Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

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Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Rick »

Did anyone else join the DCC RPG Road Crew and run any games yet?

I'm running my 6th game a week from tomorrow. They've all taken place at YottaQuest in Cincinnati. I've had as few as 4 players and as many as 10. Only 3 players so far had previous experience with DCC (two from games I'd ran there in 2012 (Free RPG Day 2012 and a playtest of Sea Queen Escapes) and another that had purchased the core book and all of the adventures but hadn't had a chance to play or run it yet). These last 2-3 games a semi-regular group of returning players has been established; last week we had 7 (5 male, 2 female) at the table and all had taken part in at least one previous game.

Keith @ Goodman Games has been awesome in getting fresh shipments of swag to me, even though I think I've only given him the proper 30 day in advance notice once :oops: . The buttons, ribbons, bookmarks, & mechanical pencils have been a big hit w/ all involved.

I chipped in, too, and handed over the Purple Sorcerer Zero level t-shirt I won from Harley & Doug at GenCon (not that I didn't appreciate it, I definitely did, but it was too small - I'm an XXL gamer) to the first player who rolled a natural 20 / critical. Fortunately it fit!

All the players, really, have been great. One always brings amazing homemade cupcakes or cookies. Another is a recent veteran of a campaign run by Dragon Magazine founding editor & first hired TSR employee Tim Kask. Another is a really talented artist. All are pleasant and sociable and I always look forward to seeing each of them again.

For the curious this is what I've run so far:
  • Zero level: DCC #67 Sailors on the Starless Sea
  • 1st level: DCC #66.5 Doom of the Savage Kings
  • 1st level: SM-1 Lair of the Mist Men (Purple Sorcerer Games)
  • 2nd level: AL1: Bone Hoard of the Dancing Horror (Purple Duck Games)
  • 3rd level: AL4: The Waystation (Purple Duck Games)
I initially planned to focus on the official Goodman Games adventures but one of the players has read most if not all of them so I've since moved over to 3PP offerings (which have gone over well with the players; "Bone Hoard" was singled out by several as their favorite one yet).

Each game returning players have the choice of running a pre-gen or leveling up a character from previous weeks. I'm not tracking actual experience; I want to fit in adventures for as many levels as I can.

Next week is another playtest (8th level (!), so a bit of a departure, but we'll resume with a 5th level offering (TBD) after that).

Really looking forward to my World Tour t-shirt (Keith says it's on the way) and the "I'm with the band" iron-on. And it's hard to believe that the brass belt buckle is practically mine 8) ; just 2 more games away. I'm admittedly more than casually curious as to what the "mystery" award for running my 9th game will be, too, but regardless, man, I'd still do this for nothing - I'm having a blast!

Image courtesy of Yottaquest

PS - Joseph, any news you can share re: the "Shared Events" adventure(s)?

Shared Events

Periodically we will announce a new adventure that's free for judges who run a public game during a certain month. This module will be a physically printed adventure, all-new, and the content will be a secret prior to the event! Everybody who signs up to run a game in the designated month will be mailed a copy of the module, and everyone gets to play it at the same time. Watch for more details in the future!
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by goodmangames »

Awesome recap Rick! It sounds like you are having a blast. I know from the emails we get (and all the swag we ship out) that a lot of other people are running Road Crew games, too. Other folks, post your experiences here!

The first shared adventure will be ready for Free RPG Day. It will be announced in a couple weeks. Judges who sign up to run a Road Crew session sometime in June will have access to the adventure. (The ideal time to run will be on Free RPG Day itself, but I know not everyone will have that specific day available.) It will be an all-new adventure available only to judges who run public Road Crew games during June. So you won't have to worry about any player having ever read it before. :)

Look for more details soon...
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by tovokas »

Thanks for adding 'Lair of the Mist Men' to the mix Rick! Did it work well for you in 'stand alone' mode?
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Thanks for including Bone Hoard as well, and I am glad folks liked it.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by MrHemlocks »

Great job! It is fun being a GM and seeing 'things' all fall into place. That group of yours is BIG! I remember when I had a group of 13+ players. It was a mad house. Now I am pleased with 5 dedicated adventures. Keep it up...
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Rick »

tovokas wrote:Thanks for adding 'Lair of the Mist Men' to the mix Rick! Did it work well for you in 'stand alone' mode?
It did, yeah, though I somewhat clumsily linked it to Doom of the Savage Kings (turns out Korik's Heart is just a day or so's travel from Hirot ;-) )

We'd definitely like to follow up on it; when will the "M" series be available?
Raven_Crowking wrote:Thanks for including Bone Hoard as well, and I am glad folks liked it.
My pleasure, other than the Hound from Doom... the Dancing Horror has been my favorite monster to throw at them so far.

