal. A magical greatsword composed of black flint appears in the wizard's hands. This weapon deals 2d6+CLd6 damage and grants a +CL to attack. The wizard is considered proficient with the weapon during this time. In addition, the sword has the following powers: Wave of Peace (as above), Ennobled Power (as above), The Lion's Rage (as above). Each power can be used at will, once per round in place of an attack. The sword remains with the wizard for 1 minute per Caster Level. Afterwards, the wizard's left eye is blinded permanently.

30+ . The True God. The wizard transforms into a hideous beast resembling a blobby, square-headed hill giant. As this creature, the wizard has all of the powers described previously but suffers automatic reaction penalties to all that see him. Children flee, women swoon, and strong men wet themselves at the indescribable horror they behold. As a manifestation of the True God, the wizard gains the following: All Attributes +10, AC +10, hp: +50, Attack bonus: +10. Anyone viewing the wizard must make a WILL Save DC 30 or flee in terror. Anything worn by the wizard is destroyed (including any magical clothing, rings, necklaces, bracers, etc). The effect lasts for 2d24+CL minutes. Afterwards, the wizard is unconscious for 1d6 days and is permanently tainted by Ghywval.

Ghywval, the Lion of Nobility and Peace grants 2 unique spells:

Level 2 : The Lion's Rage- A blast of air and a mighty roar shakes the ground, deafening enemies and flinging them in all directions.

14-15 . A blast of air emanates from the caster with the force of a hurricane -- extinguishing small fires and causing a REF save (DC = spell check) to enemies and allies in a 20' radius 360 degrees around the caster. A failure knocks the victim prone.

16-19 . As above, but the mighty roar of Ghywval deafens those in a 20' radius (FORT save DC=Spell check). The deafening lasts for 2d6 days.

20-21 . As above, but the radius of the wind and the roar are 40'.

22-25 . As above, but the radius is 60' and those that fail the FORT save take 1d6+CL in damage.

26-29 . As above, but damage is 1d10+CL and the area of effect is a sphere of 90' radius centered on the caster. Those knocked down by the blast are thrown 20'. If a solid obstacle is encountered, the victim takes an additional 1d6 damage and is prone.

30-31 . As above, but the hurricane force wind continues for 1d6+CL rounds. A REF save is required per round to maintain footing.

32-33 . As above, but the roar deals 2d6+CL damage. Those that fail the REF save are thrown for 60', taking 2d6 additional damage if a solid obstacle is encountered.

34+ As above, but the caster receives a second roar before the end of the wind effects.

Level 4 : Ennobled Power -- The caster becomes a trusted friend in the eyes of one or more enemies.

18-19. One of the caster's enemies must make a Will Save (DC = spell check) or be charmed by the caster. The charmed victim will protect the caster as if him or her were lifelong friends for 1d6+CL rounds. The victim makes a morale check if he or she feels that the caster is unnecessarily cruel (if the "friendship" is not mutual, for instance). This power works on humanoid creatures of greater than animal intelligence. It does not work on magical creatures, giants, otherworldly beings, or the like. For instance, the caster can charm a 10th level warrior, but not a djinn.

20-23. As above, but effect lasts for 1d6+CL turns.

24-25. As above, but the spell effects 1d3+CL victims for 1d8+CL rounds.

26-29. As above, but the spell lasts for 1d8+CL turns.

30-33. Only one of the caster's enemies is affected, but the effects are permanent.

34-35. As above, but 1d2+CL creatures are affected.

36-37. Only one of the caster's enemies is affected with no "creature type" or caster action restriction. For example the caster can charm a djinn and order it to kill itself without penalty. The effect lasts for 1d10+CL rounds.

38+ As above, but the spell affects 1d3+CL creatures and lasts for 1d10+CL turns.
Patron Taints for Ghywval (roll 1d6 when a wizard acquires a taint from Ghywval)

1 The caster's eyes glow a bright emerald green any time a spell is cast. The effect of this is generally visual, however, the caster takes a -10 penalty to any Hide checks while casting a spell. If the result is rolled again, the caster's eyes glow for 2d7+CL turns. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster is blinded in his or her left eye and the right eye glows emerald green permanently.

2 The skin on the wizard's head hardens into coral-like ridges. The first time this result is rolled, the wizard's hair falls out. The second time, the ridges deepen and spread to cover the ears and neck (like a helmet). The third time this result is rolled, the ridges glow fiery red when the wizard casts a spell, this glow emits heat which burns away any headgear or anything worn around the wizard's neck.

3 The wizard's body begins to change. The first time this result is rolled, the wizard sprouts lion-like fur along his or her spine, the backs of the arms, and around the neck. The second time, the wizard's face takes on a bestial cat-like shape. The third time this result is rolled, the wizard sprouts a leonine tail and grows a magnificent mane of tawny hair.

4 Avarice consumes the wizard. The first time this result is rolled, the wizard has an uncontrollable urge to seize items made of gold. This urge is triggered by seeing gold, and occurs a maximum of once per day. The wizard cannot concentrate for 24 hours (unable to regain lost spells) and takes a -2 on all spell checks. The second time this is rolled, the wizard is unable to spend or part with gold coins for a full week and spends all of his or her time hoarding and counting his or her gold coins and items. If this is rolled a third time, the wizard is so obsessed with gold that he or she cannot use an item unless it is somehow decorated with gold (wands must have golden fittings, clothes must be cloth of gold, etc). Each of these effects last 1d4+Result weeks.

5 The wizard's view of the world changes. The first time this result is rolled, the wizard seems unable to perform mundane tasks -- requiring that certain things be "taken care of" by whomever is nearby. This includes dressing, carrying belongings, preparing food, and the like. The wizard wouldn't deign to do these things for him or herself. On a second roll of this result, the wizard feels that those around him are his protectors. He or she will not fight unless under extreme duress. Otherwise, the wizard stands in a safe place hurling orders at his or her "men-at-arms." On a third result, the wizard is so aloof, he or she barely acknowledges those around him unless they are of noble birth. The wizard wouldn't think of going on adventures, working at anything other than hunting and meaningless activities of leisure, and is under the delusion that those around him are mere servants. Each of these effects last for 1d6+Result weeks.

6 The wizard is tainted with the spirit of the True God. On the first result, the wizard's face and body begin to change, the features and head flattening out to a decidedly square cast, the lips, nose and brow thickens and the wizard gains 2d100 pounds. On a second result, the wizard continues to gain weight and the head grows in proportion. The wizard gains 2d100 pounds and his or her skin turns a sickly grey. On a third result, the wizard is fully transformed into the hideous form of the True God, as per the Invoke Patron 30+ result. The effects are permanent.
AKA Paul Wolfe
The Mystic Bull: Check out our two FREE prehistoric adventures: The Steading of the Nergalites AND The Tribe of Ogg and the Gift of Suss
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Re: Homebrew Patron w/unique spells & taints

Post by bholmes4 »

Great stuff Ragboy! A long term campaign with a wizard that uses that patron is going to be crazy at higher levels.

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