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Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:02 am
by Thane
I think I am going to wait for the standard format to arrive at leisuregames or gameslore.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:22 am
by Stainless
Thane wrote:I think I am going to wait for the standard format to arrive at leisuregames or gameslore.
Leisure Game just wrote back to me today with the following;

"It looks like they will be able to get this for us. So, let us know if you would like to go ahead with it."

Unfortunately, I've already ordered direct from GG, but you could pursue Leisure Games to get the pre-order deal for you.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:51 pm
by abk108
Spoofer wrote:I had a bit of a hard time too but I just did it. :D You need to follow the correct link (see ealier post). You will know you are in the correct place if the shipping cost does not have a drop down menu for choosing countries beside it.

Also, the first time I was buying DCC RPG but it did not say "includes DCC66.5 with pre-order" even though the item number () was the same. I doubt it makes a difference but my luck stat right now is 4 (My gods and I disagree on a few things) so I did not want to push it.

I just tried for the 20th time today. I clicked on the second link, "added to cart" DCC RPG, and the pop-up window already presented two items (with the same number : Item # GMG5070) for 39.99$ EACH. The shipping cost was at 4$, but when I "checked out with PayPal", and logged into PayPal, it automatically detected my address, I guess, and the shipping cost was now 24$.

The total was two times (39.99 $) + 24$.

I will contact goodmangames directly. Thanks anyway :) to both you and Raskal that replied via PM ;)


Apparently, using Google Chrome was at the root of the problem! I switched to IE and everything went fine!

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:09 am
by Gunther Vielgesang
I've pre-ordered DCCRPG and the Adventurer Starter (at $20 for shipping & handling, but I guess I'll have to live with that) and paid via PayPal. So far, only PayPal has confirmed the payment. I haven't heard from Goodman Games yet. Is this normal?

Best wishes


Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:25 am
by goodmangames
Yes, it's normal. :) As long as you got the Paypal confirmation, we got your order. If you want to double-confirm, you can email Keith at keith (at) with any questions.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:16 am
by rabindranath72
Woot! I placed the pre-order to UK and it cost me only £27 (the exchange rates really helped!!) Brilliant, thanks!! :D

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:59 pm
by Greifenklaue
Very cool, I just ordered two limited books for me and a friend!

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:10 pm
by Machpants
I just ordered (another- the foil copy) DCC RPG Core book and ALL the modules available and the $4 shipping for each still holds. Having the modules shipped to NZ as they come is a bargain at $4 a pop! :)

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:25 am
by Ravenheart87
And finally I pre-ordered it. $44 with shipping for it is really a good deal. One of my friends also pre-ordered, and it seems to me that a small DCC RPG fanbase is beginning to appear in Hungary. I'm going to run demos wherever and whenever I can, after I got the book.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:17 pm
by Ravenheart87
I checked the store again, and it seems the international shipping went up to $20. I pity those, who didn't pre-order.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:37 am
by Thane
Ravenheart87 wrote:I checked the store again, and it seems the international shipping went up to $20. I pity those, who didn't pre-order.
That would be me then :|

Ah well.

So when's the earliest I can get the pdf and the hardback?

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:02 am
by Zdanman
That would also be me. I just got the money for the DCC pre-order but I cannot bite the bullet of 20$ of shipping to Poland. A pity because I really wanted to pre-order and get the adventure too. Guess I will wait for it to be available via Nobleknight etc. Or maybe the great Goodman God can change this for last ditch 4$ shipping deal?

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:46 am
by Thane
Zdanman wrote:That would also be me. I just got the money for the DCC pre-order but I cannot bite the bullet of 20$ of shipping to Poland. A pity because I really wanted to pre-order and get the adventure too. Guess I will wait for it to be available via Nobleknight etc. Or maybe the great Goodman God can change this for last ditch 4$ shipping deal?
Well, it would mean two more sales for definite. :~)

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:55 am
by Zdanman
Then I hope someone sees this thread and looks upon us with mercy. I would pre-order sooner but money was a bit of a problem. So great Goodman God any chances for this to happen?

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:15 pm
by Galadrin
Joe's a great guy, but I'm pretty sure the $16 dollars difference with shipping is basically the margin of profit Goodman Games makes on these books. It is kind of sad that they had to eat that cost, from a indie-publishing perspective.

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:12 pm
by Zdanman
I totally understand the shift from 4$ to 20$ on international shipping but for some people it just kills the deal. I am not saying this has to happen but if the shipping was still 4$ I would order it now. That was I just cannot do that. Still being a student is hard :(

Re: DCC preorder : international shipping ?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:09 am
by abk108
aaaaaargh CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PDF !!!

I'm checking three times a day whether it has been released!! :D