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by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:18 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Castle Whiterock Question Level 1
Replies: 3
Views: 14733

Re: Castle Whiterock Question Level 1

There's a secret door missing on the map. Just put it in yourself, connecting area 1-11 to the corridor leading towards the outside. Note also that on all the maps, the compass rose is inaccurate; north should be pointing upward toward the top of the page on level 1, for example. If you do not make ...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:06 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Castle Whiterock: What's the Story Quotient...?
Replies: 7
Views: 16852

Re: Castle Whiterock: What's the Story Quotient...?

I view CW as definitely more site-based than story-driven. There's nothing stopping you from having a story-driven plot for your characters, but doing so will require a bit of initiative on the part of the DM. It can be just as easily run as a 29-level dungeon crawl (which is more how my players are...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:00 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

DCC #51 - June 28 and July 12, 2008 sessions (#10/11)

Hey! Thought I'd do my long-overdue summary of our last two gaming sessions, in which the group pretty much cleared out level 4 of the dungeon (the first level of the troglodytes). When last we left off, the group had undertaken an ill-starred foray into the flooded exterior ruins of the dungeon. Af...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Fri May 30, 2008 7:49 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock
Replies: 8
Views: 18948

Re: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock

My group was around level 3-4 as PCs when they went through to the shocker lizards. As I recall, I added one additional lizard, and came within a hairsbreadth of a TPK. But the lizards work really well together, since their electrical fields are cumulative, so playing it as is should not be as deadl...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Thu May 29, 2008 9:41 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock
Replies: 8
Views: 18948

Re: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock

One thing I'd add about 51.5: design-wise, it is a refreshing change from the layout of many of CW's levels, in that the dungeon is vertically oriented on several mini-levels around a central shaft. Descending deeper into the dungeon, either via the pit or by coming and going from side chambers, had...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Thu May 29, 2008 7:44 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock
Replies: 8
Views: 18948

Re: DCC 51 and 51.5 Castle Whiterock

I've run 51.5 with 51. You can read a detailed report in my campaign summary thread in this forum. In sum, I ran 51.5 after they had done levels 1-2 of Castle Whitrock. This meant I had to boost a few things here and there, but not too much. As an introduction to CW, I think 51.5 is a pretty tough a...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Sun May 18, 2008 11:59 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

DCC #51 - May 17, 2008 session (#9)

The Characters: Stubs (5th level halfling rogue) Mikhail (5th level human fighter) Kory (5th level sorcerer) Flask (4th level half-orc barbarian) Lisi (5th level human healer) After a number of sessions which they managed to pass through unscathed, another champion has finally perished on the road t...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Thu May 08, 2008 10:11 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

DCC #51 - April 19, 2008 session (#8)

I'm more than a little late for this report on my session back in April, but better late than never! Due to repeated no-shows, Cressmar's player has been officially dropped from the game. I did have a guest player, however, come in from out of town to run a monk during the game. The Characters: Stub...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Thu May 08, 2008 9:52 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Castle Whiterock (DCC #51)
Replies: 4
Views: 14841

Re: Castle Whiterock (DCC #51)

Castle Whiterock is a classic dungeon crawl, and the core races and classes in D&D are founded on this concept. Thus any of the core classes should see a good workout throughout the course of the module. From your list, the only one I'd be a little concerned about is the animal friend. While dru...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:16 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Castle Whiterock campaign
Replies: 9
Views: 20328

Re: Castle Whiterock campaign

Hey! Glad to see your game is going so well! By the point you've reached in my game, I had something like five to six fatalities amongst the party members. In particular, they had a tough time with the tripwire/orc entry room (I armed all the orcs with glaives, which didn't help the PCs any), and th...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:45 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

March 22, 2008 Session

Back for another report on the latest monthly session of my CW tabletop game! This time there were only three players to start with, with the fourth arriving late, halfway through the session. My fifth player canceled, and it turns out my sixth player had moved away to the coast, and has officially ...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:45 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Living (Dying) Whiterock Campaign
Replies: 3
Views: 11408

Well, you can start with ALL the pregens. My group has worked through them all, may they rest in peace.
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:09 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

