Into The Wilds (Playwithbob welcome) * * DMs ONLY * *

A forum for discussing the many DCC modules published under third edition rules, EXCEPT for Castle Whiterock, which has its own forum.

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Into The Wilds (Playwithbob welcome) * * DMs ONLY * *

Post by Ogrepuppy »


I'm hoping Playwithbob or anyone else that's run this adventure will tell me how it went, what your players did, how you hooked them, rough spots they might have encountered, etc.

It's the front-runner as far as kicking off my new little campaign, and I'd love to get any advice, warnings, praise or feedback about your experience Mastering it.
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Post by Playwithbob »

You got it...give me a day to compose my thoughts.

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Post by Ogrepuppy »

Specifically, I'm looking for info regarding how you doled out the background info. Did you give them a pile of info up front ("This is what you know about Wildsgate: __insert background info here__") or did you let them draw out the info piece by piece via interaction with the NPCs?

In other words, did the players arrive at Wildsgate already knowing the history of Wulfrun & Zamuk, or was it something that was exposed during play?

After reading sections of the adventure a few times, I still don't get how the PCs are going to mentally "link" or associate the dwindling fortunes of Wildsgate with the retrieval of the 3 heirlooms, or how they're supposed to figure out that by going into the Wilds they'll find said heirlooms.

Maybe to a more experienced GM it's clear, but I need a little more hand-holding as far as that's concerned. Or maybe I'm just not reading a portion of the adventure properly (I've had to read bits & pieces of the module over the span of the past few days).

* * Later * * D'OH! I just re-read the section on, heh heh, page 3 about Rumors, and how other rumors can be given out as the PCs meet more native NPCs. :oops:

Any additional info is welcome. Despite me being a blind, non-adventure-reading dork. :oops: :oops:
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Post by Ogrepuppy »

And if anyone has a decent suggestion as to where I can put Wildsgate in the Domain of Greyhawk (i.e. somewhere around the Nyr Dyv region)--even if I have to rename Wildsgate to a pre-established city--I'd be grateful.
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Post by Playwithbob »

Ogrepuppy wrote:Specifically, I'm looking for info regarding how you doled out the background info. Did you give them a pile of info up front ("This is what you know about Wildsgate: __insert background info here__") or did you let them draw out the info piece by piece via interaction with the NPCs?

In other words, did the players arrive at Wildsgate already knowing the history of Wulfrun & Zamuk, or was it something that was exposed during play?

After reading sections of the adventure a few times, I still don't get how the PCs are going to mentally "link" or associate the dwindling fortunes of Wildsgate with the retrieval of the 3 heirlooms, or how they're supposed to figure out that by going into the Wilds they'll find said heirlooms.

Maybe to a more experienced GM it's clear, but I need a little more hand-holding as far as that's concerned. Or maybe I'm just not reading a portion of the adventure properly (I've had to read bits & pieces of the module over the span of the past few days).

* * Later * * D'OH! I just re-read the section on, heh heh, page 3 about Rumors, and how other rumors can be given out as the PCs meet more native NPCs. :oops:

Any additional info is welcome. Despite me being a blind, non-adventure-reading dork. :oops: :oops:
First of all let me preface by saying that I run a very variant heavy version of DnD. I provided the players, in advance of character creation and the campaign start a "Campaign Pack" detailing the rule variants and the background for the adventure.

I'll quote the whole thing for you:

The Hanar Campaign Pack

My primary goal in designing and running this campaign: I wanted to create and run a D20 DnD campaign that while similar to the traditional D20 rule set was unique enough to be fresh and unfamiliar while still retaining all the fun. I wanted that “Oh god were going to die!” feel of SST and the Grim feel of Conan. In order to accomplish this I have decided to use a rather large handful of D20 rule variants.

This campaign needs to be scalable enough to accommodate 2 to 10 players at a time. The rules need to be accessible to the players and not so complicated that they will be loath to learn a new system. The system must also be something which I want to run, which at this point is not standard D20.

I understand that the players are play testers; they will be aware that the rule set will be a living document and may change over time. Major changes after play starts will be discussed with the players. The idea is to come up with a system which is enjoyable to run, play in, and is much grittier than standard D20 Dnd.

With that said…

Welcome to the World of Hanar

Hanar is a world of gritty hand to hand combat, powerful magic that is rare yet attainable, and where a man is measured by both his words and deeds.

