Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by screenmonkey »

I don't know if this has been mentioned:
Table 3-3, p72, the fumble die for the shield should be d8 (see p79, Fumbles).
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

The mounted combat rules as printed in the 2nd printing correctly reference trained vs. untrained die. But the fumble die edit noted above will have to wait for the 3rd printing!
Joseph Goodman
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Nirrick »

I made my own list. On my second read-through I had a couple questions, decided to look here for the answers and found that a few folks found some things I missed, so I decided to be very thorough. I had hoped to finish my thorough read-through before the errata went up, but with kids I just didn't have that kind of time. I've tried to edit off my list anything already mentioned here or in the errata, but I may have missed a few. This may require multiple posts due to the 60,000 character limit and how much I am devoting to introductions. Also, I apologize for some of them being out of order. I jotted them down as I made the observation, so sometimes this was when I read something and something I had read previously clicked, so I went back and referenced it only to have it bring it up a question, other times it was because I remembered something from my first read-through. I'd edit to minimize this, but it doesn't occur very often and my kids won't let me.

The wording on page 19 gets me curious as to whether a PC can burn a Luck point to automatically succeed at a Recovering the Body check, may have been part of the original rules, but was cut as not being gritty enough.

p20 Languages, p21 Demi-humans at Level 0, the various class descriptions, and Appendix L seem to be at odds.

A note that many starting trade goods have no value assigned them in the rules, these are ad hoc as determined by the Judge, may head off some whining by certain types of players. Even some that I consider really good ones.

Do the Luck class abilities use the PCs Luck modifier at the time they reach 1st level? Original Luck modifier? Does a Wizard's Luck modifier apply TWICE (once for his class ability, and is it set at his 1st level or starting luck?) to Corruption and Mercurial Magic rolls?

Do references to "Wizard" in Chapter 5 also include Elves? do Elves suffer corruption? can they use spellburn? do they roll for mercurial magic? do they modify mercurial magic and corruption rolls with luck? can they burn luck to avoid corruption?

do crits and fumbles always use CURRENT luck modifier?

firing into melee is listed as only a -1 penalty, should this be -1d?

spell descriptions are NOT formatted so they all fit one page! lol!

p316 Table 7-3, are these components required for every casting, or for the ritual that imparts understanding of the spell?

0-Level Demi-humans: Do Elves get infravision at 0-level, or just the rules specifically under Heightened Senses? should Halflings get Small?

Halfling Class should 20' base speed be part of Small? do they get automatic hit and crit with BOTH weapons or just with the primary? and do Halflings with Agility over 16 lose all the described two-weapon abilities or just resume using their normal die for their primary hand and go back to auto hit and crit on nat 20?

Is the PC aware of Mercurial Magic results or do they get the nasty surprise the first time they attempt to cast the spell?

does Patron Bond have to be learned seperately for each Patron, or does the wizard or elf just need to learn the spell once and research the specific rites for each patron, thus allowing the one spell slot to serve to form bonds with multiple patrons?

Table 5-8 *, not all wizard spells that are also cleric spells are of a different level, what about those?

What about clerics and spells known? are they randomly determined when the cleric gains a level? researched like wizard spells? prayed for each morning?

should there be a wizard version of Animate Dead? maybe just for specialist Necromancers?

All wizard spells, result of 1, use current Luck modifier?

Spellburn really only physical?

Animal Summoning: if an order contrary to its nature does not result in breaking the spell, is it obeyed?

Cantrip: Range should be "up to 20' per CL," since that is the listed range for result 12-13 and all other results state "as above"

What's the difference between a 1 action casting time and a 1 round casting time? Presumably that a 1 round casting time uses all the caster's actions, yes? Can he still move?

Charm Person: "Druids can also use this spell on animals." does that mean a 5th level neutral cleric, that a druid class will be in a future supplement, or open the door for a judge to house rule a druid class? on result 14-17 is the mark of control rolled each time, once for each casting, or once when spell is first learned? (and the same question for Mercurial Magic results that involve dice rolls as part of the result), on 32+ can ", as above." be assumed, to cover the prohibition on suicidal actions or actions which a devoted friend would not otherwise perform?

Chill Touch: on misfire result 3, is the zombie under the caster's control? (presumably not, since this is a misfire result and this IS DCC after all), is additional damage to undead extra or instead of the spell's damage to non undead? the use of the word "additional" twice is the cause of confusion. on result 32+ does the 10' field also last until the next sunrise?

Effects of ability score loss on things that don't have ability scores?

Choking Cloud, range of results 12-23?