I know on the ground floor there's that secret chamber in the cliff face that holds old documents of Clynnoise. You could easily add material there if what's there is not enough (I don't remember offhand--my players never found it). Those orcs on level 2 are pretty brutal; they can easily take down ...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:42 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

February 23, 2008 session

Had another session this last Saturday, where we finished up Sinister Secret of Whiterock, and the PCs headed back into the dungeon by way of level 4A! A total of four players were present, including all those there last week and the player of the half-orc, Flask. Once again, Lisi the healer was a s...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:11 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Sinister Secret of Whiterock questions
Replies: 10
Views: 21324

I finished running 51.5 in my tabletop game this last weekend, and will report on it soon in my campaign thread. I decided that the sih'hel toss the occasional captured prisoner down the pit into the well chamber below to feed the owlbear, effectively appeasing the Voracious Spirit-Beast of the Pit....
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:29 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Castle Whiterock Weekly Write Up (BG Group)
Replies: 6
Views: 15501

Good reading of the exploits of another group of cannon, explorers! ...delving the ruins of Castle Whiterock. I'm a little surprised your combat with the carrion crawler, etc. didn't put the enemies on alert. When I ran level one, they were all bunched up waiting for the party by the tim...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:36 am
Forum: DCC Modules - 3E
Topic: DCC 13 - Devil Lich - PreGen questions
Replies: 4
Views: 11299

One thing I noticed when looking over the pregens was a lack of certain utility spells, like the various "wall" spells (wall of stone, wall of force, summoning spells, etc.) that would have made some of the encounters much easier. If you are running the adventure tournament style, I'd prob...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:57 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

Glad you're enjoying the show, H! If I were to make any other changes, I might have enlarged the owlbear's lair slightly, including the stairs to the pool so it wouldn't have to squeeze to go after adventurers. I might have also enlarged the room the secret cache was in, to try and lure more adventu...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:44 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

January 26, 2008 session - running 51.5

This last weekend I had another session of my Castle Whiterock game. Only three of the six players could make it; one was busy at work all of January, another was ill, and the third was mysteriously absent. So the surviving three players brought in a healer (class in the Miniatures Handbook--basical...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:19 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51.5 Sinister Secret of Whiterock elevation question
Replies: 3
Views: 11648

Running 51.5

I ran the first part of this adventure over the weekend; they've made it to the bottom of the octagonal room before stopping. The conclusion will be run late February.

I'll post details in my usual Castle Whiterock campaign thread.
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:35 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51.5 Sinister Secret of Whiterock elevation question
Replies: 3
Views: 11648

DCC #51.5 Sinister Secret of Whiterock elevation question

I've noticed what appears to be a discrepancy in the elevations listed throughout the text in this dungeon. According to the information in area 1-4, there is a drop of 120 feet from area 1-4 to area 1-7, and then from area 1-7 to area 1-12 (the bottom of the cavern) there is another 250 feet drop. ...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:49 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

Well, Cressmar's player DID miss last session (the one where I had five PC deaths)...had he been there for that, it might have been another story! I do find it amusing that they've blown through all the pregens. Too bad, because the stats for the pregenerated characters are distinctly better than 32...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:00 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

Session #4

Last session, the group slowly worked toward cleaning out the second level of the dungeon, but at a steep price. They took out Minus the minotaur, Chu-Thuk the sorcerer, and Goresh with his remaining trollhounds, but lost five characters along the way. Another of my players couldn't make it this tim...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:45 am
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: Fresh DM blood.
Replies: 11
Views: 18134

If you prefer to write your own, then go for it! There's nothing stopping you from creating your own side treks. If I was going to build stuff outside of Castle Whiterock for side quests, I'd look at Cillamar first, and perhaps try to expand upon it as a source of adventure. The dungeon touches very...
by Damien the Bloodfeaster
Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:51 pm
Forum: Castle Whiterock
Topic: DCC #51 - Castle Whiterock - game report [spoilers]
Replies: 42
Views: 77165

Six players normally, only five last session, but we had one player run two characters, so there were six PCs. I think their mortality rate had more to do with gung-ho charging in and not coordinating than with anything else. But no matter the cause, too many character deaths can be discouraging. Fo...

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