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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 12:09 am
by Wu Tang

Most people call me Jay and I am completely new to RPGing, beginning within the last 8 months. I've spent all of my adult life in the military and working abroad as a defense contractor, and currently have a wife and son in Indonesia who I am working to bring to my hometown of Lansing, Michigan (the process is exhausting). I always had an interest in tabletop RPG's, but never was able to locate anyone else to play with as a youth. I spent most of my teen years in and out of phases of playing Magic the Gathering,7th Sea and Mage Knight.

After moving back to Michigan last year, with all sorts of time on my hands, I was able to locate a group online to play 5th Edition DnD with and enjoyed it. One of the guys in the group brought up this game called Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, which I admit I was initially not interested in. But after he described the funnel for level 0, I thought it was pretty clever and ordered a player handbook. INSTANT LOVE. From the art, to the randomness, to the mechanics, to the cool punk rock 80's style was a game changer. We meet every Sunday now, and as soon as the session finishes I feel myself looking forward to the next Sunday. It has opened up a world of inspiration for me and I spend time every week imagining new homebrew scenarios and refreshing the Goodman Games online store page looking for new items for me to throw handfuls of cash at.

After so many years abroad, I had a lot of trouble readjusting to life here on a social level, and DCC RPG has been almost therapeutic for me. For that, I am thankful and hope to become an active member of the community.

I am also hoping to run an organized event to get more local people in the Lansing area with my buddy, and will be looking into what I need to do so this next week.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:36 am
by Raven_Crowking
Welcome, Jay! Hope bringing your wife & child to the US is resolved in a timely manner.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:29 am
by Enkmar
I just found DCC and I'm so amped. I haven't played D&D for a long time, about 10 years, and I've recently got a family group together that would want to play. I have been researching my eyeballs out trying to find something fun, settled on 5e and I just didn't feel that same thrill of putting dungeons together, etc. I found DCC and the thrill is back. I realize how corny that may sound, but it's true. I'm reading through as much material as I can get my hands on and I'm trying to get my group together this weekend to roll some dice for the first time in 10 years!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:51 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Welcome aboard! I also found the system brings back lost magic!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:24 am
by Weisenwolf
Welcome aboard Jay

this game is excellent; makes me feel like I did all those years ago with basic D&D (better actually; no acne now :lol: )

Hope you enjoy it and best of luck with your immigration department :roll:

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:11 am
by Onkl

My name is Stefan, I am from Switzerland and have been playing GURPS 4th for the last 10 years. I've stumbled upon DCC by accident, now that I've played and judged it, I no longer view it as an accident but as kismeth.

I love the simplicity, abstraction and relentlessness of the system - also it feels good to not only use a d20 once more, but to also use the weird dice.

Thanks Goodman Games for this wonderful game!


Onkl / Stefan

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:25 pm
by Griffith
Hi everybody,
Just arrived :)
Been involved in some sort of fantasy based hobby --reading fantasy novels/comics, playing/collecting RPGs, collecting/painting miniatures, etc.-- since 1980.
Love DCC! The rulebook is top-notch!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:33 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Welcome! :D

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:52 am
by Eric_Gen
Hi, my name's Richard and I promise to read through these other introductions as soon as I can. I've been playing D&D and other RPGs since the late 70's and have been GMing the last few years for my kids and their friends, and it's been a blast.

I found DCC the RPG last year at the King Con gathering in Warner Robins, GA and thought it would be great fun for my RPG group -- and so far, it's been very popular. I do have some questions about some of the rules, so I'm looking forward to taking advantage of the forums' collective wisdom.


Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:54 pm
by ProdigalWilliam
Hello everyone!

I'm hooked on DCC, but I had no idea I'd get so invested when I rolled up a caravan guard, an alchemist, a grave digger, and a raven (house rules allowed one story-line appropriate fey creature). I didn't even give the characters serious names after they all survived their first night (I joined on a level one adventure after the funnel and got some spectacular beginner's luck).

We're about 8 months into our adventure, real time, and I've finally broke down and bought some zocchi dice. As I tumble further down the DCC rabbit hole, I've come to realize that I want to create a 2 heat zero level tourney. Just a matter of time until I'm at Con's right?