The Hanar campaign is different then other campaigns I have run in the past.
• It is primarily an open ended Dark Age fantasy medieval campaign using a modified D20 rule set.
• There will be a strong religious crusade theme in the initial campaign.
• Magic is a wild and chaotic force. Its use is closely monitored by guild mages working for the state and church. Non guild members who exhibit magic tendency are considered outside the church’s blessing and a threat.

The PCs all start as free crusaders belonging to the adventures guild and are stationed in Wildsgate. Wildsgate is the last human stronghold in civilized territory located on the very edge of the wilderness

Starting Character information:
• Standard Point Buy System. 28 points. Abilities start at 8 and can not go below 8
• Roll 4D6, re-roll 1s, drop the lowest, arrange as desired, can spend points at 2:1
• Human, as this campaign is intended to have a crusading Human against everyone theme. All other races are restricted at the beginning of the campaign.
• The Generic Classes variant (UA 76) will be used for core classes.
• Hit points are modified by the grim n gritty combat system. (HP = Con)
• Select a Standard alignment at character creation which reflects your characters world view.
• Alignment determines starting Honor and is ignored there after.
• Generic Character Classes (UA 76) – 3 core classes, The Expert, The Warrior, and The Spellcaster
• Prestigious (core) Character Classes (UA 69) – Bard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger

• Character Traits (UA 86) –Adds a minor drawback and bonus. Up to Two Traits at character creation.
• Character Flaws (UA 91) – Adds a major drawback but grants an extra feat. Up to Two Flaws at character creation.
• Spell touched Feats (UA92) – Extra feats based on what spells you have endured.
• Weapon Group Feats (UA 94) – Eliminates simple, martial and exotic weapon types. Groups like weapons together and grants proficiency with every weapon of that type. Everyone get Basic weapon feat for free. Warriors can an additional 3, Experts get 2, Spellcasters get 1
• Craft Points (UA97) – Eliminates down time for crafting. Adds the concept of projects that are going on in the background. Adds many crafting feats.
• Action Points (UA122) – Adds to dice roles, special actions, and feats
• Grim and Gritty Combat (Ultimate games Designer’s Companion pg 109) – Characters get a Defensive value. Armor grants Damage reduction. HP change. Injury.
• Magic Rating (UA135) – Magic power goes up abet slowly even if you no longer take spell caster class.
• Metamagic Component (UA139) – Specific items have great effect on some spells
Spontaneous Metamagic: Daily Uses (UA152) – Designed to increased the number of times Metamagic can be used in the game.
• Spell Points (UA153) – All spell castors are effectively sorcerers. They can cast any spell they know as many times as they have spell points for. They can use spell points to activate meta magic feats pass the daily limit. They can use spell points to increase damage over the base amount.
• Spell Points: Vitalizing (UA156) – Spending spell points id very physically taxing and potentially can cause the caster to become tainted. Becoming fatigued and exhausted from spending spell points forces a taint save.
• Item Familiars (UA170) – Special items that can grow in power with a character.
• Incantations (UA174) – A very rare very powerful form of magic.
• Grim and Gritty magic (Ultimate games Designer’s Companion pg 109) – In addition to the damage changes in the spell point system. All dice used in any magic are reduced by one step. D20=D12, D12=D10, D10=D8, ect.
• Contacts (UA 179) – Those special people you know will be there when you need them.
• Reputation (UA 180) – Because if you do great things people will know.
• Honor (UA185) – “Good” Starting honor is a function of your alignment. Gaining and loosing honor is a function of play style. Positive and negative honor has positive and negative social effects. Honor may be used to requirments for the paladin and Knight PRCs.
• Taint (UA189) – “Evil” Corruption effects based on actions and location. Taint is bad bad bad. And has horrible effects on a character. Enjoy!
• Taint (HoH 81)- May replace the UA taint rules.
• Taint Prestige Classes (UA191) – For when I need to make a villain even meaner.
• Level-Independent XP Awards (UA213) –Keeps the math for handing out XP to a minimum and it’s got an Old School ™ feel to it! Should work well to help get low level character caught up with the rest of the party.

