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Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:16 pm
by jferngler
I'm very much anticipating the beta rules, but I want to know if we're going to get any more designer diaries or thoughts about the direction of the game, mechanics or what-have-you before those rules hit the waves?


Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:28 pm
by Doomwarden
jferngler wrote:I'm very much anticipating the beta rules, but I want to know if we're going to get any more designer diaries or thoughts about the direction of the game, mechanics or what-have-you before those rules hit the waves?

Yes more information would be much appreciated! :)

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:18 pm
by finarvyn
Yeah, we need an update soon. Chatter here has been really quiet the last few days. What we need is to have Joseph drop some bombshell to get us discussing again, like maybe abandoning classes for skills or something like that. :P

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:10 pm
by Geoffrey
The last designer's blog was nearly 10 weeks ago on March 8th.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:44 pm
by geordie racer
Howay man, Joseph has given updates when asked

Me, I like surprises and slow-building drumrolls :)

After 130+ threads, what is it that you are still anxious to know before the Beta rules come out ?

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:06 am
by GnomeBoy
Geoffrey wrote:The last designer's blog was nearly 10 weeks ago on March 8th.
The calm before the storm.

Perhaps he's busy reinforcing the servers for the glut of posts once the beta is out...

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:15 pm
by DCCfan
geordie racer wrote:Howay man, Joseph has given updates when asked

Me, I like surprises and slow-building drumrolls :)

After 130+ threads, what is it that you are still anxious to know before the Beta rules come out ?

Will Gnome be a class, race, or a monster? :mrgreen:

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:12 pm
by GnomeBoy
DCCfan wrote:Will Gnome be a class, race, or a monster? :mrgreen:
"I'm a monster! Rraawrrrr."

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:23 pm
by goodmangames
At Gen Con 2008 I had the booth right across from WotC and they had these big TV's running the 4E "trailer" and I had to listen to that freaking gnome talk about how he's a monster "rawwrrr" like 5,000 times over the course of the con. Shudder - don't bring that up around here!!!

Sorry for the radio silence, but I'm racing to get these beta rules wrapped up! The layout is about a quarter done; racing away here!

The Free RPG Day module is back from the printer and turned out awesome. I encourage all of you to visit your local game store on Free RPG Day! And if they're not participating, you will be able to pick up the module online from our web site about a week after the event -- PDF and we'll also have limited hard copy as well.

Doug just finished another module cover. It's great. The whole DCC line is getting revamped along with DCC RPG - half the reason I'm doing this is to create a platform to go back to publishing modules in the aesthetic that's closest to my heart. By the time we get to November, we should have a 6 month head start on the new modules (maybe even longer) so there will be a steady flow of great adventures.

Oh, did I mention the poster? All Free RPG Day retailers get one and there will be limited copies for sale on our web site after the event. 11x17, full color, etc....


Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:50 pm
by Machpants
More awesome art, cannot wait to get my hands on this. Any chance for priority for non RPG Day BETA prints to go to pre-orderers?

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 am
by finarvyn
Machpants wrote:More awesome art, cannot wait to get my hands on this. Any chance for priority for non RPG Day BETA prints to go to pre-orderers?
I think that this is a good idea, and it would certainly encourage pre-orders. I know that I'm gonna have to scramble to get to a game store on Free RPG Day before DCC gets snapped up, and then the store I go to only allows one item per customer so the starter module will be my only choice.

Heck, I'd even kick in a couple of bucks to have one shipped directly to my house.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:54 am
by Ravenheart87
Sh*t, I need that poster!

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:29 am
by rabindranath72
Brilliant! Just having a steady flow of modules ready makes me want to buy the DCC RPG! It will be nice to have a good rpg, in print, for which new material is available!

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:32 am
by GnomeBoy
goodmangames wrote:...I had to listen to that freaking gnome talk about how he's a monster "rawwrrr" like 5,000 times over the course of the con. Shudder - don't bring that up around here!!!
Sorry, Joe! :(

*runs back to his cave with tail between legs*

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:13 pm
by mshensley
sigh... I'm going to be away on vacation on free rpg day.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:14 pm
by DCCfan
GnomeBoy wrote:
goodmangames wrote:...I had to listen to that freaking gnome talk about how he's a monster "rawwrrr" like 5,000 times over the course of the con. Shudder - don't bring that up around here!!!
Sorry, Joe! :(

*runs back to his cave with tail between legs*
I feel your pain. I worked at Sam's Club for a summer after high school and my register was right next to a tv that played the Aladdin movie over and over and over and over and over...... in fact it may still be playing at a Sam's Club somewhere in hell.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:48 pm
by GnomeBoy
DCCfan wrote:I worked at Sam's Club for a summer after high school and my register was right next to a tv that played the Aladdin movie over and over and over and over and over...... in fact it may still be playing at a Sam's Club somewhere in hell.
Did the Sam's Club have the finest Tupperware this side of the river Jordan?

