Crystal Legacy - the current party

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Mr. Author
Hard-Bitten Adventurer
Posts: 147
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Crystal Legacy - the current party

Post by Mr. Author »

The current party consists of:

The Grozman - a greaser who's surprised when people treat him like a Greaser. Looks like John Travolta from "grease." Drives the car. Acts like a pompous jerk. Straight Duelist focusing on knives.

Billy Marlin/William - On the Sulia Central High School swordfightng team with Jenny. Acts as the meatshield. Swordsman/Leatherskin.

Tommy Linscotti/Shotgun - Older fellow, ex-military, excellent with a rifle. Typically wears a nice sportsman's suit. Has heavy armor in the trunk, just in case. Scout/Rifleman.

Jenny Lopez/Gidget - the high-school cheerleader and swordfighting team member who dresses in a leather cuirass and traditional outdoor dress. Has all the knowledge skills. Carries around rubber golashes so she can lightning bolt things when she has to. Swordsman/Air Magus.

"Meg" - the cherry red convertible. She's mostly just tape and spot-welded scrap metal spray-painted red by now, though. Got a giant, three-toed dent on the trunk, and a few holes in the rear passenger side door.

"Carlos" - They fed a hopper, and now they can't get rid of him. He makes strange nosies and neither contributes to nor distracts from a situation. He makes a great MacGuffin, though.

So far, they've managed to get jobs by leaving Grozman behind.

It turns out there's a Jurassic Park scenario every time the car breaks down. Which is a lot, since they never repair the thing (can never afford it - true to the genre, they always manage to get away by the skin of their teeth without the cash they need).

I once let them talk for a few mintues amongst themselves, then broke into "you hear a low, unearthly scream across the landscape, reverberating in your ears." They all stopped talking, and one of them looked directly at me and said, "we wordlessly get under the car."

Then they had the whole scenario on another adventure (took the whole night!) where they were being chased by a pack of really smart reavers. They spoke a very obscure dialect that Jenny didn't know. Eventually, they were cornered on a cliff, everyone was trying to keep Tommy from falling, as he'd slipped off. In the darkness, in the rain, at night, the pack leader and his pack calmly strode up to the crew, leaned into the weaponless Jenny's face, and dropped Billy's wallet in her lap before stalking off into the darkness.

Grozman once managed to piss off a reaver to no end. He tried to intimidate it with his novelty switchblade comb and his "greaser tough guy" act. Let's weighs three times what you do, comes with natural knives on not one, not two, but five parts of its body, and you are trying to intimidate it just because it's shorter than you? There's a good reason there is a police divison specifically to deal with these things..... it didn't even pull out its natural weapons. It beat him into submission with its snout...... But they did get the job. Turns out the critter really wanted its mate back, and was willing to forgive the jackass, especially since the cheerleader took Reaver as her foreign language during her sophomore year and understood what it was tryin' to say.
(insert witty phrase)
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