People who you may know of
Vilerus Rex, The King of Man
Father Mainart Alfax , Head of the church of Raahn
Sir Arthurax Blackmane , The leader of the free crusade

The Power players of Wildsgate

Kaldal, Baron of Wildsgate
Young and sick. Once strong, the pale heir spends his days in a haze, never fully asleep or awake.
Sodersund, Regent of Wildsgate
Handles the day to day affairs of ruling Wildsgate. Cruel, cunning, and heartless.
Lady Aborn
Kaldal’s ½ sister. Will rule Wildsgate if and when Kaldal dies. Beutifu;l, generous, and kind. Beloved by the people of Wildsgate.
Captain Argun
The young Dashing leader of the Outriders, a man who takes great pride in maintaining the martial discipline among his men. Beholden to Lady Aborn.
Marshak the Reeve
A great hulking brute of a man. He is the barons reeve, master of the gate, and captain of the watch.
Nazost the Scrivener
Marshak’s Scribe and note taker. Elderly and surly. The local expert on the wilds.
Father Motter
An ageing man who retains the vibrancy and passion of his youth. Age has cooled his temper, leaving him a calm, peaceful man. But when trouble threatens his flock, he if the first to don his armor. He is a powerful, charismatic speaker.
Ancilith “Ancy”
Owner of the Mug and Blade tavern. (rumor is she won it with a throw of the dice) She is a stunningly attractive woman with a discolored scar that runs the length of her face.
Hilto Foibald
Elderly grey haired man who runs the day to day operation of The Falling Star inn.
Master Bolo
A stout man with a black, sprawling bread. He lost an eye early in life and now wears a silver eye patch that’s riveted to his scull. He is slow to warm to most but is easily taken by pretty women. His work is first rate and prices are fair.
Locksmith and General provisioner. Owns “The Broken Manacles” Moved to Wildsgate and set up shop 2 years ago.
Sergio the Vizier
A trader and Moneylender. Owns “The Bloodstone” A friendly and gregarious man with impeccable manners.
The watch,
Man at arms tasked with the protection and defense of Wildsgate.
The Outriders
Wulfrun’s of Knights tasked with patrolling and protecting the kings road.

Wildsgate began as little more then a crude hill fort built atop a ridge overlooking the Wilds. Protected by ramparts of earth and watch fires, it owed its existence to its charismatic founder: Savage born Baron Wulfrun. Wulfrun and his band of hearty warriors drew the first setters to the area, promising safety and prosperity in return for fealty and unswerving loyalty. When Baron Wulfrun died, he passed the stone crown on to his son, who swore himself, and all his descendants to the continued prosperity of Wildsgate.

The crude hill fort quickly grew to prodomance as a bastion of civilization. Brave men and woman answered the call of adventure and the fort grew to include stone walls, docks, and a towering citadel that surveyed the land for miles in every direction.

Some time ago for some reason the descendants of Baron Wulfrun all began to waste away as they came of age. This in turn caused expansion and growth to come to a shuttering halt leaving Wildsgate as it appears today: unfinished and raw. Wildsgate has retained much of its rough and tumble ways; the fortress is not a safe or a pleasant city, but a citadel surrounded by a savage wilderness. The descendants of Baron Wulfrun have all wasted away as they come of age.

Several hundred peasants live in mud huts and hovels surrounding Wildsgate. Their work has transformed much of the forest south of the river Saedre into fertile farmlands, but no one, peasant or warrior, ventures past the north shore. The lands south of the Wilds are patrolled by Captain Argun and his dashing Outriders.
I also gave each player a handful of rumors, like it told you to do in the Module.

Now in *my* world its the humans VS everyone and with the variants (mainly the GnG combat system which rocks) I had to convert EVERY monster and NPC so it took a lot of prepreation time.

Now with the world in place and the characters made we started the adventure.

The players start on the road and the initial encounter with the bat riders played out. The combat was the first time playing with the new combat system and was a real eye opener for everyone. In the end 2 things happened. 1/2 the party was down and a new monster was born.

In my haste during the combat I slurred "an ox drawn cart" into "an oxadon cart" Thus the domesticated dire ox was born. The party leader bought the cart and loaded up his fallen foes and entered Wildsgate.

I let the adventure unfold by itself. The party was really not there to save anyone or accomplish anything really. They were 1st level and had a grudge against the bat riders. So they met some NPC (Arm wrestling with Marshack<sp> was a fun way to introduce him and the tavern, No one trusts Sirgeo, and the Hot as hell barbarian chick of the party shacked up with Master Bolo to get a better deal on a master work orcish double axe.)
and then set off into the wilds.

It took them 3 sessions to make it to the foehammers mainly because of the variants I used and the lack of healing in the party. Once they added a 2nd spell caster to the mix they were able to get to the spires.

