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GenCon - Dungeon Crawl Wednesday!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:35 am
by fathead
In another thread, several people expressed an interest in getting a room together for DCC fans, judges, and authors. I'm fishing to see how many people would be willing to join in.

Several tables. All dungeon crawls. DCCs or homebrew.

Whatta ya think?

I've suggested that this could be held on Wednesday night (although, everyone is welcome to suggest another day).

I'm willing to run a table.

If you post interest, also mention whether you'll be playing and whether you'd be willing to GM (we're also hoping to give the Goodman judges a chance to be a player instead of GMing). away!


I'll keep a current tally here.

GMS (4-5 total)

fathead -

Title:Lair of the Mud Witch 4E
Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 4E
Description: High summer is a miserable time to venture into the Gren March swamps. After days of travel in the March, your skin is now pock-marked with red circles from bites and the stings of marsh flies. Your face is lined with dirt trails from sweating profusely, and your hair has taken a damp, matted look. Your adventuring clothes are wet from your own perspiration and reek of sulfur. Deep in the muck and mire of the March lies the Mud Witch, a strange oracle who might be as likely to kill you as give you her prophesies. Even still, you have braved the Gren March in search of the Mud Witch and her telling

hamakto and celtar (co-GM)-running Dungeon Forge Dungeon Crawl
Harley Stroh

PLAYERS (21-25 total)

AstroCat & group (4)
Clan Yeoman (4)
Note : removed DCCFan & son, as they'll (potentially) be joining my Wednesday afternoon game at the RAM.
Blood of Kings(2)
Mr. Murlock & group (4-5)
Fish in a Barrel (4-5)
Nova Wastrels (2-?)


Here for Beer
Harley Stroh

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:53 am
by Warduke
this sounds SO cool! sign me up for a table!

(do we have a location?)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:40 am
by fathead
Warduke wrote: (do we have a location?)
Not yet. I wanted to gauge interest first.

I'll try to get the KFG to support it first (if it isn't too late to grab some space). If not, there is always the open gaming tables.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:41 am
by fathead
Warduke wrote:sign me up for a table!
Playing or GMing?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:59 am
by Warduke

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:53 pm
by Mouse
I'd be interested in playing something

:oops: Mouse

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:18 pm
by AstroCat
I think our group would be very interested in playing on Wed. night. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:20 am
by fathead
AstroCat wrote:I think our group would be very interested in playing on Wed. night. :)
Cool. How many do you have in your group Astro?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:23 am
by fathead
Mouse wrote:I'd be interested in playing something

:oops: Mouse
Mouse, do the judges meet up briefly on Wednesday night (I seem to recall something like that)?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:29 am
by Hamakto
Blood Kings and Here for Beer should be arriving sometime on Wednesday so we may be interested in playing some that night. I am going to ask around the group to see who will be interested in playing a round on Wednesday night.

Personally for me, it will depend on if I like 4e of Knights and Knaves (err... DnD). If I do not care for 4e, the only 4e event I am going to play in is the DCC tourney. As part of the Blook Kings, I have to do my best to defend our crown!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:39 am
by AstroCat
fathead wrote:
AstroCat wrote:I think our group would be very interested in playing on Wed. night. :)
Cool. How many do you have in your group Astro?
Probably 4 of us for sure.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:52 am
by fathead
Hamakto wrote:Blood Kings and Here for Beer should be arriving sometime on Wednesday so we may be interested in playing some that night. I am going to ask around the group to see who will be interested in playing a round on Wednesday night.

Personally for me, it will depend on if I like 4e of Knights and Knaves (err... DnD). If I do not care for 4e, the only 4e event I am going to play in is the DCC tourney. As part of the Blook Kings, I have to do my best to defend our crown!!!!
Well, we may have you covered anyway. I already have an adventure written for 3.5 that I planned to convert to 4E. If we can find you a GM willing to run it in 3.5, you're set.

