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DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:21 am
by fathead
So....who won? What happened? Let's hear the stories!!!

Our group made it to the semi-finals, and had an absolute blast.

I'll post some actual stories from our experience a little later (afternoon sometime...have to catch up on all of the Monday morning work first).

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:38 am
by Hamakto
The Blood Kings repeated for a second year as the winners of the DCC tourney.

When we have some more time, the Blood Kings will post some of our quite amusing mishaps and decisions as we traveled through this years meat grinder!

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:55 am
by Hybban
I wanna know everything that happened.



Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:23 am
by fathead
Hamakto wrote:The Blood Kings repeated for a second year as the winners of the DCC tourney.
Good job guys. Congrats on the win (again)! ;)

We wanted to be in the finals with you again...we were just way too slow this year.

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:11 pm
by Amish Ninja
I don't know how the DCC tournaments were the previous years, but this year's was BRUTAL (Example: Our warlord dropped to 0 in the first encounter, and one of the guards attempted to coup de grace him immediately - luckily he didn't break through the dwarf's armor X_X). It was my first time, and my team made it to round 2, but man was that ever rough. There were just some really devious traps involved that I'm amazed my team even survived. Tack that on to suboptimal characters and you've got yourself a challenge in resource management and tactics. Still, I had an absolute blast and plan on competing next year. Loved it.

I'll share a story for my team. It was during the 'vineyard' adventure for round 1. At the third encounter, there was a narrow cave opening covered by a curtain, with an orc staring directly at it. I was playing the rogue, and originally wanted to use my fey step to get in there unnoticed and sneak up on him. I decided it's too good to use in that manner, though, and that I'd rather keep it for an emergency. So I attempt to sneak past the curtain unnoticed - I rolled a 14 - not awesome, I was spotted. So the fight begins. Our fighter gets initiative first and charges in there after the orc to stop him from alerting others, but he gets caught by the second bear trap in the middle of the cave floor, and is pulled up by a rope to hang 20 feet in the air by his leg while orcs on the ledge next to him swing their greataxes at him with impunity.

Or so they thought, at least. After an inspiring word from the warlord, the fighter gets the brilliant idea of using Tide of Iron to shift the orcs off of the ledge, causing them to fall 20 feet. He uses an action point on his turn to attempt this on both of them, and does so successfully. So if you can imagine a half-elf fighter hanging by his leg, cutting at some orcs while upside-down, pulling them off the cliff, that's about what happened. All I can say is that it was awesome, and the turning point of the battle. We were so sure the fighter was toast until that happened. We cleaned up without using any dailies.

The only other fun moment I can think of was during the first fight. That cleric was giving us a lot of trouble, so when it came around to my turn, I just breathed hard and said "Alright. I've had enough of this bitch." - and used my daily + action point to get a follow-up sneak attack (2 shurikens). Unfortunately, I rolled a nat 1 on my follow-up attack. Conservation of greatness prevailed at one point, though, and I ended up dropping her a few rounds later with a nat20.

We made it to round 2, but the first fight gave us a TPK. We *almost* had it, but that fire skeleton did us in with 3 hp remaining. The ongoing damage + starting 5 from being near him on your turn was enough to push us into death. I even found the hidden dagger + potion. So many close calls. Got dropped by 1 hp right before my turn, etc. Just brutal.

I'd like to thank the DMs who ran the tournament games for us. I don't remember your names. But you guys were awesome, and very chill about venturing into 4E territory and being open to rules corrections if anyone found them.

Also, hi everyone. I'm new.

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:00 pm
by fathead
Amish Ninja wrote: Also, hi everyone. I'm new.
Hey there Amish Ninja! Welcome!
Amish Ninja wrote: I don't know how the DCC tournaments were the previous years, but this year's was BRUTAL's brutal every year. I'd venture to say that last year (starting at 0th level) was the most hit could drop a PC. There is definitely plenty of forethought and strategy involved, from the players packets, to the combats, and approaches to each encounter.

You should check out some of the DCC Tournament modules - they run the full gamut of levels and challenges...and they have been a blast every year.

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:49 pm
by N'Haaz-aua
If the teams I ran (Dollar Bills, Friday Fish in a Barrel, and Shenanigans) want to PM me I can answer questions about what they did right, and wrong. What I can say is I didn't pull a single punch and they all kicked ass. I had a great time and running for enthusiastic players makes a big difference.

Shenanigans definitely earned their trophy. I had them on the ropes several times and they pulled it out without a single death like true champions. Two of their members were in round 3 last year and I expect to see them again.

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:16 pm
by kenwig
GenCon08 started off with a bang for me! My first session was Blood Kings in Round1. They came in prepared, thought out of the box, and played very smartly. Congratulations Blood Kings! Next session was the Bastard Sons of Lee Van Cleef in Round1. Again, they are veterans and played well. Needless to say, I was a tired GM at the end of Thursday. Friday was two more Round1 sessions with new teams for me resulting in one TPK. Saturday was two Round2 sessions both with TPK's in the first room.

It was really great to see the returning players, judges, and the Goodman folks. I enjoyed meeting the new judges and a lot of new players.

Re: DCC Tourney 08

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:52 pm
by Celtar
Ok, well, I am finally able to get on here and post. Work is such an inconvenience... I sure wish I could use my Accounting degree/CPA in a gaming business.... and help with the game development of course... ;) The transition back to real life is a little brutal...

I need to say that I had another absolute blast in the tournament this year! I always love the DCC Open... Definitely my favorite part of Gencon.

The DM's and the adventure were awesome & I am already counting the days to Gencon 2009!

The BLOOD KINGS will return!!!