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:46 pm
by Stainless
mshensley wrote:sigh... I'm going to be away on vacation on free rpg day.
LOL, same here! I'm leaving on the day the beta rules are released, and I won't be in Internet access for over a week. Since I'm in the UK, it means the beta rules will probably go live while I'm driving or setting up camp. Oh the humanity! :cry:

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:02 am
by goodmangames
finarvyn wrote:
Machpants wrote:More awesome art, cannot wait to get my hands on this. Any chance for priority for non RPG Day BETA prints to go to pre-orderers?
I think that this is a good idea, and it would certainly encourage pre-orders. I know that I'm gonna have to scramble to get to a game store on Free RPG Day before DCC gets snapped up, and then the store I go to only allows one item per customer so the starter module will be my only choice.

Heck, I'd even kick in a couple of bucks to have one shipped directly to my house.
I'll definitely have some sort of pre-order incentive, at some point, and it will "grandfather in" everyone who has already pre-ordered, don't worry. Just not sure yet what it is. It will probably be even cooler than the poster or Free RPG Day module. :)

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:32 am
by muherd
We're definitely going to pre-order, but were waiting to see if there would be a combo "DCC Rulebook + Zocchi Dice" package offered. We certainly don't want to miss out on the goodies though, so if you could just answer that question we'll get on it! :)

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:07 pm
by Doomwarden
muherd wrote:We're definitely going to pre-order, but were waiting to see if there would be a combo "DCC Rulebook + Zocchi Dice" package offered. We certainly don't want to miss out on the goodies though, so if you could just answer that question we'll get on it! :)
What he said! :wink:

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:36 pm
by finarvyn
goodmangames wrote:I'll definitely have some sort of pre-order incentive, at some point, and it will "grandfather in" everyone who has already pre-ordered, don't worry. Just not sure yet what it is. It will probably be even cooler than the poster or Free RPG Day module. :)
"Even cooler" is, well, better than cool! 8)

I know that I shouldn't worry, since GG has a track record of treating supporters well, but I always get nervous. Particularly since I have had issues in the past with Free RPG day at my local store. If you don't get there in a hurry you might miss the good stuff. (One of the "best game store" threads shows a bunch of us waiting in line on Free RPG Day. I'm guessing that there will be enough "buzz" for the DCC RPG to generate interest and that my store will only have a limited number of copies. Hence the nervousness.)

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:00 pm
by yell0w_lantern
I'm looking forward to this. I even bought some Zocchi dice in preparation.

I do want to say something about classes though. As long as GG is going back to the source material and not doing a clone, please consider changing the cleric to something more generic.

The original rules had a fighting-man, a magic user then instead of a class that did little of both which would have been the logical thing Gygax and Arneson made a warrior-priest based with a weapon restriction based on a medieval Christian bishop.

Think about it it - two very generic classes and a warrior priest. The fighting-man was supposed to represent knights, samurai, barbarians and so on while the magic-user was supposed to be usable as a witch, sorcerer, wizard, necromancer et cetera. The cleric could be a lawful warrior priest or a chaotic warrior-priest.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:28 am
by finarvyn
yell0w_lantern wrote:As long as GG is going back to the source material and not doing a clone, please consider changing the cleric to something more generic.

The original rules had a fighting-man, a magic user then instead of a class that did little of both which would have been the logical thing Gygax and Arneson made a warrior-priest based with a weapon restriction based on a medieval Christian bishop.

Think about it it - two very generic classes and a warrior priest. The fighting-man was supposed to represent knights, samurai, barbarians and so on while the magic-user was supposed to be usable as a witch, sorcerer, wizard, necromancer et cetera. The cleric could be a lawful warrior priest or a chaotic warrior-priest.
We had this discussion at length in a thread called "Kill the Cleric" or something similar to that, where we tried to identify examples of a cleric found in Appendix N. We really didn't find too many, and the closest we found was really a warrior-priest or essentially a Paladin-type holy fighter.

I had suggested in a tongue-in-cheek way that we actually do away with the cleric altogether, since the current version wasn't really found much in the source literature. Then, of course, Joseph weighed in and stated that the cleric goes back to the roots of RPGs and that the cleric stays.

I think that over the years the Cleric has become more generic. Much of the source material in Appendix N centers around the Christian faith for Cleric-types but games have drifted in the direction of other deities and other beliefs; note that the silver cross of OD&D has mostly morphed into "holy symbol" in more recent RPGs so as to not single out any particular faith. Many of my players prefer the new options so that their characters can worship other beings if they so choose.

My personal preference would be to push the Cleric back into the Christian role, since it fits the Appendix N books more. One can argue that Holger Carlson (the paladin in Three Hearts and Three Lions) is a cleric because of the way he uses his faith, and under that definition it becomes easier to actually find good examples of clerics in Appendix N.

Re: Paging Joseph Goodman!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 pm
by moes1980
goodmangames wrote:
finarvyn wrote:
Machpants wrote:More awesome art, cannot wait to get my hands on this. Any chance for priority for non RPG Day BETA prints to go to pre-orderers?
I think that this is a good idea, and it would certainly encourage pre-orders. I know that I'm gonna have to scramble to get to a game store on Free RPG Day before DCC gets snapped up, and then the store I go to only allows one item per customer so the starter module will be my only choice.

Heck, I'd even kick in a couple of bucks to have one shipped directly to my house.
I'll definitely have some sort of pre-order incentive, at some point, and it will "grandfather in" everyone who has already pre-ordered, don't worry. Just not sure yet what it is. It will probably be even cooler than the poster or Free RPG Day module. :)
That clinched it, im off to pre-order!