The main problem for the players was time. Our sessions tend to run short, maybe 4 hours on a given night. It was just not quite enough time to finish one of the 3 areas in the Spires. So they ended up finishing 1/2 the goblins, 1/2 the humans, and everyone knowing they would be returning and defending against them.

They on thier 3rd attempt at the goblins did manage to finish that up and get a key. The last encounter was hairy and they were sure they were going to die. But they managed to pull it off...

The humans they finished off next. They managed to capture some of the documents incriminating Aborn and one of the leaders to interrogate. They are worried now however. Kos let them know that they were enemies of the state, Aborn's actions here and the calling up of the mercenary companies was just her being proactive. Her Brother, who she hoped would live forever, was on his deathbed. She was preparing for the day she took over. She planned on "reconstructing" the castle into a better more defensible fortification (thus the detailed drawings and maps on how to sneak in. "Those are the things that need fix'n". And the mercenaries...well those troops will be needed when she crusades against the wilds and pushed back the border, taking the land and increasing the fief in the name of the King...

And the PCs just slaughtered the advanced guard...

At this point the PC's really are not sure which way the adventure is heading. But they do have 2 keys and have a pretty good idea where the next one is.

I don’t think they are planning on going back to town just now. If they are wanted criminals, like they think they may be, last thing they want is to be locked up for treason. So they will go after the Raiders next, Then I assume the Vault.

The Module will play out as its written, even if the PC's don’t realize they have lifted the curse.

All in all we are all really enjoying the adventure.

Any specific questions?
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Hats off to PWB. That's a heck of a home game. I'm a fan of the "Grim Like Conan" style of play, though I haven't been able to execute it quite as well as you have. And "oxadon cart" is a riot. :)

Ogre, as for Greyhawk, you could set the adventure in the Gnarley Woods on the Wild Coast. That would put you close to the Temple of Elemental Evil/Greyhawk City depending on where your campaign goes.

And PWB is right. The Curse doesn’t even need to come up in the game, assuming the PCs return back to Wildsgate to sell off their treasure. If they don’t plan on heading back to town, you could always make Aborn and her lover waiting for them where ever they come out at. (Or even tracking them down in returning NPC fashion, trying to regain the heirlooms.)

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by Ogrepuppy »

Thanks, Harley. I was wondering if the writer of the adventure was gonna chime in, and I'm glad I wasn't disappointed. :)

I figured the Gnarley was a good spot. We're going to be in the Dyvers/Wooly Bay area, so that works perfectly. Just sad that "Gnarley" was chosen as it's name (and is plastered all over the GH maps), as that's turned into a total joke with "Valleyspeak" in our society. (I try to call it the Gnarled Forest whenever describing it verbally.) My players tend towards the silly--we gave up on Call of Cthulhu after 2 sessions as they couldn't maintain the "spooky" atmosphere--so I expect to hear the jokes fly heavy & thick regarding the name of that accursed forest.

After asking the group what they wanted (and majority chose "exploratory adventure"), it looks like the first adventure will end up being the Tower of the Black Pearl from The Adventure Begins. They'll get to Tsathzar Rho's vault and/or Wildsgate soon thereafter (both relocated to the area near the Gnarled Forest/Wooly Bay/Selintan River). Then we can move to Dyvers, which is what Andrew Hind's excellent Porthmeor will suddenly be called. ;) I love Legend of the Ripper, but it's a little too deadly for them right now.

The Black Pearl will need to be changed, of course, as a certain pirate-infested popular movie that's currently in theaters features a similar title and treasure. Hmm, what to make it instead of a pearl....?!?
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Azubal (Spoilers)

Post by Renshai »

Possible Spoilers Below, BEWARE

I see Ogrepuppy really likes House :) Great show.

I had an idea for Azubal the Vampire. Some PCs might not think of using the goblin moonshine on Azubal, so I've devised another method.

If the PCs use a Consecrate spell on the evil altar in area 1-8, it will have the following effects on Azubal.

He loses his bonus to turn resistance.

His fast healing drops from 5 to 2.

His natural armor class bonus drops from +6 to +2.

He loses his ability to Dominate.

He loses his Children of the Night Ability.

What do you think?
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Post by JediOre »

I don't see why not. If you want to allow clever players to surmise the creature draws power from the alter and they attempt to weaken it.