BTW, that's Bone Hoard that we're playing in the picture.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by tovokas »

tovokas wrote:We'd definitely like to follow up on it; when will the "M" series be available?

Thanks Rick, I'm glad your players enjoyed it and want to follow up. I wish the first M series adventure Against the Vortex Temple was ready yesterday, so that those who got right into Lair of the Mist Men could transition immediately! But it's still a few months out: I'm at the very end stage of completing the final Sunken City funnel adventure: A Gathering of the Marked, which will be followed by final assembly of the hardcover Sunken City omnibus.

THEN I'll be able to finish M1. I think folks are going to enjoy it. I'm developing a new look/feel/format for the M series, and the overall tone is a bit darker. The VT have been very twisty villains in my personal campaign for decades, so there's lots of lore to draw from: DCC'ish before there was a DCC. :)

I'm guessing middle of July for the release of M1, but be warned I'm -2 overall on my estimating checks, and releasing adventures is DC 15.
Jon Marr
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Will the Sunken City Omnibus contain new material, such as write-ups for the various named patrons, a possum-man class, and some additional adventure material?
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by tovokas »

Raven_Crowking wrote:Will the Sunken City Omnibus contain new material, such as write-ups for the various named patrons, a possum-man class, and some additional adventure material?
I don't want to hijack Rick's thread, but I'm still working out the precise page count and what might be included beyond the four adventures. I'd love to add new material, but the hardcover is already fairly expensive to produce, so I don't want to balloon the page count which would raise the price further. I might split out the extras to be included in the PDF version, which will come free with the print version. We'll have to see as it all comes together: I want the printed omnibus to be 'special' and having the extra stuff inside would be super cool in that regard.

I've heard from many readers who have put together awesome 3rd party content for the adventures. Maybe I'll put out a call for folks to send in the patrons/monsters/local info they've created for the adventures, to at least add to the PDF. Hmmm.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Rick »

What, no one else has any Road Crew tales to tell?

I'm back at it this weekend for game number 7 @ YottaQuest. I'll be the one wearing this 8) :

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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by EpicRPGBlog »

I had a nice post all written out, and it got eaten by a time out.

So, I ran my own funnel "The Light From Below"

Check out my map on my blog, and once I've finalized the adventure, I will upload that to my blog as well.

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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Scott Kellogg »

We're closing in on 15 sessions of my public DCC RPG campaign at the Common Room in Bloomington, Indiana. We kicked off the campaign in January with a homebrew funnel which was a mashup of Lovecraft and Leiber. Plenty of zero level death and mayhem ensued. We've been meeting once a week since January with very few cancellations on my part. Since the table is open, there are often new faces. Usually these players are referrals from other players or the Common Room itself. The number of players varies from 5 to 8, which is a larger group than I'm used to, 5 being my regular player limit.

The DCC RPG itself has been a resounding success with my group. Nearly everyone is an experienced gamer, but most are of the 3e generation. Newer players seem accustomed to abstracting game actions that can be role played (carousing for information, disarming a trap, etc) into a dice roll, whereas if a player can describe what their character is doing, a skill check is usually unnecessary. Everyone is familiar with fantasy gaming and literature. Part of what makes the system such a hit are the fresh interpretations of familiar ideas. Mercurial magic, Luck checks, Mighty Deeds, and the spell tables contribute to making this game something new and not a retro-clone.

