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Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:24 am
by AstroCat
It doesn't seem very realistic for them party to get 5000xp before going down to area 2-1. I know the module says add some more encounters but really if you do most of the encounters including a good amount of the traps you end up with around 3450xp. You still need 1550 to get all 5 to 2nd level. This is a about 3 more full on encounters giving out about 500xp each.

I am just checking to see if I am missing something. Although in my group I've got bigger problems. 1 dead from jumping/escaping out a window after a wicked fight with Irocar, 3 captured after being knocked unconscious by the Dog Brothers, the Toughs (Og and Flog in my world :) ) and Arthuro and 1 escaped. Oh boy this is getting messy! Haha, but it was an awesome session with tons of great cinematic action... I do have a plan to get the new character and the escaped one back in the action which will add some cool RP next session.

Re: Scions of Punjar xp?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:31 am
by xredjasonx
Are you referring to Sellswords or Scions? Sounds like your talking about Sellswords....

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:37 am
by AstroCat
Yes, I am. Sorry about that...

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:07 pm
by Harley Stroh

Sorry for the wait. I read it as Scions.

I'll go through the manuscript tonight and do the math.


Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:33 am
by AstroCat
Just a quick follow up...

I added some homebrew to the game, including an additional cell room off of 1-8 for the Dog Brothers for when a few of my PCs got captured, plus I added more to the city around the lair which included some additional fights as well as the new Dog Brothers. With the expanded out mini-Dog Brothers adventure and rescue added on I got them to 2nd level just as the descended down to the 2nd level. :)

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:22 am
by Renshai
Did you ever get to go through and check those experience point totals? I'm back from a long hiatus and starting my 4E campaign in Punjar, using Sellswords. I've read through all the threads that I can find on Punjar but the information that I'm finding seems to be incomplete at best.

So these are the questions I had.

1) Do we need to add some encounters in before the characters go to the second level of the dungeon?
2) Do I need to discard the battlemap and draw one for myself that offers some more room?
3) Do I need to adjust the DCs in the adventure? (I saw this mentioned somewhere)

I think that's about it for now. I'm running this on Saturday for a new 4E group and I'm hoping to have all the kinks worked out so we can focus mainly on getting to know the rules and setting.


Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:49 pm
by Harley Stroh

I've been seriously delinquent. I should be home tomorrow, and I'll run the math.


Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:45 am
by Renshai
The experience point total "almost" adds up what you need to make 2nd level. The total of all XP for the first part is 4,925, which is 985 experience points for each player character in a party of five. A simple bonus award will do it. I am planning to create a skill challenge or two for the adventure myself. That should be enough to get them to level two before they descend to Level 2.

One other issue I found, the majority of magical treasure in this adventure ends up being +1 daggers. I'm definitely going to change that up a little. Even in some random treasure on level 2, there is yet another +1 dagger. I'm going to change this over to a "+1 weapon" that one of the player characters use.

I'd love to see a parcel chart like the Scales of War adventures have, where we can exchange suggested treasure.

Despite a few flaws, this really is a great adventure.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:19 pm
by Renshai
I added this Skill Challenge to the beginning of the adventure. There is a lot of room for expanding this, especially using Mike Mearls latest article on Skill Challenges.

Maneuvering Through Smoke
Level 1 Skill Challenge
Complexity: 2 (6 Successes Before 3 Failures)
XP Reward: 200

From the time that the PCs enter Smoke they are being watched by the Dog Brotherhood, who is on high alert since the Umbral Fog descended. They have been ordered to keep any armed group from approaching the Beggar-King's lair.

The PCs are attempting to keep a low profile and move through the Smoke Quarter of Punjar.

Athletics DC: 15
Diplomacy DC: 20
Intimidate DC: 15
Stealth DC: 15
Streetwise DC: 10
Bluff DC: 15
Insight DC: 15

Success: If the PC's succeed in maneuvering through Smoke, they arrive at the Beggar King's Gate with no trouble, having successfully kept a low profile and throwing off pursuit.

Failure: The Dog Brotherhood catches up to the PCs. The PCs can choose to stand and fight, or run from the Brotherhood. The PCs encounter two Dog Brotherhood members and four of their beggar minions.

Pursuit: If the PCs decide to run, use the following rules for pursuit. Each PC makes an Athletics, Stealth or Streetwise check using the DCs listed above. If the majority of the PCs succeed, they escape. Otherwise the PCs are cornered and must fight their pursuers.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:12 pm
by Harley Stroh

Wow. That is a fantastic addition. Nicely done.


Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:39 pm
by Renshai
Thanks Harley. We played the game last night and all I can say is... wow. A great time was had by all. For most of the group it was their first real taste of 4E and for all of them it was their first Dungeon Crawl Classic. I'm here to tell you, they'll be talking about their initial foray into Smoke and the Beggar King's alley for a long time.

I'm going to start a thread over at Enworld to track the game, I'll post here when it's ready to go.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:15 pm
by Renshai
I've also decided to expand greatly on the Cabal of Cen, as I used that as an adventure hook for the party's warlock. After Thrones of Punjar, I'm going to have him discover the location of another gate/seal similar to the one on level 2 in Sellswords of Punjar. There are a lot of little gems in there for the DM to play with and use as his own.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:27 pm
by Harley Stroh

You're my hero. Thanks for taking some ink stains on sheets of pulped wood and bringing Punjar to life. Can't wait to read how your sessions went.

Also, if any of you guys are making it to GenCon this year, let me know ...


Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:28 pm
by Renshai
The table is setup and ready to go. Just waiting for the players to arrive.
The party fails a skill challenge and runs directly into a Dog Brotherhood ambush, whom they promptly trounced.
The party arrives outside the alleyway.
They stirred up a hornet's nest and ended up fighting a battle all over. Once the Otyugh was discovered, may Powers were used to slide their opponents into it's deadly reach. They were quite disgusted when they saw the Otyugh Grubs burrowing into the flesh of the poor souls they sent to their deaths.
The Dog Brotherhood makes their last stand. Irocar escaped, to fight again another day. He left only his dog helmet behind. They will face him again one day.
I love the Combat Tracker!
The party stumbles into Mother Zeboltha's lair. We ended the session right there.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:27 pm
by GnomeBoy

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:13 pm
by Vellen
Lovin' the detailed photos. I played in this for my first DCC and first 4E game in late December and had a blast, although we accidentally linked the beggars in the alley with the Dog Brothers as my Eladrin Fey-Stepped from the rooftop in through Irocar's window once he started launching arrows at us. It got much uglier when half the party had to go the long way through the Flea-Market to rescue my character and the fighter (who'd climbed through the window) linking in the thugs in that room as well. We barely managed. Our group is four not five so the DM took out Arturis the Fence (spelling) prior, which helped. And we all together avoided the otyugh and larva.

Keep posting the action (or link a site to follow it, I'm curious how it pans out).

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:53 pm
by goodmangames
Sweet! That's awesome.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:45 pm
by krate
This is cool! Thanks for sharing and I hope there is more to come.

Re: Sellswords of Punjar xp?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:08 pm
by Renshai
I wish I could say there was. This group kind of fell apart due to scheduling problems. Oh well, maybe next time.