How do you interpret the chaotic alignment?

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Re: How do you interpret the chaotic alignment?

Post by Colin »

Skyscraper wrote:
Karaptis wrote:... And we had a long campaign during the 2nd edition Dark Sun years and they were pretty damn evil, many times to eachother.
Maybe I have more of a misconception of evil campaigns than anything. The rare times I've had evil characters in my games, the other players didn't like it and that character's actions had to be changed; however perhaps if everyone embraces the concept at the outset, maybe it simply works better.
It's definitely one of those things that can go south pretty quickly if the entire group isn't onboard, or you have a Player who's simply using the chaotic/evil alignment to excuse dickery. It takes a more mature player to pull off evil or chaotic well, someone willing to realize that such individuals have motivations, rationales for what they are doing, might not even see themselves as "evil", and even if dedicated to the service of a greater evil, will still work with others of a similar bent without necessarily screwing them over needlessly. If you get a numpty who thinks Chaos/Evil is simply random, crazy, and short-sightedly selfish and/or violent, it doesn't tend to go well, especially if the party is mixed alignment. Like everything else, it comes down to "Know your Players" and ensuring that folks are cool with things beforehand or not.

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Re: How do you interpret the chaotic alignment?

Post by Karaptis »

Mixed alignment parties are a DMs nightmare. I think my players are just rebellious at heart and love taking out their frusrations on the role playing world. It is probably liberating though I will not deny that all of us (me being the keeper) love to be jerks from time to time. I would say being chaotic or evil or both is really something you do with friends not strangers.Think about Soppranos and how those mobsters were evil yet sometimes felt bad taking out their "friend" for business. Instead of a suitcase of money or coke, it's a magic ring. :twisted:
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