Hex Crawl Classics

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catseye yellow
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Re: Hex Crawl Classics

Post by catseye yellow »

Crimsontree wrote:
catseye yellow wrote:hey crimsontree, not to bee indiscreet, but you do also hang out at the strike to stun and play WH? or i have confused you with someone else?

yes I do. I no longer play WFRP & I'm selling off my WFRP books/magazines but I still check out StS. I think my last post on there was about how great DCC is. Do you go by catseye yellow on Strike to Stun?
no. there i go by the name cat that walked by himself. i am not giving up on warhammer :)

i do not like 3e but i am currently running lustrian campaign.
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Re: Hex Crawl Classics

Post by Ravenheart87 »

Blackmarsh is pretty cool too. You can put into any setting without effort.
Vorpal Mace: a humble rpg blog with some DCC-related stuff.
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catseye yellow
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Re: Hex Crawl Classics

Post by catseye yellow »

anyone following wampus country blog?


it can get too fairy tale for me but i like most of what i read.
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Re: Hex Crawl Classics

Post by cthulhudarren »

I have to throw a nod (pun intended) out for Matt Stater's 'Land of Nod', it's definitely in the Wilderlands vein and is written for Swords and Wizardry rules so it's not hard to convert. I have bought a few issues and they are full of ideas and good articles. Several issues are a free download.

I'd love to get all or a bunch the issues combined in a single publication though, I have a few scattered pdf printouts and struggle with organization.

His blog also contains lots of ideas for OSR type campaigns. Recently posted are a lot of unique type monsters

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Re: Hex Crawl Classics

Post by Pentegarn »

Flexi wrote:Points of Light 1 & 2 by the good folks whose forum this is are good examples of hexcrawl settings.
I have used my B/X B2: Keep on the Borderlands as a starting point for a hexcrawl which was good for us to explore.

XRP has modules like White Dragon Run which is a nice little homebase surrounded by wilderness that is an enjoyable sandbox to run. The adventure is for low level characters but the wilderness encounter tables are quite deadly, especially at night if you venture into the hills! DCC characters level up faster than their AD&D/OSRIC counterparts but the combat is still deadly so I enjoyed converting this module into a wilderness hexcrawl for a DCC game.

If you have not acquired any DCC modules yet I can heartily recommend them all.

EDIT: Oh, and X1: Isle of Dread for B/X D&D. I am gonna run this one again for a DCC game. I have very fond memories of it and it is still enjoyable to play it again with another system. The open sea, mysterious islands, buried treasure, dinosaurs.......ah bliss! :)

This is where I'm at now. I just got DCC and we made it through the funnel quest. Now I'm going to take them into B2: Keep on the Borderlands. I figured, what the hell? DCC has the retro feel, I thought I'd play a retro game with it.

I do plan on buying some actual DCC published adventures. But after KotB, I'm thinking really hard about converting T1-4: The Temple of Elemental Evil. I've always loved that game and I think it'll make an excellent and deadly dungeon for DCC.
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