Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by Magicliv »

My first post.
My mates and I have been playing Castle Whiterock for the past year we get together every six weeks or so. I have been using the Pathfinder rules in conjunction with Herolab. So if anyone wants to look at the .por Herolab files or our game summaries just ask. Man that makes game play easy best tool in 30odd years of DnD
Of course I have used a fair bit of license in my conversion but the game has flowed really well and the characters have been challenged the whole time some near death and plenty of wonder. I have spoon fed the story lines somewhat to keep the game interesting by posing questions but for busy guys it makes the game more enjoyable.
Anyhow the brave Companions have just turned 5th level on Average and will be entering the submerged part Castle Whiterock this weekend.
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by finarvyn »

Interesting. As Castle Whiterock is 3E based and Pathfinder is 3E based, I wouldn't have thought that much conversion was needed. :?

I don't have hero lab, but would be interested in seeing the basics of how you converted CW to Pathfinder.
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by Magicliv »

Basic is right. Most of the creatures in the Castle Whiterock are in the Herolab monster directory if it wasn't I tended to use a similar creature with similar stats manipulate it slightly and hey presto similar challenge for our intrepid adventurers.
Anyhow Castle Whiterock in my mind is right up there for fun. The herolab thing just makes balancing all the stats infinitely easier our first foray into using a tool like this in fact first foray into Pathfinder rules.
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by fonkin »

I've finally started my CW campaign! In fact the party has just hit 5th level overall, and stumbled into level 7 almost by accident after sweeping the troglodytes from levels 4 and 6 (FYI, Oracle of the Heavens is sick and wrong). They have yet to find A'quilya or the library, but they've cleaned out all of the Clockwork Academy.

Of note, the mephits have been busy behind the scenes instigating trouble. After the party's second pass through level 3, having distinguished themselves as a real threat by cowing the orcs (all Drugila's remaining followers have retreated to the cloud giant tower, while Kaernga's tribe has been wiped out completely), the duergar simply dispatched Grime to have the orcs seal up the entrance to level 4 once the party passed by. Which they did.

After wiping out the better part of both tribes of troglodytes, out of spells and healing and a few of them sporting single-digit hit point totals, they fled back to the stairs, only to find their way blocked by a massive pile of stones against the door. Oh, the look on their faces: priceless! :lol:

Anyway, they found the pipe organ room and holed up there in secret, explored the Academy then returned to wipe out Sossank's tribe, chasing off most of the rest of them. They've discovered the entrance to the library behind the stonebore ant colony but couldn't figure out how to open the door (they are *this* close, they just haven't figured out that the books from the Clockwork Academy are what they need).

Then they discovered the access point to level 7, fought/diplomacy'ed their way past Vulgaris and the derro by the elevator, survived the skum ambush and are about to light upon the shore of Nall'loth's camp, where hilarity will ensue.

Good times!

Conversion notes:

I've found that in some cases merely applying the simple advanced template to a monster was easier than trying to work out Warrior levels for some monsters, but indeed there is a fair amount of work required when converting monsters with class levels from 3.x to Pathfinder, especially when dealing with classes like sorcerers.
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by Magicliv »

You are right not all that much conversion required. I have now discovered Map tool and the last few levels we have been using a 50" screen as a VTT. The Demon hold was a blast between the herolab and Maptool the combat flowed nicely.
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by fonkin »

AAAND at great long last we have picked up the campaign again... but with a brand new group!

This time around, the new players and their 4th level pcs are in town looking for a way to deliver a package. Long story short they are "highly motivated" to seek out one Lorus Swiftquill, Abbot of the Monastery of the Dawning Sun. They have a delivery of rare books for him. What do you mean the monastery burned down a thousand years ago?!
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by fonkin »

Believe it or not, this is still a thing! Last weekend, the "new group" finally got past the derro slaver outpost on 7 (where the original PC group fell apart) and entered the Immense Cavern. At this point they are about 7th level, have cleared out the Hidden Fane of Justicia and unearthed and dispatched the Wight Lady, but have yet to attempt the aboleth's lair.

The Cavern was pretty hard on them. First they were immediately drawn to the Tomb of Ankhotep, and made it as far as area 2 before triggering the advanced clay golem (the fighter took the worst of the damage - that's going to leave a mark!) They ran. Then they made friends with Gar and Nar, who gave them directions to the entrance to the Bleak Theater. Along the way, they decided to check out the Blighted Grove and the other fighter died, so they've had to retreat to the Fane again. In the meantime, I've told them to buff up to level 8, since I hadn't had them level in several sessions.

Still going strong!
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by GnomeBoy »

Wow -- cool!

Only 7 more levels to go! :mrgreen:
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Re: Posting Castle Whiterock Conversions to Pathfinder

Post by DCCfan »

I never could get this campaign going much past the surface. So many hooks to explore in the city. Then DCC RPG came along and my last group left the city on an errand to remove a cursed item from a players arm and never returned. I think they ended up on the purple planet and the group started to fall apart after that. Haven’t gamed in a couple years now. So good to hear that someone is exploring all of that wonderful dungeon and having fun.
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