I've been awarding experience by the book and I run three hour sessions, so advancement has been slow. Most characters are 1st level with the exception of a wizard, who began as a zero level farmer. First level characters who have died have been replaced with new first level characters with 10 XP. I'm not sure how I'll handle higher level character death, but Recovering the Body and Luck seem to be keeping the deaths from getting out of control. The campaign is set in my homebrew world, which is a loose collection of locations inspired by the west coast of the United States. The village-level scope of DCC RPG has put world-building on the back burner, since dungeons and other set pieces comprise the central action locations. In a bold move, as I have been writing my own material since the 80s, I purchased all of the Goodman Games DCC RPG adventures. It is an absolute joy to read and run them. I was hesitant to do this, feeling like it was a creative cop-out which made me less of a Judge. Instead, it has raised my skills to the next level. The quality of the adventures is as good or better than anything I've run (in any genre), and rather than worrying about being underprepared each week, I feel confident that I'm able to provide a quality gaming experience in a public space, week after week.

With the announcement of the new modules, Goodman Games has answered my unspoken plea for more low level adventures. It remains to be seen how our campaign will unfold, but I suspect we'll be at 2nd level for a while. I'm discerning about the third party material I bring into the game because I want to retain the gonzo, over the top fantasy weirdness found in both Appendix N and DCC RPG. My natural improvisatory style has proven a great asset in retaining a sandbox feel, while still offering tightly scripted adventures. I can see myself running this campaign for a long time, and I look forward to participating in the DCC RPG World Tour for years to come.
The players answer the question, "How many times have your characters died?"
The players answer the question, "How many times have your characters died?"
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by OrcStompRunner »

What an enjoyable thread!

I have been eager to try some DCCRPG for awhile, I've never played and only GM'ed twice for my wife. I missed getting into it at GaryCon, and even tried to register for every event for GenCon 2013 this year and didn't get a single ticket.

Anyway, my FLGS (The Dragons Refuge in Peotone, IL) does a special event game night every other month (a mini convention of sorts with a schedule and prizes) and when I was pitching ideas for an event to him for May he seized on the "old school dungeon with lots of death and mayhem" and next thing I knew I was planning to run DCC RPG for a group.

Knowing about the Road Crew thing, but aware that I had a week to plan this, I sent Goodman an email anyway, not asking for supplies but just letting them know. They sent me swag anyway, in plenty of time!

I ran DCC #67 Sailors on the Starless Sea. The method of play I pitched to the store manager was kind of a "delve" style where I'd hand out pre-gens to people who showed up and when someone ran out of characters I'd let another player hop in with fresh ones. This allowed me to be extra ruthless, and the players to be extra reckless. :twisted:

I brought 40 random zero levels thanks to http://purplesorcerer.com/.

From where I stood everyone had a fantastic time (and loved the swag)! It's a great module and I've been looking forward to running it. Most players wrote the details of their deaths on the back of their character sheets (such as "ROCKS FALL" and "Killed by tentacles") People afterward said my eyes would twinkle with glee whenever they'd do *anything* and it made them nervous. (But not cautious thank goodness!)

  • One player had two characters running from beastmen across the courtyard, one tripped the other to slow the beastmen and then got to the well and just jumped in, without regard for what might be down there.
  • The party lured several beastmen into the burned out building and locked them in there with the tar ooze
  • One guy used his last character to tackle the Beastman Shaman into the flaming pit, going down with him (and the effigy.)
  • I believe the magma "death throe" killed four characters.
  • At the end there were a mere 2 surviving PC's on the boat escaping the collapse, out of 40.
  • They never went near the sinkhole.
I *really* want to do more DCC RPG at the store, and maybe some 1st level and up play (much like the OP, Rick) but I'm already running four regular games in other systems, so I'm feeling a little thin. For sure I'm going to keep proposing DCC RPG events at the store for special events!

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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by HiroTsukasa »

Awesome, great to hear about all these Road Crew experiences. Hadn't noticed this thread before so I thought I might as well share mine as well.

I had been running DCC at my store (Cosmic Oasis) rather infrequently, but the regular players kept using the same characters so I decided to link the modules when possible; mostly just by using lots of time skips which seem appropriate for Sword & Sorcery in my book anyways. Up until the road crew began I had ran the following spread out over last year:
  • Zero Level: Portal Under the Stars
  • 1st Level: Doom of the Savage Kings
  • 1st Level (Technically Zero but it worked): Sailors on the Starless Seas
  • 1st Level: The Doom That Came to Hirot (Session that took original content along with the Sunken Fens portion of Savage Kings, which we did not get to complete due to time and having to finish it all in one session, to make a new adventure)
My regulars were excited about the Road Crew announcement and so we decided to make DCC a permanent monthly thing at the store. Since then I have run 4 sessions, but only reported 3. After the first few, excitement has surged and we're now moving towards playing two sessions a month. It happened so last minute I didn't bother to report the first go of that. So since the Road Crew I have run:
  • 2nd Level: The Emerald Enchanter
  • 2nd Level: The Vile Worm (Brave Halfling)
  • 2nd Level: Treacherous Cobtraps (Brave Halfling)
  • 2nd Level: The Balance Blade
I'm really impressed with how things have picked up with DCC from me pitching it to store regulars a year ago to now. We average about 6-9 players per session depending on who is available or sometimes having a new player interested. A year ago, our store was a place where the only RPG's going on were D&D 4th Edition. Alright game in my book, I currently run our store's Encounters program as well.

4e Regulars were a bit hesitant about DCC at first, but now most of them would rather be playing our Encounters seasons using DCC than 4e; which says a lot to me. Everyone really loved the free swag too, especially the pencils.

As far as some highlights:

-We usually have one or two sit-ins at each session, but there's also a core group of regulars that have been to every single session since the Road Crew games began (and for one or two even before that). Here's our mainstays:
  • Kemble, a Wizard that has pledged service to Azi Daka.
  • Gerard, a cunning bard seeking to travel and hear new tales (the cover story for a Lawful Thief acting out of the party on behalf of his guild to recover treasure in secret or gather information)
  • Jarpii Meatshield, a brave butcher turned Warrior. His claim to fame was defending his village when it fell under attack with little more than his trusty meat cleaver and a rack of ribs.
  • Raina, a blood thirsty barbarian turned highway bandit. She joined the party because it seemed more profitable at the time.
  • Grom, an aggressive dwarf known for charging into the fray with a passion for women and wine. Deceased as of The Vile Worm.
  • Kelt, a Cleric of Cthulhu who spoke little of the mysterious faith he held. Also deceased as of The Balance Blade.
-They finished The Emerald Enchanter in perhaps the shortest amount of time of any session; having discovered the teleportation trick between the slabs of green crystal. It wrapped up so fast we actually spent the next Saturday doing an unofficial game of them just looting the place for treasure after the fact and dealing with the leftover traps.

-As much fun as the modules are, we've had quite a bit of fun character arcs pop up. Most recently Kemble, the party's wizard who is aligned with Azi Daka, has started to fall under question by the others. His Party Member kill count is currently at 2, both times at the command of Azi Daka in exchange for something. Granted, he has gotten the party out of some impossible spots with it but I find it quite amusing that the party is questioning how much the wizard values the lives of the others.

-The Balance Blade was a blast to run. I'd say it leans much more towards being a one-shot given the ending, but it was so perfect because said wizard had made a rather large request of Azi Daka and it was all too fitting for him to charge the wizard with such a quest. I toned down the finale just a little so the point still came across, but we could run the adventure tied in with their ongoing story.

-I hate to rag on Brave Halfling's modules due to recent events, but neither of the two I have ran for my players has gone over very well at all. I backed the Kickstarter and thought it'd be a good way to try some of my rewards out while fitting in stuff around the right level. Too short, too easy (even after I bumped them up some on my own) and uninspiring to paraphrase the table. They particularly got hung up during the Treacherous Cobtraps when the module has the players discover an Elf that has been likely killed by the spider antagonists of the story, but he had been carrying an iron shield. We got derailed for a good while as the PC's wanted to debate whether it was the spiders or the iron that killed the Elf. In the end, they requested me not to run anymore Appendix N Adventures so I suppose I'll be filing those away for another group sometime.

-Hirelings. Everyone hated the idea when it came up, especially those whose only experience with D&D had been 4e, but they've grown to be a party favorite. It's pretty much tradition that Gerard hires on someone new at each town only to have them die in horrid ways. Though, the party recruited a pair of Halflings during the Treacherous Cobtraps that, by fortune of dice rolls, proved to be as competent as the normal party members.

We'll be carrying on June 1st with their first 3rd Level adventure, The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust. Their regular Thief, Gerard, set himself up as a member of some organized guild in his backstory to match up with being Lawful so I'm tying that in with the module some. My Road Crew shirt came in too, looks excellent, so I'll likely make that my official Judge's attire for our Road Crew games.

