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"Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:46 pm
by tovokas
I've created a "Funky Dice" DCC-themed dice roller, that also has the ability to roll up criticals and fumbles/corruptions/disapprovals.

Users can use the criticals/fumbles feature in 'look-up' mode, so they can just enter the number they've rolled by hand, and see the table result.

I contemplated adding spells/turning... but ran out of gas/copious free time.

The form factor is phone/tablet friendly, which would obviously be the best way to use something like this in actual gameplay. I might convert it for native Android use eventually. If anyone has a phone/tablet that supports flash (mine doesn't) let me know how (if) it looks/performs/fits in your browser.

Have fun, and let me know of any buggy-ness you encounter. As always, I might just get around to fixing problems... ;)

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:15 am
by claytonian
good work. Does it do smart phones too?

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:37 am
by reverenddak
claytonian wrote:good work. Does it do smart phones too?
It's Flash based, so it should work on Android.

Awesome job JMarr! You did it again!

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:32 pm
by bholmes4
Yeah I love this.

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:26 am
by meinvt
bholmes4 wrote:Yeah I love this.
Honestly, in two years the first time I've genuinely been disappointed I can't do Flash on an iDevice.

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:18 pm
by Harley Stroh
That is unreal. Amazing, Jon.


Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:37 pm
by arcadayn
Wow. That is simply awesome. Great work!

Re: "Funky Dice" DCC-themed Dice Roller

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:51 am
by abk108
I would suggest a new layout, like an empty square box in the centre where you drag dice. I'd like if it could keep the previous rolls in the box if i don't press a clear button (like, i roll 1d6, then roll another 1d6, without the previous one disappearing); furthermore, having it randomly change colour for the same dice in the square would help to remember which one was which. :roll:
I'm sorry I know it seems like a critic, but i really do appreciate your work (both roller and the charGen), i'm just giving feedback for making it even better :wink:
PS: i would like to download it then for my android and have it always with me!! :mrgreen: