Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by blackwingedheaven »

Hi! I'm Jeremy, and I'm a freelance RPG author with several credits under my belt, including Faction Folio: The Blackcloak Watch, Ronin (OMNI System and d20), and the upcoming Hellfrost d20 Bestiary. I'm always looking for work, so if there are any folks out there in desperate need of a hungry freelancer, I'm your guy.

I'm also a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor of Arts in English (somewhat delayed), headed to graduate school this fall for a MLIS degree. I'm married to a wonderful woman that I've been with for thirteen years now, and we are in turn owned by a pair of cats. I live in beautiful Lexington, KY, where I have been a resident for over a decade and a half.

My favorite system is Savage Worlds, but I'm really enjoying DCC so far. It's nice to meet everyone!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Ravenheart87 »

blackwingedheaven wrote:I'm married to a wonderful woman that I've been with for thirteen years now, and we are in turn owned by a pair of cats.
Congratulations on the first part, laughed my ass off on the second - you grasped the absolute truth about "cat owners" with a half sentence. :)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by WarLokk »


My name is Guy from Chicago, IL - USA. I work in the technology department of a major university and spend most of hobby time on RPGs and Tabletop Wargames. In fact, I just started a Blog about it (see my signature....ok ok, shameless plug over :wink: )

I'm a new fan of the DCC RPG. I checked out the beta rules when they were first released and thought it was simply OK. But I was reading the overwhelmingly positive press the game has gotten and decided to pick up the PDF. I was pleasantly surprised by what the final game had turned into. I don't fancy myself an Old School fan (I'm 26 years old, too young to have lived through it the first time) but fully understand the appeal and charm that such games hold. My brother though was around for the early days and DCC seems like a game that might actually get him back to try the hobby again.

I am a huge fan of Appendix N fiction, even before I knew the term. My father grew up loving the Pulps and all of the fantasy that was spawned from those stories.

DCC has really taken hold of me. I've got a physical copy on hold at my FLGS and am going to pick it up tonight. I can't wait to run a game. I look forward to my stay here on the forums.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by CaffeineBoy »

Hey everybody! I'm also a geezer (well, late-40s anyway), and started gaming in Oct. 1979 if my oldest extant character sheet is to be believed. I cut my teeth on AD&D with the likes of Roderick Usher and tadk and have played a little bit of everything: AD&D and all editions since, Traveller -- LBB and Mongoose, Champions 1-3e, Fantasy Hero, Bushido, Space Opera, Heroquest, WFRP 1-3e, Master Book, Cinematic Unisystem and everything FATE. I have RPG art credits dating back to the mid 80s and a writing credit on Legends of Anglerre (FATE fantasy) from last year, plus did some playtesting on the Dresden Files game for Evil Hat. I lurves me some RPGs.

DCC has rocked my world. I'm delighted to have found the game (thanks Roddy!) and look forward to contributing to the community!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Bercilak »

Howdy folks,
I'm Rod (although I usually stick to Bercilak on the 'net). I live in Greensboro, NC where I teach writing.

I started RPing when I was about 7 with an older kid who lived next door. We played some weird mash-up of games that included characters from Magic Realm and monsters from the 1e Monster Manual with some made-up rules for task resolution. I can still remember the adventure with the floor with a spiral design on it that was actually a giant snake; that was the room that got me hooked. I had a bit of a hiatus from gaming until middle school, when I picked up BECMI rules, 2e and, later in high school, Torg.

Since then, I've played a ton of rpgs, board games, and card games (along with an unhealthy dose of console and PC games). My gaming has slowed down as I've gotten older, and with two young sons (oldest is 5), my gaming time is at a premium. I'm currently playing in a Pendragon game (chronicled here) and running DCC with my group, known affectionately as the Rotgut Manglers.

I try to keep a blog going about my media consumption (see sig), but that tends to fall by the wayside more than I'd like.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Quode »

Ken Moscardini

50, Husband, Dad and gamer. Started with D&D back in 1977. Big board gamer back then, lots of AH games, SPI and so forth. New to DCC but not the concept. I see it as a set of rules that get it right for the style of play it offers. Will run my game in the early Greyhawk setting and probebly create a mega dungeon approach to the setting.

Thank you
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by blackwingedheaven »

Ravenheart87 wrote:
blackwingedheaven wrote:I'm married to a wonderful woman that I've been with for thirteen years now, and we are in turn owned by a pair of cats.
Congratulations on the first part, laughed my ass off on the second - you grasped the absolute truth about "cat owners" with a half sentence. :)
Thanks! And the cats have been with us as long as we've been together. After this much time, I've got no illusions about who wears the pants in this house. (Reminder: The cats do.) ;-)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by ShaggyCan »

2nd! Post.