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:10 am
by eyeballwizard
Greetings fellow adventurers! I'm brand spankin' new to the DCC realm, although I have some previous tabletop experience. Located in Columbia, MO (Missouri), I cut my teeth on Castles and Crusades and am currently in a 5e group. I picked up the handbook on a whim one day and was blown away. While I haven't actually played any Goodman Games material yet, I'm eager to pick it up. I've browsed and lurked on the forums for a few weeks (and purchased several adventures) and I've been given the impression that this is a pretty great group. I'm definitely a fan of the old-school feel and I'm excited to give DCC a try. I'm not sure if I can arrange a local group, so I may be searching out an online session in the near future. Out of curiosity, I am considering attending Gamehole in Madison this year, my first gaming convention ever, how accommodating are those sessions to people with very little experience? I'm assuming that characters are probably pre-gens but things like dice are likely not provided.

Anyway, glad to meet the band!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:19 pm
by KickassAdam
Howdy folks,

Despite being very actively involved in the G+ DCC community, publishing the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad zine for DCC, posting about DCC fairly regularly on my blog (Dispatches From Kickassistan @ for the past 3 years, contributing to the Hypercube of Myt and having met many of you in real life, I've somehow never managed to register here on the Goodman Games forums... until now.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:41 am
by Rick
Howdy, Adam; GenCon wasn't the same without you & Katie.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:37 am
by KickassAdam
@Rick We missed you, too, man. Really looking forward to GaryCon!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:49 pm
by Carlos
Greetings, friends.

My name is Carlos and I'm from Brazil.

I ordered from China a set of ten RPG dices (d4, d6, d8, d10 (0-9), d10 (1-10), d10%, d12, d20, d24 and d30) for D&D gaming. So I decided to search at the Google for a RPG system that uses d24 and d30. Then I found Dungeon Crawl Classics and here I'm.

I really like the "Funky dices" and I hope I can got all of them and play DCC.

I believe this system is really unknow here in Brazil, but maybe we can change that and I'd be glad to help.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:35 am
by finarvyn
Hey, Carlos! Welcome aboard the DCC forum and welcome to the DCC RPG. If you love the "old school" feel for RPGs, I think you have found a great place to hang out and a great game to use your "funky dice."

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:20 am
by Doom
Hi all! New member here. Long-time tabletop and play-by-post RPer, father of two, husband of one, fan of punk rock, pro wrestling, RuPaul's Drag Race and canon superhero games, currently living in Northern NJ, USA. I look forward to joining in on the dialogue and gaming!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:18 am
by Weisenwolf
Doom wrote:Hi all! New member here. Long-time tabletop and play-by-post RPer, father of two, husband of one, fan of punk rock, pro wrestling, RuPaul's Drag Race and canon superhero games, currently living in Northern NJ, USA. I look forward to joining in on the dialogue and gaming!
Hi Doom, welcome from across the pond, I played a fair bit of table top back in the day and play-by-post, Serim Ral and some crime block game whoose name eludes me spring to mind. Couldn't stand the wait between turns though :roll:

DCC is a hoot; I'm sure you will love it :D

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:42 pm
by Fenris Ulfhamr
Hail! I am Fenris Ulfhamr, from the black swampland of Volusia to the frozen North of Big Skyrim country We just ran Portal Under the Stars for two sessions today, and it was glorious! The death toll felt a bit low (under 50% losses each time). Am I growing soft in my middle age? NAY! Woe be to the next interlopers to Crawl through one of my Dungeons, Now to get my hands on a copy of Sailors on a Starless Sea...or start penning some of my own horrors as a follow up for the all-to-ample survivors!

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:49 am
by Weisenwolf
Fenris Ulfhamr wrote:Hail! I am Fenris Ulfhamr, from the black swampland of Volusia to the frozen North of Big Skyrim country We just ran Portal Under the Stars for two sessions today, and it was glorious! The death toll felt a bit low (under 50% losses each time). Am I growing soft in my middle age? NAY! Woe be to the next interlopers to Crawl through one of my Dungeons, Now to get my hands on a copy of Sailors on a Starless Sea...or start penning some of my own horrors as a follow up for the all-to-ample survivors!
Hi Fen, don't worry about the high survival rate, just gives you more 1st levels to slaughter :lol: and the higher they get the harder the loss is :twisted:

