Thieves & Halflings, Some Thoughts.

FORUM LOCKED AS OF 4/3/12. Forum for open playtest feedback related to character creation, class rules, skills, etc.

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Ze Groupe
Wild-Eyed Zealot
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon May 12, 2008 9:46 am

Thieves & Halflings, Some Thoughts.

Post by Ze Groupe »

I really think the Thieves Luck die is a lot more "fun" than the Halflings static +2 instead of +1, so may i ask why the Halfling doesn't also get to roll a die for each luck point sacrificed instead of a fixed amount?

Also, i really think there needs to be a more organic and, yes i'll say it again, "fun" way of handling 2 or more Halflings in a party than just saying "only 1 luck charm! Yada yada yada!" ;)


Edit- I just have this cool vision of a Halfling sharing his luck and then everyone at the table waiting on baited breath for the result of 4d3 to see if it raises his allies roll enough to succeed! :evil:

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