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Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:22 am
by Ze Groupe
Just out of curiosity, why do none of the weapons utilize the funky dice for damage? Wouldn't they be a cool way to make small differences between various very similar weapons?


Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:06 pm
by Doomwarden
Ze Groupe wrote:Just out of curiosity, why do none of the weapons utilize the funky dice for damage? Wouldn't they be a cool way to make small differences between various very similar weapons?

IMO that's an outstanding idea...

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:23 pm
by oncelor
I had wondered that as well.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:24 pm
by Aplus
In my game, I plan to increment the damage die rather than giving out the standard +1, +2, etc. weapons. For example, you could have a magic bow that does d7 or d8 instead of d6. A magic dagger that does d5, etc.

Other ideas include adding d3 lightning damage to a weapon, etc.

I think anything that gives magic items a fresh coat of paint is a good thing.

My examples are of course of the most rudimentary sort. The funky dice can be used in many different ways to make things more interesting.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:51 pm
by bholmes4
Yeah that is exactly my plan for magical items as well.

You can do some interesting things with the funky dice so that you can spice up an otherwise boring +2 sword for instance. Maybe it's the Short Sword of Sharpness now, +2 hit, 1-10 damage, 1-16 on a natural 20. Really it's not much different than the old short sword +2 but it seems much more interesting now.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:10 am
by DCCfan
Cool ideas! I like how simple it is and how it includes the expensive new dice. For $35 I want to get all the use I can out of these things.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:41 pm
by Colin
I have to agree with everyone else; if you're going to use funky dice, USE funky dice. :)
I like the idea of using the greater range for normal weapons, but especially enjoy the idea that each +1 step on ye olde magical weapon being instead maybe a step up to the next die type.


Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:28 am
by finarvyn
I think it comes down to the way the game was initially envisoned by Joseph. I don't want to speak for him, but I got the impression through his posts that he liked the funky dice and wanted to use them in a RPG. I don't think that the initial plan was to create a RPG which used only funky dice, but one that used it sometimes.

Since then there have been quite a few posts with interesting ways to use the funky dice (hit points, spell damage, stat rolling, weapon bonus, and so on) if the designer chooses. I'm not sure if he's willing to diverge that far from classic RPG style or not.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:45 am
by jmucchiello
finarvyn wrote:I'm not sure if he's willing to diverge that far from classic RPG style or not.
Which is why it is worth challenging his notions? The world does not need another retro-clone. Certainly not at retail prices when so many clones are free on the web. DCCRPG has to be unique. Joe already picked Zocchi dice as one dimension of uniqueness, but only halfheartedly. These requests to make people's $35 investment seem more worth it matter.

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:37 am
by DCCfan
jmucchiello wrote:
finarvyn wrote:I'm not sure if he's willing to diverge that far from classic RPG style or not.
Which is why it is worth challenging his notions? The world does not need another retro-clone. Certainly not at retail prices when so many clones are free on the web. DCCRPG has to be unique. Joe already picked Zocchi dice as one dimension of uniqueness, but only halfheartedly. These requests to make people's $35 investment seem more worth it matter.

Yes +1. Don't half*** it! Go all the way!

Re: Funky Dice & Weapon Damage?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:50 am
by Colin
jmucchiello wrote: Which is why it is worth challenging his notions? The world does not need another retro-clone. Certainly not at retail prices when so many clones are free on the web. DCCRPG has to be unique. Joe already picked Zocchi dice as one dimension of uniqueness, but only halfheartedly. These requests to make people's $35 investment seem more worth it matter.
I couldn't have said it better myself. :)