No cool photos of us playing DCC, but here's one from the previous weekend when we were playing Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (RIP) which is currently the other store favorite alongside DCC with the regulars:

Since it came up in thread, I'm really looking forward to that Sunken City Omnibus. The Crawler's Companion has become a permanent element at my tables when I am running DCC and of all the third-party modules I've had access too, Purple Sorcerer's have been my favorites so far. When the Kickstarter reward finally comes in, I'll likely try running that at the store as the start of a different campaign since there's been some interest in playing again from the start as the majority of our current table joined in during level 2.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Rick »

I had my biggest turnout yet yesterday; 12 :!: players.

Factor in that they were playing 8th level characters and yeah, it was interesting...

2 clerics (although one was re-skinned as a druid), 2 wizards, 2 elves (one was an Elric pastiche (we called him Elfric), complete with infamous black sword) , 3 thieves, a warrior, a dwarf, and a halfling, along with assorted NPC followers (including a dire owlbear) and mounts (a riding lizard & a war-boar in full barding) made for a small army, that was for sure.

It was somewhat daunting to try and keep things close to the pace we're accustomed to while having to nearly shout over the M:tG event that was going on at the other tables but ultimately I think everyone had a good time and we're set to finish the adventure sometime after Origins and Free RPG Day.

The biggest kick I got was noticing one of the group who I'd introduced to DCC RPG bought his own copy of the rulebook. :D
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by goodmangames »

These are great stories, guys! I love the "tales of player heroism" in the various games. Keep 'em coming!
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

This is our DCC Group at Derby Middle School, where we just cracked Game Session 7.

The group consists of a members of an after school gaming club, with about 4 consistent players and 3 that had dropped in out at various times. This is the first time many of them have actually played a real pen-and-paper RPG after playing computer games like Minecraft or card games like Magic. Overall very enthusiastic group. The can be a bit challenging, as they are learning to work together and just at that moment of discovery where they are figuring out that as the Judge I am neither "out to get them" nor bending over backwards to "hold their hands" -- although I do make suggestions often in terms of making logical choices available. We're having a blast.

What makes DCC a challenge is it's dark, somewhat adult nature. Specifically, the idea of summoning Patrons and contacting other spirits isn't a good fit for this demographic with parents leery of such things. The art in the book is awesome, but some of it might also not pass the parent test -- so I've shared the materials for them to see, but have kept the rulebooks mostly behind the screen.

To help facilitate the process, I've got zip lock bags for their characters and dice, used pre-gen characters, used the reference sheets, used only the classic standard "big dice" as they get used to concepts, and have attempted to model procedures such as initiative order and taking turns "in the spotlight."

Instead of miniatures, I mapped out our first two modules on Gridsmith and printed them to Avery Sticker Labels, placing them on some black roller sheeet paper as they unlock each room. Works great and it is more portable than miniatures. For characters and monsters I'm using tiles from Fiery Dragon. The kids like the visual novelty of it, and I think it entices them to stay engaged.

Overall, it's been a great success despite slow going. We will have 2 more sessions before Summer break, and several of the boys have already requested that we continue for the summer. I'm going to hand out several extra "free rpg day" gifts for them to get started.

And Josesph -- thanks for the SWAG! Keep 'em coming. They love the bookmarks, pens, and buttons. I'll wear the T-shirt next session and probably give it away.

The most consistent adjective they are using to describe this new experience is "cool" which I've been swapping for "groovy" in order to get that 70's vibe. :)

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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Thorynn »

I've run a total of 8 Road Crew sessions starting from almost the date it was announced in late February. Free RPG day will be my 9th session! I've run several of the DCCRPG modules, usually split into two sessions, and had a great time exposing new players to my favorite RPG! Our FLGS in Asheville, NC has been super-supportive, and if you're ever in the western North Carolina area, be sure to stop in and say hi to the guys!

My one minor gripe is that there isn't a better way to report sessions. I've been emailing back and forth with Keith and received several of the first swag pack and given away a ton of pencils, bookmarks, and buttons, but I REALLY want that t-shirt and belt buckle!!! Not to mention the super-secret adventure for running 9 sessions.