Enlarge: shouldn't misfire results stat alterations match the actual successful spell effects, especially since monsters don't have Str scores?, result 32+ duration is listed as 1 turn, plus 1 turn longer for each 10' smaller, then listed as 1 turn longer for each 20' smaller in the very next sentence.

Patron Bond: note about losing it for a month should be listed on result of 1. Is it lost on a result of 2-11?

Do Elves automatically have a Patron Bond at 0-Level? At 1st? I know they know the spell, but are they considered to have cast it already and thus MUST choose a Patron? (And if they don't, obviously they won't know Invoke Patron)

Are Luck checks rolled on current luck? what about Luck checks to request a favor from a Patron (for non-wizards)?

Read Magic: result 30-31 "and ending after 1d4 have been encountered" should be "1d4+2"

Sleep, result 32+ "Natural slumber" vs. "the effect is supernatural in aspect" seems to be contradictory

Spider Climb misfire result 5 "station" should be "state"

So Arcane Affiinity (Necromancer) is a separate spell from Arcane Affinity (Transmuter), yes?

Arcane Affiinity should be Range Self, and Duration Instant. cannot be dispelled, so not Permanent.

ESP result 34+ delete "for a period of one day," from the second sentence, then capitalize the new first letter of the sentence.

Forget misfire result 4: is this permanent or do they eventually forget the caster's childhood?

Invisible Companion: corruption result 6 should be greater corruption (the word greater is missing)

Effects of ability scores under 3 or over 18? (especially important in regards to Luck, but also some monsters are listed with abilities that call for opposed Str checks and list the monster's Str, but not what modifier a Str of that level carries)

Knock duration should be Instant

That's all I have time to post right now. I have nine more hand written pages (but I write big and I'm counting each side of the notebook paper as a page, plus they're spaced). Like I said, I was thorough. LOVE this book, do NOT interpret this as a slight. I find many more errors in most products half this size. And yes, I'm OCD. And yes, I actually have been NOT asking for clarification on some things that aren't exactly newbie friendly, since I'm not a newbie and the book starts out by admonishing you that it assumes you aren't.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Merl »

Blimey - that a great list!

The only error I've found so far that hasn't already been picked up is a small typo in the Misfire section of the Flaming Hands spell. It has:
(2) caster’s hands ignite causing him 1d3 damage (3); 1d4 random possessions of the caster catch fire...
with the semi colon in the wrong place. Should be
(2) caster’s hands ignite causing him 1d3 damage; (3) 1d4 random possessions of the caster catch fire...
Yep, pretty minor.

The other thing I would mention though, is a lack of clarity around plate armour in the Equipment chapter (p70).
Check penalty: Plate mail is bulky, ill-fitting, and inflexible. Warriors who wear plate mail find the weight inhibits their ability to jump chasms, as do thieves when they try to scale walls.
The check penalty also applies to wizard and elf spell checks made while using this kind of armor.
This reads very much like only Warriors and Thieves suffer physical penalties for wearing plate mail, while other classes are fine. (I realise the intention is that it's giving examples of the sort of thing armour makes difficult, but it sounds like "rules").
It also sounds like Warriors and Thieves suffer a penalty only for plate mail, which is at odds with the list of armor penalties in Table 3-3.

It specifically notes that wizard and elf spellcasting check penalties apply "while using this kind of armor", presumably the aforementioned plate armour, and other armour is therefore OK.

Lastly - this entire paragraph talks about "plate mail". There is no plate mail listed in the list of armors in Table 3-3!
Perhaps this is a case where it is assumed that the typical player of DCC would know that Half-plate and Full plate = plate mail?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Colin »

Nirrick, a lot of your points have been answered in this thread and in various other forum posts, and many are FAQ material, not errata.

Edit: Sadly, I haven't got the time to go through your massive post point-by-point, searching for and cutting-and-pasting every answer from the forums. If anyone can answer even one question from his list it'd be a great help, thanks.

A few quick ones though:

1) Demi-Human Languages
As noted in this thread by Joseph, it is not errata that not every demi-human can speak their own racial language.

2) Elves vs. Wizards
Elves cast spells, suffer corruption, spellburn, etc. in every way just like Wizards.

3) Spells not formatted 1 per page
That's because layout wouldn't permit it.

4) Elves having Patron Bond at 0-level
Nope, because they also cannot cast spells at Level-0.

5) Spellburn only physical?
Yes, which is why it says you "temporarily expends points of his Strength, Agility, or Stamina score to enhance his spell check."

6) Elves have Patron Bond at 1st? Have they already cast it?
From DCC: "An elf automatically receives the spells patron bond and invoke patron at 1st level in addition to his other spells." Nope, they needn't necessarily have already cast it.

