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The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:11 pm
by goodmangames
...on Wednesday, June 8 from

'Nuff said. Start your stopwatches. :)

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:18 pm
by Machpants
Oh what time? ;)
In UTC for the international audience!

Great news anyway, I am really looking forward to it, I guess Thursday morning or something here.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:23 pm
by Hamelâ„¢
I wake up and I read this awesome news: I hope this is not a sign of Donald Trump hairpieces' world invasion. :mrgreen:

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:39 pm
by geordie racer
Nice one, Joseph :D

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:41 pm
by Stainless
Get ready for your server to crash. You might want to feed it some lembas in preparation.

This is extremely good news tome as I will now be able to print it up and take it on holiday with me :D

Thanks greatly.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:13 am
by finarvyn
Stainless wrote:Get ready for your server to crash. You might want to feed it some lembas in preparation.
Cute. 8)

I'm excited about the release date. I think that a lot of folks will be happy with this game and it'll be nice to have more exact details out in the open so we can discuss them for real!

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:40 am
by Alegur
Thank you Mr. Goodman. I look forward to this, especially since I won't be able to be at Dicehead next week for your demo.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:46 am
by DCCfan

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:51 am
by JediOre

What is the page count for your Beta rules?


Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:47 am
by mshensley

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:58 am
by nanstreet
Wowza! Two weeks before free RPG day! That's totally unexpected. And completely awesome.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:14 am
by goodmangames
JediOre wrote:What is the page count for your Beta rules?
168 in total. Plenty of rules, but LOTS of art as well!

As far as actual content goes, the main "space drain" is the spells. The easiest way to PLAY with spells is to have one spell per page, but it's not the most efficient way to lay them out (eats up lots of space). But in every game where we've used the "efficient layouts," the players always dislike having more than one spell per page. It's easiest to just photocopy the spells your wizard has and keep those pages handy. So this layout PLAYS best...but takes up space.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:43 am
by finarvyn
goodmangames wrote:As far as actual content goes, the main "space drain" is the spells. The easiest way to PLAY with spells is to have one spell per page, but it's not the most efficient way to lay them out (eats up lots of space). But in every game where we've used the "efficient layouts," the players always dislike having more than one spell per page. It's easiest to just photocopy the spells your wizard has and keep those pages handy. So this layout PLAYS best...but takes up space.
That's why I started that other thread. Hopefully once folks have had a chance to read and test the Beta rules, they will have a better idea of whether the current format works for them or not.

Personally I don't see a spell per page as being much of an issue, but it seems to be something that quite a few people have fixated on...

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:55 am
by GnomeBoy
finarvyn'll be nice to have more exact details out in the open so we can discuss them for real!
...But we can still speculate wildly about levels 6 to 10!

*sets alarm clock for 8 June o'clock*

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:59 am
by AsmodeusDM
Really looking forward to this! Our pathfinder game is just about finished up and we are looking for a "summer game" to play!

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:09 am
by Ravenheart87
Wake me up on Wednesday.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:03 am
by Rick
Now that was a MDoA (Monumental Decree of Awesomeness) :D

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:31 am
by Talath
mshensley wrote:Image
+1 :lol:

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:56 am
by moes1980
finarvyn wrote:
goodmangames wrote:As far as actual content goes, the main "space drain" is the spells. The easiest way to PLAY with spells is to have one spell per page, but it's not the most efficient way to lay them out (eats up lots of space). But in every game where we've used the "efficient layouts," the players always dislike having more than one spell per page. It's easiest to just photocopy the spells your wizard has and keep those pages handy. So this layout PLAYS best...but takes up space.
That's why I started that other thread. Hopefully once folks have had a chance to read and test the Beta rules, they will have a better idea of whether the current format works for them or not.

Personally I don't see a spell per page as being much of an issue, but it seems to be something that quite a few people have fixated on...
Yes, as long as you print on paper thin enough that several sheets can be laid on top of each other, having a page per spell should not be to much of a problem I would think....

Also, at low levels, I doubt you would need the entire page so, you could just write down the possible casting ranges for each spell and keep that on fewer pages but, that sounds like more work than just flipping though some sheets. After all, I allways had to spend time inbetween turns looking up spells in the players guide so it sounds more convienient than the past.

Actually, in game turns dosnt a spell take up one page per level of spell in the spell book? I would say print out each page and stable them and than you have an actual spell book at the table that you can look up spells in! That sounds cool, even if it dose take up a bit of space. Maybe when the full rules come out, you can put up a free pdf of the spell sheets so people can download them without braking the binding of their book trying to pphoto copy pages. That would be cool.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:24 am
by reverenddak
BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!! (Well, my birthday will be the next day... but still!)

So, I'm a player at our local D&D Meetup (gameday) at a local FLGS. I was wondering if I could demo the game at the next meet-up. Since the next game will be way after Free RPG Day, and assuming I get a copy of the adventure, I'd like to run a game of DCC on that day. Any stipulations?

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:49 am
by Harley Stroh
reverenddak wrote:So, I'm a player at our local D&D Meetup (gameday) at a local FLGS. I was wondering if I could demo the game at the next meet-up. Since the next game will be way after Free RPG Day, and assuming I get a copy of the adventure, I'd like to run a game of DCC on that day. Any stipulations?
Stipulations: Have fun. Kill some PCs in Joseph's adventure. That's about it, though if you really want to go the distance, take some photos and send them our way. :)


Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:35 am
by mntnjeff
goodmangames wrote:As far as actual content goes, the main "space drain" is the spells. The easiest way to PLAY with spells is to have one spell per page, but it's not the most efficient way to lay them out (eats up lots of space). But in every game where we've used the "efficient layouts," the players always dislike having more than one spell per page. It's easiest to just photocopy the spells your wizard has and keep those pages handy. So this layout PLAYS best...but takes up space.
I've made this suggestion before, but just in case it got lost in the cracks in the interwebs...

How about laying it out for print, (x spells / page) and producing a pdf w/ one spell per page (w/ very little or no art for ink purposes), and releasing that? You could easily release it w/ the book (especially since you guys are probably using pre-press software e.g. InDesign, etc.), pwd protect it and bingo! You'd have slick printable spell books! Heck, I'd do it for you guys for free if that's an issue. (It's my day job.)

If that's of any interest to you just respond and I'll contact you via email.

Kudos on the early release of the Beta guys! Fantastic work.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:30 pm
by moes1980
Is that Wed at midnight? :D:D:D

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:01 pm
by Sizzaxe
I'm buying a new printer cartridge today! :D I "discovered" the DCC RPG a few weeks ago, pre-ordered my copy that very day. I've always loved the DCC modules, but this new endeavor has me stoked beyond belief. The beta release will let us jump into the fray earlier than expected. DCC will be our game of choice this summer as well!

Good to be here btw, and darn good to be expecting an awesome game in less than two days.

Re: The beta rules will be available...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:22 pm
by Jeffrey
My fingers are already itching!