Healing and clerics

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Re: Healing and clerics

Post by JRR »

Hamakto wrote:
JRR wrote:
That was just one example... here is another. Running into a burning forest fire... Yes you could take 2d6 damage per round of damage (lethal to level 1 toons), but a higher level character can safely ignore it for a few rounds to do something. Not to jump threads here, but in the second case putting a wet cloak over your body could do DR5 fire for 2-3 rounds until it dried. (plug for DR in DCC RPG)

That's one method, but I propose an alternative rule: If you run into a raging inferno you die.

But yeah, that's another thread.
Now dr for your above example I can get on board with. But that sort of resistance is already built in (I assume) with spells and potions. A dm can just reskin the wet cloak with a potion of fire resistance. No need for a rule for everything ala 3e.
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Re: Healing and clerics

Post by smathis »

mntnjeff wrote: 1. Slow down / stop HP progression at a certain level (9th in AD&D....)
I'm totally on board with this. If DCC doesn't do this, I'll make it so it does.
mntnjeff wrote: 2. Equalize HPs a bit more (d6 with pluses for different classes, or d6 and d8)
I'm also a fan of this idea. Scaling HPs from Xd4 to Xd12 is just too wide, IMO.
mntnjeff wrote: 3. Con damage as the great equalizer. You jump off a cliff you're going to take con damage (as well as HP damage). You run into a forest fire naked, you're going to take con damage. Some types of undead deal con damage. A critical deals con. 0 con = D E A D
I'm also a proponent of using CON damage to signify lasting damage. I have a number of posts discussing it already. I like the Wounds stuff I've been posting about. But, really, I could go with a CON damage approach too. Although I understand why some people are annoyed by the math. Hence, I've been playing around with the Wounds thing -- which gives straight penalties instead of constantly shifting math.

But I'm onboard with the CON damage as well.
mntnjeff wrote: 4. Clerics can not spontaneously cast. (DCC has taken care of that w/ their new spell casting system)
Yup. And good for that.
mntnjeff wrote: 5. You can regain 1/2 your con in HPs w/ either Dutch Courage, or some other method, after a particularly grueling endeavor 'X' times / day.
I love that Dutch Courage rule. And agree that some (limited) method of regaining hit points at a faster rate than 1 hp per day would help to mitigate the much maligned "15 minute adventuring day".
mntnjeff wrote: 6. Weapons do different dice of damage in different classes hands. A dagger in a fighter's hands is a whole lot more scary than in a mage's hands.
I've been a big proponent of this in our LotFP game. I mean, does anyone have a problem with a 9th level Thief doing 1d8 damage with a Dagger? It's high time combat skill actually counted towards damage and not just one's ability to potentially roll a damage die, IMO.
mntnjeff wrote: 7. Con heals back at 1 / day. HPs are healed back at 1/2 per night. Clerics can heal either w/ a cure spell but only at 1 point of con / dice.
This one, I'm not so much a fan of. I like the B/X healing rates. But I think something like Dutch Courage is needed to boost health at specifically important points of the adventure.
mntnjeff wrote: Now grappling rules.... and how that applies to health, I like the Mighty Deeds for that. Besides, what's the real difference between a carnivorous ape rending you limb from limb versus Conan getting hold of you w/ his hands?
I like Mighty Deeds too. I think they cover most bases. But Hamakto brings up a good point in the Grappling thread about the possibility of spamming MDoA. I'd have to see the actual dice that Fighters get to roll and see the game in play to get a gauge on that. But I'll tell you. I'd try to spam the hell out of that if I could.

The only thing missing, IMO, from the suggestions is that "Cry Uncle" thing in the Grappling thread. Some way for a PC to "lose" a combat without dying. Like getting knocked out. That happens in Appendix N. Heroes get knocked out or (in Aragorn's case) fall off a cliff or fall into a pit with a Balrog. A PC should have the option to get dropped without losing his life.

Not sure how to make that happen.
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