I'm Jim, but everyone calls me Shag. Been playing since the red box in 89. DCC feels like returning to the end of the beginning, to quote the great maker.
Running my players through the Moathouse. Everytime I get a new game I run them through the Moathouse. And no matter how many time I do the Moathouse they are always excited...for more Moathouse. Probably will switch to acutal DCC adventures after that, rather than do the slog through the TOEE. Especially once those Kickstarter adventures start arriving.

I've been at enworld for 9 years, but I think this may be my new home!
Special extra thanks to Mr. Goodman for lifting the hotmail ban so I could join you all here.
Thank you sir!

(said Moathouse 5 time for the win!) :P
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by M2A0 »

Hi all, my name is Travis and I've been playing since 1983. I'm a native Washingtonian and have worked at WotC for the past 12 years. I've played just about everything over the years, my personal favorites are just about anything GDW put out prior the Traveller New Era house system, and most TSR products released before 1989. I've been running a D&D 5E game set in the Wilderlands for the last 8 months, but with the release of DCC I'm ready for a change of pace. I can't wait to send the first mob of 0 level peons through the sunken city adventures!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by tovokas »

M2A0 wrote:Hi all, my name is Travis and I've been playing since 1983. I'm a native Washingtonian and have worked at WotC for the past 12 years. I've played just about everything over the years, my personal favorites are just about anything GDW put out prior the Traveller New Era house system, and most TSR products released before 1989. I've been running a D&D 5E game set in the Wilderlands for the last 8 months, but with the release of DCC I'm ready for a change of pace. I can't wait to send the first mob of 0 level peons through the sunken city adventures!
Welcome m2A0, and be sure to let me know how things go!
Jon Marr
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by tovokas »

And welcome everyone else. I love hearing these 'origin' stories. :)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Ravenheart87 »

M2A0 wrote:I've been running a D&D 5E game set in the Wilderlands for the last 8 months, but with the release of DCC I'm ready for a change of pace. I can't wait to send the first mob of 0 level peons through the sunken city adventures!
Nice to see another Wilderlands Judge. I've been using used Swords & Wizardry Complete for more than a year now, but I'm going to end this campaign soon and use my own setting with DCC. It draws heavily from Wilderlands and Arduin.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by finarvyn »

M2A0 wrote:most TSR products released before 1989.
Hey, Travis. Have you found my OD&D Discussion site? (In my signature.) There you can discuss OD&D, Boot Hill, Metamorphosis Alpha, GangBusters, and other old TSR games. Rick Krebs (GangBusters) posts there. Dave Arneson and Rob Kuntz used to post there. A couple of players from Dave's original Blackmoor campaign post there. A fun place I like to hang out, when I'm not here. :wink:

Welcome to the boards!
Marv / Finarvyn
DCC Minister of Propaganda; Deputized 6/8/11 (over 11 years of SPAM bustin'!)
DCC RPG playtester 2011, DCC Lankhmar trivia contest winner 2015; OD&D player since 1975

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by M2A0 »

Ravenheart87 wrote:
M2A0 wrote:I've been running a D&D 5E game set in the Wilderlands for the last 8 months, but with the release of DCC I'm ready for a change of pace. I can't wait to send the first mob of 0 level peons through the sunken city adventures!
Nice to see another Wilderlands Judge. I've been using used Swords & Wizardry Complete for more than a year now, but I'm going to end this campaign soon and use my own setting with DCC. It draws heavily from Wilderlands and Arduin.
My party just had an almost TPK in the Plain of Cairns, SE of the City State, so it seems like a great time for a restart. (3 characters are now angry vengeful wraiths!)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Pilgrim »

Hey all,

I'm Jay and I jumped onto the game after reading through the 2011 Free RPG Day module I picked up at Origins that year. I was having a serious case of gamer ADD when it came to "D&D", flip-flopping between older editions, newer, and alternates that were available. Nothing fit what I was looking for, but something with DCC struck just the right chord and after running the FRPG Day module and getting the play test material, I was sold.

DCC breathes so much life back into the type of game I've been wanting to run/play for many years now. B/E D&D and AD&D 2E were always my games of choice; after they were put to pasture, nothing else really felt right. Currently the only two games I'm even buying material at this time are DCC and The One Ring (I'm a big Tolkien fan); the former to scratch that old-school dungeon crawling itch, the latter for more serious, in-depth campaigns.

Getting ready to run my group through DCC #67 this weekend and everyone is looking forward to it, in a big way. They had a great time running through the FRPG Day funnel.