7 ) Is Arcane Affinity (Necromancer) different than Arcane Affinity (Transuter)?
Nope, because it's not even really a spell. To quote (with relevant bits bolded):
"the caster is forever connected to the arcane element he chooses."
"Although this spell is listed in the caster’s spellbook as the spell arcane affinity, it is really a different spell depending on each caster’s goal. It truly represents the time and effort necessary to develop an affinity for a particular school of magic. The “casting time” is a set of rituals and actions necessary to form the affinity."
In other words, it's a spell slot used up to represent the wizard learning an affinity he is choosing to learn and pursue.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Nirrick »

Caught the demi-human languages reading through today. Appreciate the difficulty of dealing with that particular problem now, and hadn't thought of that. In my group the problem that would have come up, and has in other games, and would in this game if I didn't house rule it right off, is "why can't I speak my racial tongue?" I think my way of doing it will be to have "dumb" 0-level demihumans ONLY speak their racial language instead of common, thus creating the communication issues. I've had this happen in Tunnels and Trolls, and it was somewhat amusing to have the players figure out how to resolve it. They had fun, too, otherwise I'd get strung up for doing it to them again.
And yes, many of these fall under FAQ style not as much Errata, but the thread title says "Errata AND FAQ." Should I restrict posts here to Errata only?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Colin »

Nirrick wrote:And yes, many of these fall under FAQ style not as much Errata, but the thread title says "Errata AND FAQ." Should I restrict posts here to Errata only?
Hi Nirrick. :) Nope, you can absolutely post FAQs here, but it would be a huge, huge help if you could separate any Errata and FAQs you have into two distinct sections with headers, please. It'd make it a lot quicker and easier to distinguish and answer any points, and would also help reduce the "wall of text" effect that makes it slower to access.

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Nirrick »

Will do! :)
And sorry.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Colin »

Nirrick wrote:Will do! :)
And sorry.
Thanks, and no need to apologise. :)

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Next Printing/Animate Dead

Post by Dionysos »


Has the list of changes for the next printing of the DCC core rulebook been finalized? If not, I'd like to make suggestion for a minor change.

I think it would be a good idea to add the cleric spell "Animate Dead" to the table of wizard spells on page 127. It should have an asterisk to indicate that it is a clerical "loan spell" for wizards and so wizards have a -2 to cast it (this is how spells like Binding, Detect Magic and Detect Evil are handled on that table).

Why should this be done when there are already wizard spells in the book that are described as "necromantic"? I humbly suggest this change because the wizard spell "Arcane Affinity" (page 162) describes the necromancer as "a specialist in the un-dead, their creation, their control and and their limits". It is a minor blemish in the book that there is a spell that allows a wizard to become an undead creation specialist, but none that allow him to actually create undead.

Easy to houserule? Certainly! (I've already scribbled "Animate Dead" on the table on page 127 in my own copy). But it would be extremely easy to implement in a reprint (just add text to a line in a table that already has blank spots in it) and I'd find it a satisfying change. Perhaps some other DCC fans would like it as well.
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Re: Next Printing/Animate Dead

Post by Ravenheart87 »

There are a few nectomantic spells, and I think Monster summoning covers the "animate dead" aspect of necromancy.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Nirrick »

Just started the process of categorizing my notes as to which ones are actually errata and which ones are Q. Running into the problem of some of the Q's becoming errata depending on the answer. Hopefully get through them a lot quicker than the amount of time it took me to start the process. Especially since I actually started gamemastering DCC last week. It was a one-shot I'm leveraging into a campaign, although I will quite likely only be getting to keep one of my three players from that game, and she'll have to roll up new characters because we didn't finish. (Had to quit due to work schedules. I had planned to start running Portal Under the Stars at 6pm and continue to about 11pm. We instead started at 9pm and quit at midnight. They were about halfway through if I had to guess, and had lost about half the 0-level party at that point. Had a few surprisingly clever ideas. 0-Level play is a blast, and it was even fun enough that they stopped complaining about the funny dice.)
And I'm with Dionysos, I think Animate Dead should be borrowed, too.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Crimsontree »

The pdf that is linked under the errata & index link on the website contains no index, just the errata.
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Re: Next Printing/Animate Dead

Post by rabindranath72 »

Dionysos wrote:Hello,

Has the list of changes for the next printing of the DCC core rulebook been finalized? If not, I'd like to make suggestion for a minor change.

I think it would be a good idea to add the cleric spell "Animate Dead" to the table of wizard spells on page 127. It should have an asterisk to indicate that it is a clerical "loan spell" for wizards and so wizards have a -2 to cast it (this is how spells like Binding, Detect Magic and Detect Evil are handled on that table).

