So what DO you do with money in the DCC milieu?

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So what DO you do with money in the DCC milieu?

Post by ThatBunyip »

This question may have been answered already, but my search skills are apparently not doing the trick.

In my experience playing through a typical DCC module or three will yield riches beyond what the funnel-surviving former peasants could have possibly imagined. But unless you're a wizard, it kinda seems to me there's not much to do with any of it once you've bought all the equipment you need.

There are no training costs, no stronghold-building rules, no magic shops or expensive gear to purchase. Certainly wizards can find a use for all that gold to craft potions / rings / scrolls / etc, but unless the rest of the party gives the wizard all their well-earned gains, what's to be done with it?

How do folks handle this in their games? Do the PCs gamble it away? Amass it somewhere? Does wealth just sort of get ignored? I'm curious how you deal with it.
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Re: So what DO you do with money in the DCC milieu?

Post by Bobjester »

I keep the coinage down, letting trade & barter do the heavy lifting. One 0 level funnel I ran had a LOT of jewel encrusted treasure, and some of it bizarre to boot. The players asked where the coin treasure was, and I told them flat out that this was all they were going to find, and they'd have to trade it for something more portable or travel far & wide to get the coins they seek in trade - which would prove to be more expensive to them than trading straight up locally.

Some of the items (none magical) would prove useful in trades to come too. Trading in the City of Brass High Sultan's own scimitar netted the party provisions for a week and a guide to take them to the next adventure. Doesn't seem like much, but when you barely have 2 coppers to rub together, a week's worth of food for 5 people is worth a small fortune. And an indentured guide as well??? Oh, bow before these mighty worthies, thou insignificant mortals! These are beings born to be heroes!

Also, have NPCs fawn over the PCs when they trade in such princely things until they're out of the shop.
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