I just turned 38 back in March and currently reside in south Ga., however, I'm finishing up my undergraduate degree, Environmental Geoscience, in July and will be most likely moving to wherever a good job takes me (us). Been married now for nine years, but together with the same wonderful woman for thirteen. I have one son from my prior marriage who is turning 16 this September. I started him playing RPGs when he was younger and he's been hooked ever since.

Hobbies outside RPGs include table top minis and board games, PC and X360 gaming, reading, running, biking, hiking, camping and playing disc golf, or any other outdoor activity I can get into. Like most other gamers, my books, movies and TV interests all revolve around general geek related topics.

Due to finances, I couldn't make Origins or GenCon this year, but next year I'm really looking forward to hitting up Origins again and thinking about running a DCC game for sure. I'm really stoked to see so many players interested in DCC, I think it's an awesome game and I hope it continues to be a favorite for a very long time.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Kruvil »

I'm Charlie from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I've been gaming around 28 years. My first game as a player was AD&D (we didn't know it was 1E back then) with a lot of N1 and Village of Hommlet. I made it to the highest levels in my brother's campaign, 4th level (being a thief with low XP needs)! My first game GMing was Gamma World (also didn't know it was 1E, four-handed sword made by orlens for the win).

I'm running Rogue Trader right now and I also like Clockwork & Chivalry quite a bit. I like DCC a lot including the crazy(ier) dice. The book is frankly stunning. Reminds me of picking up Warhammer RPG for the first time (also 1E and I didn't know it).

I'm really looking forward to free RPG day tomorrow. The contest to write the DCC free rpg day 2013 sounds great (and a $1000 for 5000 words?! That's about 10x more than I'm used to seeing). I'm bummed I couldn't get into DCC at Gen Con. Very much want to run DCC again soon (I ran a beta 0-level game and had a blast).
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by dmcolby »

Hello, my name is Ryan and I have been playing role playing games for most of my life. Long before ever owning a book, when I was about seven years old, I had a sleepover at a friend's house who had an older brother that had played Dungeons and Dragons at summer camp that year. We had no rules or books, but he had his couple of sessions and acted as our DM. We all had lots of experience with games like Dragon Warrior and Zelda to kind of know what we were doing.

The second day I took my turn at DMing, and have been running games ever since. My first roleplaying book was the Completed Wizards Handbook, which I purchased with garage sale money when I was nine. I had no idea what this Thac0 thing was there were referencing. Shortly thereafter I picked up the core books to AD&D and found my home for many years.

I collected a lot of the older supplements, seeming to prefer them (especially the AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide. That book is still amazing). Since that time I have played every edition of D&D, pathfinder, white wolf, and a pile of other roleplaying games.

DCC has my interest now, and I feel like I'm bitten by the bug of inspiration once more. I'm currently running a mega-dungeon for two different troupes using the DCC rules. The mega-dungeon is of my own design and the first level has over 600 rooms, with 10 planned out levels and 5 sublevels. I don't think we'll finish the dungeon ever, but sometimes it's fun to just build something huge.

One of my players is posting the session write-ups of the Mega-dungeon over on rpggeek, which can be found here: ... than-sense - A blog for DCC RPG GM Advice
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by finarvyn »

Hey, Ryan, glad to have you onboard and glad to see that you've been bitten by the DCC bug. It seems that some folks fall in love with the game the first time they see the rulebook, others find that it sneaks up on them and they grow to love it, but eventually most of my "old school" gaming friends have been joining the cult of DCC. :lol:

Nice to see another AD&D, etc, player and it will be cool to see what you can add to the boards. (I know I've approved a couple of your posts already and they look good so far....)

Marv / Finarvyn
DCC Minister of Propaganda; Deputized 6/8/11 (over 11 years of SPAM bustin'!)
DCC RPG playtester 2011, DCC Lankhmar trivia contest winner 2015; OD&D player since 1975

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
-- Gary Gygax
"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
-- Dave Arneson
"Misinterpreting the rules is a shared memory for many of us"
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by BattleBrotherBob »

Hello my name is David and I am a Gamaholic.

"Hi Dave" :D

Been playing games mose of my life. Grew up on Traveller and AD&D. went through most of the editions of those games up through the 90's, when they became just silly. Dropped into minis and still do a ot of that. Got back into D&D with 3.0. not impressed. Ran quite a bit of 3.5 with a great bunch of guys. Never liked the rules, love the guys, so it made it worthwhile. "Death or Glory". Never liked the min/max of the system. Dropped back out. Just recently found all the Old School going on and am now looking to jump back in. DCC and 5th ed Traveller is ramping up my need to play again. Finding a group and time is now my quest. Anyone in the Chicagoland area let me know.
Traveller player since 1978
AD&D player since 1978

Guess that just makes me a Grognard.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by sheriffharry »


I've been here a while, but not in this thread!