We're in the same boat regarding 4E...we haven't decided if we'll be switching yet. We'll find out when the books arrive in June.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:16 am
by DCCfan
Yes! Thank you for the invite! :D We would love to play. Put us down as players. We are excited and can't wait. GENCON can't get here soon enough.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:48 am
by fathead
DCCfan wrote:Yes! Thank you for the invite! :D We would love to play. Put us down as players. We are excited and can't wait. GENCON can't get here soon enough.
No problem...glad to have you!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:18 pm
by N'Haaz-aua
I might come by and say hi, but there's traditionally a dcc gms meeting/beer drinking on wed night.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:24 pm
by fathead
N'Haaz-aua wrote:I might come by and say hi, but there's traditionally a dcc gms meeting/beer drinking on wed night.
That's cool. As before, I'll also be running a dungeon crawl earlier in the day as well. So, any judges that would like to get some gaming in (and who arrive early enough on Wednesday to get in the game), you're more than welcome to sign up. If you're interested, PM me and I'll be sure to send you the info (I believe you'll register for KFG events through the system this year...although the events are still free).

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:37 pm
by fathead
N'Haaz-aua wrote:I might come by and say hi, but there's traditionally a dcc gms meeting/beer drinking on wed night.
Here is another question then - is there a day that would be better for you guys? I suspect that the convention schedule is pretty packed, but I thought I'd ask anyway...

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:26 pm
by N'Haaz-aua
Don't change your plans on my account. But maybe we can pick up a game on Thurs, Friday, or Saturday depending on the scheduling.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:58 am
by fathead

I'm currently listed as running an adventure at the RAM early Wednesday.

Our Dungeon Crawl tables will run later that evening - 8:00-12:00 on Wednesday. We'll be in the event catalog (and hence will require tickets)...but the good news is that the tickets are absolutely free. The event will be titled something like "Fathead Presents: Dungeon Crawl".

Since this event will be submitted, we need to finalize the number of tables and GMs.

I'd also like to get an idea on what is being run at each table (whether it is a DCC module or a homebrew dungeon crawl). I have an adventure (homebrew) that I plan to run. I'd be happy to make copies for anyone needing an adventure to run.

The other option that I'll throw out - we can always organize additional tables later (in the open gaming area), post availability here on the Goodman forums, and the location.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:05 am
by DCCfan
We love the RAM. Me and my son will get tickets for a game there. Good Food, Good Beer, and Goodman Games! I can't wait.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:15 am
by fathead
DCCfan wrote:We love the RAM. Me and my son will get tickets for a game there. Good Food, Good Beer, and Goodman Games! I can't wait.
Actually, I don't think you'll need tickets for the RAM event. I believe sign-up for that will be on the GenCon forums. Once they post it, I'll send you a PM with a link to the signup. As with the the evening dungeon crawl event, it will be free.

The "Good Food" and "Good Beer" part is guaranteed. I won't be running a DCC module, however. I WILL be running a dungeon crawl though, and I promise a good time.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:29 am
by Hamakto
It looks like the Blood Kings will be in for the evening of the DCC.

If additional DM's are needed, Celtar and I (both from the Blood Kings) are availble to DM. We would actually prefer to co-DM a Dungeon Forge Dungeon Crawl. But if we are short DM's we can do individual sessions.

The group 'Here for Beer' is going to try to make it also, but they may be in a second car that may or may not make it in time. We will keep you updated on the user count. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:59 am
by fathead
Hamakto wrote:It looks like the Blood Kings will be in for the evening of the DCC.
Hamakto wrote: If additional DM's are needed, Celtar and I (both from the Blood Kings) are availble to DM. We would actually prefer to co-DM a Dungeon Forge Dungeon Crawl.
Actually, that sounds very cool (makes me wish I could play that).

I'll tell you what - I'll put you down as co-DMs. If any of the GMs don't have enough interest in their game to make a full table, they can jump in on one of the other games.

Not everyone who expresses interest actually shows up, but since this WILL be in the event catalog (and KFG events typically have a decent showing), we might have a decent crowd.

Pass along any info you can give me on what you plan to run, and I'll see if I can get it to KFG in time to be included in the list.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:04 am
by fathead
What I need from GMs:

Event Type (D&D 4E or 3.5), Description, and number of players.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:16 am
by Hamakto
fathead wrote:What I need from GMs:

Event Type (D&D 4E or 3.5), Description, and number of players.
Boy, that is a tough question to answer since we have not seen 4e at all. I will talk to Celtar about it and get back to you.

*wishes he had $5k to spend on getting the SRD to know*