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Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:31 pm
by Thane
Wow...this may be blatantly obvious to you all, but I just found this out.

Check the pic below, it's from either the ad&d phb or the dmg. Three roguish characters enjoying the spoils of battle.


Now check out the pic below from page 6 of the DCC Beat rules. It's the same adventurers.


And that is a pure stroke of genius for me :D

Love this game.

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:38 pm
by Harley Stroh
There are a few tributes like this, some even done by the original artists.

Happy hunting!


Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:44 pm
by Machpants
Nice spot!

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:00 pm
by reverenddak
Hahha, man. Stefan Poag is so bad a$$, he really gets the aesthetics to this game. His pic on Spellburn cracks me up every time (pg. 93 in the Beta.)

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:37 pm
by RevTurkey

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:39 pm
by finarvyn
Nice catch on the art similarities. I keep finding some but I'm sure I'm missing others.

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:43 pm
by James Maliszewski
reverenddak wrote:Hahha, man. Stefan Poag is so bad a$$, he really gets the aesthetics to this game.
Stefan is a terrific artist and a very good fit for DCC RPG. I'm looking forward to seeing what else he's done for the full version of the game.

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:51 am
by stefan
Thanks for the kind compliments, guys. Looking at the art in the Beta, I think the artists had a lot of fun with this one (I know I did!). The DAT 'Treasure' drawing has always been a favorite and was one of the drawings that always made me want to be an artist when I saw it as a kid. And I think there is kind of a 'tradition' (if we can use that word) of sneaking little easter eggs into the art of D&D and it's spinoffs... I remember looking at the Monster Manual as a kid and finding the teensy weensy Tom Wham critter in DAT's illustration of the Rakasha (sp?)... or the drawing of the kitchen scene in 'Steading of the Hill Giants' that had what looked to me like the 'Hey Koolaid' guy in the background (a pitcher on the shelf has a smiling face on it) and similar stuff.
As far as credit for the guy stabbing his own hand goes, that idea was Goodman's. When I sent him the sketch, the spellcaster was just twiddling his fingers in a psuedo magical manner or something, then Goodman wrote me back to say that the spellcaster should be doing something to sacrifice something like hair or blood or a body part to summon the demon, which is how he ended up stabbing his own hand. I wonder how many spellcasters show up in the emergency room in DCC-land with daggers stuck in their hands or gouged out eyes or missing fingers at midnight and the nurse greets them with, "So what prince of the underworld were you trying to summon when the injury occurred?"

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:49 am
by Stainless
Stefan, I notice the drawings you have on offer at your Etsy store ( have gone down (good for you as you must be selling them). I wonder if there will be any new ones going for sale soon? As a happy customer, I'd be very interested in what might be upcoming.

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:59 am
by Geoffrey
stefan wrote:the drawing of the kitchen scene in 'Steading of the Hill Giants' that had what looked to me like the 'Hey Koolaid' guy in the background (a pitcher on the shelf has a smiling face on it)...
Heh. I never noticed that before.

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:30 pm
by BGilkison
Sorry for the thread necromancy; I came looking to see if anyone had spotted this one...

One of the illustrations in DCC I love is that of "Lokerimon the Lawful" on page 63; I think most of us know by now that it is an homage to Dave Trampier's "Emirikol the Chaotic" on page 193 of the 1e AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide. Now, look a little closer at the sign hanging over the door of the inn that Lokerimon is stepping out of—the "Smoking Wyrm". Hmm... That dragon looks a bit familiar—it's WORMY!!! So this ends up being a double-homage to Trampier! :o

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:26 am
by JasinSwift
Hey.Just got the PDF of "Journey to the Center of Aereth" and "The Lost City of Barako." So far the adventures and story material are awesome. The potential open-ended stuff going on in depths of the earth touched on by this stuff is great. I'm going to somehow fit this in with the Shudder Mountains campaign I'll be DM'ing this Summer. Great job and superb writing! :P

Re: Another reason to love this game

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:29 am
by Raven_Crowking
Lairs of Lost Agharta gives you more stuff for the Center of Aereth.