I've always allowed alters to be desicrated (spelled VERY wrong) the old fashioned way -- breaking, crushing, knocking over and pouring holy water over it.
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Post by Renshai »

One of the player characters is a self-styled undead hunter. The character is going to freak out when she realizes what they are up against. I plan on letting her use Knowledge (Religion) to figure out the link between the altar and the vampire.

I like your approach too, I've always allowed it that way in the past. Old fashioned goodness :)
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Post by Ogrepuppy »

Thanks for chiming in on my little question. ....And yeah, Greg House is my hero--a thinking man's misanthrope. :P

Funny--reading this post now that the game started and some time has passed, the direction of the play has turned much different, specifically the adventures I've chosen to torment them with--err, run for them. :twisted:

I'm a very n00b GM (especially to D&D 3.5--I cut my teeth on AD&D 2nd Ed as a player) so I've wanted to stick with pre-published adventures. Between DCCs and Dungeon Mag, I've got more stuff to throw at 'em than I know what to do with. But I went out on a limb, deviated from my plan and wanted to run a quickie adventure of my own creation, to test my "improv" skills.

What a mistake. I had no real direction or clear idea what I was going to do when I started this little side-quest, and that was a royally bad idea.

I'm stuck. I've got "DM's block" (kinda like writer's block, but more painful & ugly). I've put the players into a situation that I'm unsure if they can get out of. ...And I put them there, so I have only myself to blame if they die, get pissed, or just think my adventure is stupid.

We'll see Saturday night if I sink or swim. (A pun--it's a pirate adventure. :oops: )
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Post by JediOre »

If you'd like some advise about how to extract them from the no-win scenario, like Kirk -- I don't believe in them, post a little of what's going on.

I'm sure several will give you some good ideas you could tinker with and make your own.
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Post by Renshai »

Yeah, let us know whats going on, perhaps we can help!
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Post by Save Vs. Death Ray »

Ain't no corner painted that a DM can't pull his way out of. That's just what we do. Share what's up and we'll help fix it.
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Post by Ogrepuppy »

Wow, thank you all for the overwhelming responses!

At the risk of looking a gift horse (and all that), I'm going to try to get through this on my own. (Besides, by the time I type the story and you all post replies, the game will likely have started.)

I'm a big boy and won't cry if the players hate what I've concocted. I've shoehorned together a Frankenstein amalgamation of pieces of 2 or 3 different adventures all rolled into one, and I think this will work out fine.

My plot is here, in this thread. 2nd page, my last 2 posts. They give the "what happened before" and "what's going on now" stories: ... 4&start=25

I've changed some of my plans since that post, based on a few sinister ideas that were inspired by reading over old adventures, so I think I have things pretty well in hand, but....I've still got the jeebies since I don't know how cool this is going to turn out....

My major concern is that I've stranded my intrepid adventurers on an uncharted island, teeming with 20+ undead, with no equipment or weapons. If they want their gear back, they'll have to guerilla (or brute force) their way through the undead to get their swag. I've come up with some logical places to put "found" weapons, though, if the players bother to search for them.

We'll see in, oh, about 24 hours... :wink:
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Post by AstroCat »

I have a setup question about Wildsgate...

From reading the module it seems that almost everyone except Lady Aborn does not know the heirlooms are missing, and I think noone knows who took them. But, yet there is a “shrine” to the thief Zamuk the Swift in an ally. Was this thief known in the area to such a level for other reasons other than the stealing the heirlooms or was this from someone long ago person who was “in the know”?

The reason I ask is because the hook I want to use is that one of the PC’s father will present the rumor to the daughter that there is treasure up in the Spires hid away long ago by the famous thief Zamuk (if he is famous?).

So, if the PC’s come to Wildsgate and start asking about Zamuk and the treasure I want to know how I should handle it. What would the townsfolk of Wildsgate know about Zamuk and/or any treasure?

Thanks a ton for the help!
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Post by Renshai »

I thought about the same thing and ultimately decided on this.

Most everyone knows that the current regalia are fakes. Most of them know that Zamuk the Swift stole them. Back then the Wulfrun family was still fairly savage and alot of people didn't like them. Some high ranking member of society back then very well might have hired Zamuk to steal them.

So, in my opinion it is widely known, but not widely discussed that Zamuk stole the items, and the common folk, who felt oppressed by the Wulfrun line's barbarity have seen Zamuk as a sort of savior.

Now, years after the theft, only a few commoners pay tribute to Zamuk, knowing that the theft ruined Wildsgate's propserity in the long run.
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