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Trash talkin' at the table

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:27 am
by CharlieRock
Do you guys ever talk trash right before you throw down on some dice?

"Your so weak, your strength check bounced."

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:04 am
by Jengenritz
I sometimes have the bad guys talk trash if it's in their character.

The only time I ever smacktalk at the table is when someone playing a druid. Damn I hate druids...100,000 summoned animals just slow down a damn game.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:28 am
by CharlieRock
Jengenritz wrote:I sometimes have the bad guys talk trash if it's in their character.
Exactly, I love having some of the bad guys running their mouths at the PCs. It livens up a game.

"Is pathetic a class ability or did you pick it from the list?"

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:59 am
by Sellix
Jengenritz wrote: The only time I ever smacktalk at the table is when someone playing a druid. Damn I hate druids...100,000 summoned animals just slow down a damn game.
Those flower sniffing, tree hugging, Ent kissing, bear loving, hippy bastards!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:26 am
by Jengenritz
Those flower sniffing, tree hugging, Ent kissing, bear loving, hippy bastards!
Thank you!

Good friend of mine (known to visit this board from time to time) once simultaneously showed me why druids kicked ass and why they're not fun for anyone but the guy playing the druid.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:45 pm
by CharlieRock
"Are you supposed to be the Druid or the Animal Companion?"

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:57 am
by Jengenritz
"Are you supposed to be the Druid or the Animal Companion?"
Heh! Excellent.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:48 am
by CharlieRock
You know, gaming last night, I found something that ticks off players more then any trash talk ever:
Improved Sunder.
They just explode with madness when it hits them.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:42 am
by Jengenritz
True story: my buds in Tucson played XCrawl for quite a while. I was visiting, so they invited me to play. They were high level, so I played a minotaur fighter (Bovus Bellicus) and sunk all my cash into a +2 adamantine heavy mace I dubbed Disaster. I also had all the Sunder feats, as well as the tactical feat that lets you sunder and keep on smashing with one attack.

I hook up with their characters, carefully grown and with all kinds of cool equipment, and at the end we meet up with a vampire that dominates me.

I smashed all their good stuff before they finally killed ol' Bovus. I think maybe they were a little mad.

All praise Sunder!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:33 pm
by CharlieRock
Jengenritz wrote:True story: my buds in Tucson played XCrawl for quite a while. I was visiting, so they invited me to play. They were high level, so I played a minotaur fighter (Bovus Bellicus) and sunk all my cash into a +2 adamantine heavy mace I dubbed Disaster. I also had all the Sunder feats, as well as the tactical feat that lets you sunder and keep on smashing with one attack.

I hook up with their characters, carefully grown and with all kinds of cool equipment, and at the end we meet up with a vampire that dominates me.

I smashed all their good stuff before they finally killed ol' Bovus. I think maybe they were a little mad.

All praise Sunder!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:15 am
by TheDM
Here's an exchange we had a few years back:

Wizard: DUDE! Paladins are supposed to run into a fight, not away from one! What's that, the third time tonight?

Paladin: As opposed to hiding behind the rogue like you do? Pretty pitiful having to use a half-pint as cover while you lob magic missles at the darkness.

Rogue: DON'T drag me into this.

Wizard: Shut up, John.

Paladin: Yeah, shut up, John. Backstabbing b!%*$ halfling.