Why should this be done when there are already wizard spells in the book that are described as "necromantic"? I humbly suggest this change because the wizard spell "Arcane Affinity" (page 162) describes the necromancer as "a specialist in the un-dead, their creation, their control and and their limits". It is a minor blemish in the book that there is a spell that allows a wizard to become an undead creation specialist, but none that allow him to actually create undead.

Easy to houserule? Certainly! (I've already scribbled "Animate Dead" on the table on page 127 in my own copy). But it would be extremely easy to implement in a reprint (just add text to a line in a table that already has blank spots in it) and I'd find it a satisfying change. Perhaps some other DCC fans would like it as well.
Good catch.
Considering that on p.164 there is also a comic in which a wizard shows his newly created undead, it seems like an error.
And no, I have the revised pdf, and it has not been corrected.
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Re: Next Printing/Animate Dead

Post by Colin »

rabindranath72 wrote:Considering that on p.164 there is also a comic in which a wizard shows his newly created undead, it seems like an error.
I wouldn't read too much into the comic images; there's a pic of a female half-orc with big assets as well, and there are no half-orc characters in the game either. It's just general Old School humour.

Still, I do agree Animate Dead should be on the Wizbang list too.

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Merl »

Portal Under the Stars, p452 player introduction: first time he's mentioned the name is Old Man Roberts and the second time it's Old Man Robert.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Merl »

Rulebook wrote:Because a character’s off hand is usually not as strong or coordinated as his primary hand, his secondary attack rolls usually require a different deed die. Critical hits are determined as indicated on the table below.
The table, presumably Table 4-3 but not made clear, is not "below", but above and on the previous page.

(Additionally, and as noted in the current discussion on deed dice, there is no mention of what the "different deed die" might be)
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Nirrick »


Cantrip range should be "up to 20 feet per CL"

Choking Cloud result 12-23, what is the range?

Enlarge spell adjusts ability scores in misfire results, but lists actual effects on combat bonuses for the spell results. Should we reverse this, since monsters don't have ability scores, and will often be the target of misfires?
What is the duration of result 32+ (of the Enlarge spell)?

The note about losing Patron Bond for a month should be listed with a "1" result.
And is it lost on 2-11, and if so, for how long?

Read Magic result 30-31, "and ending after 1d4 have been encountered" should say "and ending after 1d4+2 have been encountered"

Sleep result 32+, "natural slumber" seems contradictory to "the effect is supernatural in aspect"

Spider Climb, Misfire result 5, "station" should be "state"

Arcane Affinity should be Range: Self and Duration: Instant (since the effect cannot be dispelled). Since its not technically a spell, the duration listing isn't a big deal.

ESP, result 34+, delete "for a period of one day" from the second sentence

Invisible Companion, Corruption result 6 is missing the word "Greater"

Knock, Duration should be Instant

Levitate, Misfire should be determined with a d4, not a d3.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Jobe Bittman »

There's a post on this in the rules forum, but "ego check" is used in the "Sword Magic" section, but there is no explanation of what in ego check is or does. It would be great to have some clarification.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Hi everyone,

Time for some thread necromancy. The second printing of DCC RPG is close to selling out. Woo hoo! That means it is time for preparing the third printing. And for that, I need your help!

It's time to update the errata. There are a couple things the third printing can improve upon in relation to the errata that is already included in the second printing. Please help me identify everything that needs to be fixed in the third printing!

Some of those items are already included in this thread. I will use what's in this thread, of course, but if there are items not yet mentioned in this thread, or any simple consolidated list I can "check off" against, or any other resources I am missing, that would be great. Let's make this the awesomest third printing of DCC RPG ever!

And this includes correcting spelling errors in the playtest credits...Jim. ;)

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Rostranor »

Is there going to be another approved ERRATA update collected in one spot? the current one is SEPT 2012. I know people have brought things up here on the thread but what is official and what isnt?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Jim Skach »

goodmangames wrote:And this includes correcting spelling errors in the playtest credits...Jim. ;)
Heh....Colin will be thrilled!

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Rostranor wrote:Is there going to be another approved ERRATA update collected in one spot? the current one is SEPT 2012. I know people have brought things up here on the thread but what is official and what isnt?
That's a good idea. :) Yes, as the third printing gets closer to completion I will do this.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Rostranor »

Also will the third printing pdf be available to download from Drivethrurpg as a free update as the second printing was?

By the way keep on printing, I'm like Saint Paul preaching to the gentiles out here and my converts are buying up all the available books.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Hungerstriker »

I'm unsure if people have found this one already...

In the spell result 30-31 for the Strength spell (page 198) says "Additionally, they gain 18 Strength (+4 bonus) for the next 1d6 hours thereafter." Looks like a typo that should say +3.
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