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:27 pm
by Oakbelly
Hey Crawlers! Dave here in Virginia. Played Basic and Expert D&D in middle school, AD&D in high school and college (as well as Gamma World, Traveller, Boot Hill, Top Secret, Chiller, etc...). Stopped playing after getting a real job and settling down with a wife and family. It's been over 25 years since I stopped playing and my 12 year old daughter discovers some of my old RPG notes. She wants to play, I grab Pathfinder's starter set. Dang, that's a lotta rules and bonuses! I can my daughter's eyes glaze over. 5e comes out and its awesome. I buy all three books. Still, there's something missing. A lot of rules still.

Then I see it, the DCC core rulebook at my local gaming/comic book store. I flip through it, not even remotely interested at that moment. I pause to read a bit more...some more...hell, I can't put it down. The art, the concepts, the whole! I'm a cheap stake at heart and I buy the damn thing at full value. Now I'm slowly reading it through. This game has brought new life into this old skool gamer.

Sucks though, still can't find a group to play with where I live. I'm hoping to join a PbP game in the near future.

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:07 am
by Weisenwolf
Oakbelly wrote:Hey Crawlers! Dave here in Virginia. Played Basic and Expert D&D in middle school, AD&D in high school and college (as well as Gamma World, Traveller, Boot Hill, Top Secret, Chiller, etc...). Stopped playing after getting a real job and settling down with a wife and family. It's been over 25 years since I stopped playing and my 12 year old daughter discovers some of my old RPG notes. She wants to play, I grab Pathfinder's starter set. Dang, that's a lotta rules and bonuses! I can my daughter's eyes glaze over. 5e comes out and its awesome. I buy all three books. Still, there's something missing. A lot of rules still.

Then I see it, the DCC core rulebook at my local gaming/comic book store. I flip through it, not even remotely interested at that moment. I pause to read a bit more...some more...hell, I can't put it down. The art, the concepts, the whole! I'm a cheap stake at heart and I buy the damn thing at full value. Now I'm slowly reading it through. This game has brought new life into this old skool gamer.

Sucks though, still can't find a group to play with where I live. I'm hoping to join a PbP game in the near future.
Welcome Oakbelly the Gong Farmer :wink:

You could try starting one up yourself; maybe your daughter has some friends that may want to have a go?

Your back story is incredibly common here; loads of old skool gamers switched and switching to DCC. Have you had a look at the kickstarter?

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:14 am
by Oakbelly
I did look at the kickstarter and would love to own my own edition (silver foil, nice). But I'm a budget and after buying Zocchi dice and the huge DCC book at my local gaming store, I'm scraping the bottom of that barrel. Just bought a hardcover S&W Complete edition and DM screen previously. I'm tapped. Now I just want to play.

I'd like to play in a PbP game and learn the mechanics as I go along. But maybe I'll DM one here if that is what it takes. Is there enough players around to play a game if I wanted to start one?

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:34 am
by Weisenwolf
Oakbelly wrote:I did look at the kickstarter and would love to own my own edition (silver foil, nice). But I'm a budget and after buying Zocchi dice and the huge DCC book at my local gaming store, I'm scraping the bottom of that barrel. Just bought a hardcover S&W Complete edition and DM screen previously. I'm tapped. Now I just want to play.

I'd like to play in a PbP game and learn the mechanics as I go along. But maybe I'll DM one here if that is what it takes. Is there enough players around to play a game if I wanted to start one?
Looks like Judge Perky has you covered :wink:

Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:44 am
by Chuck7497
My name is Chuck Plimpton. I currently live in Boynton Beach, Florida.
I played DCC at PalmCon here in West Palm beach, Fl with TheMightyEroc as DM. I had a lot of fun and was interested in the game. but i lived to far away to play regularly at the time, I have since moved closer and got into D&D5E which got me looking at DCC again Hope to find a local game.
I backed the Kickstarter for the 4th edition printing and am looking forward to all the goodies.

I have been playing D&D since the late 70's my Dad was into it and so I grew up on all kinds of RPG's I left D&D after 2nd edition with thier 80 gazillion books i had to buy, I played other RPG's then came back when 5th edition came out.

I am excited about DCC and already have plans to go up to GaryCon in 2016.