It has been a blast, and opened up a lot of players to a different way of playing from those used to 4e or Pathfinder. My favorite word of command a player came up with was during Emerald Enchanter. We were in a room with several couches and tapestries, and baddies were closing in. The cleric rolls high on a Word of Command check and yells, "REDECORATE!!!" Thats become an inside-joke for our regular gaming crew.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by goodmangames »

Thorynn wrote:My one minor gripe is that there isn't a better way to report sessions. I've been emailing back and forth with Keith and received several of the first swag pack and given away a ton of pencils, bookmarks, and buttons, but I REALLY want that t-shirt and belt buckle!!! Not to mention the super-secret adventure for running 9 sessions.
Great point. What's would make it easier to report sessions? An online form, a paper form you scan after each game, an Excel spreadsheet you send in...what would help?
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Thorynn »

I think an online form would be easiest from the GMs side of things. To take Paizo and their Pathfinder Society as an example, players register their characters, and GMs report their games online. This allows players to keep a digital record of their exploits and take their characters from con to con or game to game. Also GMs earn stars next to their screen names on the forums, so you can tell at a glance if someone has a lot of GMing experience.

I'm sure all of that requires an enormous amount of effort on the back-end, so I can appreciate it may be awhile before DCCRPG has something like that implemented. I would be happy with whatever solution you guys come up with, just so long as dedicated GMs have a paper trail for the AWESOME GM benefits you guys provide.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by GnomeBoy »

Thorynn wrote:...and GMs report their games online...
How does this avoid spoilers, which is why GG are publishing modules for Road Crew GM's only (for now)? Evidently, they need something to run that players cannot have read about before sitting down at the table. Would we want a locked area of the forum that only the Road Crew could enter...? Even that wouldn't be a complete solution, e.g., I ran a Road Crew session in February, but could perhaps wind up playing in another GM's Road Crew game later in the year. Me personally, I'm not going to set out to spoil things for myself. But I also know some people can't help themselves. Or I (or someone in my same position) could read something and then later wish they hadn't, because now a Road Crew game is 'spoiled'.

The only way such reports would not spoil things, as far as I can see at the moment, is if there was an 'expiration date' on the module and the reports went up after that (which loses the immediacy of swapping the tale while it is fresh and other GM's are still running it).
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Thorynn »

By reporting, I don't mean "Then they did this to get past this puzzle/challenge/encounter," I mean just the module, date, venue, what players where there. i.e.:

People of the Pit 3/21/13, FLGS, Player IDs 54324, 54327, 63424, 23563

No spoilers! :)
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by MrHemlocks »

goodmangames wrote:
Thorynn wrote:My one minor gripe is that there isn't a better way to report sessions. I've been emailing back and forth with Keith and received several of the first swag pack and given away a ton of pencils, bookmarks, and buttons, but I REALLY want that t-shirt and belt buckle!!! Not to mention the super-secret adventure for running 9 sessions.
Great point. What's would make it easier to report sessions? An online form, a paper form you scan after each game, an Excel spreadsheet you send in...what would help?

Anything that will get the player's involved is good. It does not need to be electronic. My suggestion of a Living World of Dungeon Crawl Classics would be nice. Small prizes could be awarded to those players that complete objectives in adventures. Heck, even grant hero like actions of some charaters to be in up-coming adventures.
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by Rick »

Prepping for running not one but two adventures this Saturday; The Imperishable Sorceress bright & early and then The Tower Out of Time later that afternoon.

In the meantime here's a shot of the 12 player turnout I had 2 weeks ago. Only Eric's elbow is visible (upper right corner) & Steven is cut out completely (he was just to my left).

Photo courtesy of YottaQuest
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Re: Tales from the Road: My Road Crew experience thus far

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Wrapped up Game Session 9 at Derby Middle School!

I ran Doom of the Savage Kings after Portal. Feedback from kids:

"I like the art in the book. It's cool." - Lucas R.
"Unlike video games, you get to do whatever you want. It's not scripted." - John N.
"A burial mound shaped like a snake. That's just weird (in a good way)." - Lucas Z.
"I wish you'd told us about burning luck BEFORE my character died!" - Sam A.
"Just because I'm chaotic doesn't mean that I have to be evil. I'm just CHAOS incarnate!" - Adam M.
"What's with the dice? Where can I get these, they're so awesome!" - Jordan H.

Thanks to Joseph and company for nine after-school sessions that truly brought the fun with friends.

- Jon Chappell
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