My name is Yves, I'm French-Canadian (hence the weird English use from time to time..) and I've been role-playing on and off for 30 years. Mostly DMing, mostly Call of Cthulhu and AD&D. Memorable campaign: "Horror on the Orient Express" intersecting "Castle Amber" via a time portal, using both CoC/AD&D and spawning 2 and half years with in-between 6 and 10 players every session! (aka the "Good old time")

For a while in the 2000s I considered myself more of a collector than a player, I own pretty much every major D&D release up to 1984, but I'm more interested in actual role-playing now. Just recently form a group of old-timers and new-comers (the best mix!) especially for DCC.

Well, that's about it. You might see some of my writings in a fanzine someday. Maybe.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Colin »

I'm Colin, a 39 year old Englishman, husband, father, and teacher from Devon. I have the same kind of accent as James Purefoy in the Solomon Kane flick if that helps folks.

Been gaming since I was 10 (started with red box D&D) and was a compulsive tinkerer even at a young age. One of my first rpg creations was a system for running Transformers of all things.

Started freelancing when I started university in Aberdeen, Scotland, and haven't looked back since then. I've now been involved in ways both large and small with over 50 rpg publications for all manner of publishers and systems, including Talislanta, Castles & Crusades, Iron Kingdoms, Wild Talents, Cthulhu by Gaslight, Hollow Earth Expedition, Godlike, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc. I also run my own small rpg press, and my first solo rpg, Atomic Highway, was nominated for a Best Rules ENnie and Indie RPG Award in 2010, two of a handful of award nomination and wins books I've contributed to have garnered.

I obviously love DCC with its whole "D&D has insane babies by way of WFRP" vibe, so much so I've written a bunch of forthcoming articles for Crawl! and have become a moderator here.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Mechalibur »

Hey everyone, my name's Alex, and I may be the youngest person here at 20 years old!

I have almost no experience with AD&D (tried a game out, and didn't find it to my liking), and started near the end of the 3.5 cycle. I loved the freedom and role playing potential within the game, and primarily was the DM. There's something about watching the players struggle and triumph, and seeing them come up with brilliant solutions to the problems I present.

When I heard about DCC, I checked it out immediately, and decided to purchase it at a whim. I was pleasantly surprised: it took the best aspects of older editions (complete unpredictability, and reliance on actions rather than builds), but without all the drawbacks. After running a few adventures of this, I have to say I'm looking forward to future releases.

I am proud to DM for one of the finest group of adventurers out there, and an amazing gamer boyfriend.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by oktoberguard »

Hi, everyone. I'm Daniel, 32, middle school English teacher and roleplaying enthusiast. My friends didn't play much D&D (I think we tried Red Box once), but we played the heck out of the Palladium family of games - starting with TMNT and then branching out into PFRPG and Rifts.

My friends and I haven't had an ongoing RPG game for many years, and game night has consisted of Magic or board games, but I starting running "Sailors on the Starless Sea" for them last week and they loved it! We got about halfway through and I'm hoping to use that dungeon to start up a sandbox campaign for the summer.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Vandendanderclanden »

Good morning. I am called Van den Danderclanden. I live in a pocket universe of my own device. Time is an illusion! Your petty ambitions are meaningless. Your soul belongs to me.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Tush Hog »

Colin wrote:I'm Colin, a 39 year old Englishman, husband, father, and teacher from Devon. I have the same kind of accent as James Purefoy in the Solomon Kane flick if that helps folks.

Been gaming since I was 10 (started with red box D&D) and was a compulsive tinkerer even at a young age. One of my first rpg creations was a system for running Transformers of all things.

Started freelancing when I started university in Aberdeen, Scotland, and haven't looked back since then. I've now been involved in ways both large and small with over 50 rpg publications for all manner of publishers and systems, including Talislanta, Castles & Crusades, Iron Kingdoms, Wild Talents, Cthulhu by Gaslight, Hollow Earth Expedition, Godlike, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc. I also run my own small rpg press, and my first solo rpg, Atomic Highway, was nominated for a Best Rules ENnie and Indie RPG Award in 2010, two of a handful of award nomination and wins books I've contributed to have garnered.

I obviously love DCC with its whole "D&D has insane babies by way of WFRP" vibe, so much so I've written a bunch of forthcoming articles for Crawl! and have become a moderator here.

Atomic Highway is great!

Also, I recognize your name from a few things on my shelf. I was just reading Faery's Tale yesterday. Now I'm even more excited about the stuff you're contributing to Crawl! :)
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