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by romprecentor
Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:34 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Hello. A while back I was posting on this thread and enjoying the game. Suddenly I was unable to access the website from home. I thought the site was down, didn't think much more of it. Was able to post the next day at work for a while then same problem. Left it alone for a while and went back but s...
by romprecentor
Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:00 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Portly tries to turn the ghost while he ciphers on that.

Roll(1d20)+1: 20,+1 Total:21

Fritz was making the Reflex save you asked for last page, he has no intention of giving up the sword just yet! :evil:
by romprecentor
Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:39 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Fritz rolls his save: 12+1=13 He changes targets and tries to slash the ghost thingy with the black sword. Attack roll=7. If it is possible to backstabbing it he will try, not sure which way it is facing. Portly heads to the fallen man. He hesitates as he could try to heal him but as he is likely of...
by romprecentor
Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:09 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Init roll: 19, Portly moves to Flavia's aid, kneeling beside her and lays on hands; roll 21 same alignment so heals 4 dice; 4 + 12 + 4 + 10 = 30 Wow! Disapproval is at 2. Init roll: 4, Fritz raises the black blade and heads back to the hall looking for a bug to stick, evil grin on face. (Would this ...
by romprecentor
Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:25 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Portly finds his waty up the stairs and sees the man. He gathers himself and casts Word of Command ordering the man to "grovel." Rolled 4 +1 (5) Fail - Disapproval! Ah! Fritz rushes past the group and pounces on Jack's body snatching up the weird black sword he has been eyeing for a while....
by romprecentor
Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:31 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

OOC: Portly and Trim have done nothing because I have been away. If someone else wants to run them have at it. Otherwise I can try to post regularly again.
by romprecentor
Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:12 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Fritz will not in-bar the kitchen, he mis-understood and will search the. Dining room instead.

Trim continues to guard the barred door.
by romprecentor
Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:52 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

OOC: spell check gave me the power to sign! I was shooting for "limber.".

Fritz heads back to the kitchen in search of improvised lock picks. He will rummage through everything looking for anything of value.
by romprecentor
Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:03 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Fritz looks to the other party members, "any of you have something I could use to pick these locks?". Fritz examines the collars to see if this is possible.

Portly flexes his hand again trying to keep it legible. He lingers I the doorway of the audience hall watching the way we came.
by romprecentor
Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:35 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Fritz hustles back to the Trim and they use the dining room table to secure the door to the kitchen. If opportunity presents itself Trim will still try and turn the horde chasing us.
by romprecentor
Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:50 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

OOC: Sure, I will tackle that when I get back this afternoon, labels and rooms. My pc has the file and is home currently.

Updated! Please check for accuracy.
by romprecentor
Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:55 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

That door is the one he wanted to go to, same room as Fosco and co. Portly will back up to the west wall of the "kitchen" and Prepare himself for a turning attempt, pointing his makeshift shield/holy symbol towards the unsecurable "pantry" door. He will attempt to turn anything t...
by romprecentor
Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:18 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Apparently so. Fritz heads to the other door in the kitchen, carefully and off to one side. Once there he will peak through it looking for the source of those cries.

Trim herds everyone through the door to the pantry room then attempts to close and secure it if possible.
by romprecentor
Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:14 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Fritz will carefully pick his way across the floor close to the South side of the room attempting to move silently. He will glance at the South door as he passes to see if it can be locked or barred too. 1D20+3 => [ 5 ] +3 = 8. Move Silently check. He suspects that more of the insect creatures lie a...
by romprecentor
Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:23 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

I am ready if the rest are. Fritz will check the door for traps: 1D20+1 => 12 If none are found Fritz opens the West door a crack and peeks through as quietly as possible: 1D20+3 => 8 Portly Trim thanks his god and good fortune and hefts the new improvised buckler determined to meet his fate bravely...
by romprecentor
Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:07 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Portly Trim lowers himself to his knees, "I shall serve the faithfully and well." He uses his razor to carve a a quick crescent moon from the wood on the floor, a hasty but heartfelt holy symbol.
by romprecentor
Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:34 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Portly Trim will follow the Great Spirit.

Spell rolls:

1D11 => 6 Holy Sanctuary
1D11 => 11 Word of Command
1D11 => 5 Food of the Gods
1D11 => 9 Resist Heat or Cold
by romprecentor
Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:38 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Portly Trim is Lawful. Looks at his razor with some trepidation.

How about Keoghtom?
by romprecentor
Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:44 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Leveling! Portly Trim has a religious moment and chooses to turn his service as a barber into service as a healer as a cleric of Daenthar, the Mountain Lord! 1D8 => 4 Hit points A long and evil grin crosses Fritz's face and he levels as a Thief. "This crowbar should come in handy!" 1D6 => ...
by romprecentor
Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:41 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim and Fritz will man the door to the west, Trim listening carefully ear to the door trying to make out the sound from the other side.

OOC: Map updated, please check for accuracy.
by romprecentor
Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:30 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim tries the first door while Fritz stand ready to club any foes that might be found behind it.

Fritz. " hurry up, the horde is on the way!"
by romprecentor
Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:52 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim suggests we retreat down the hall to a doorway and defend it other wise we will be overcome one at a time. He and Fritz move north along the hall and look for said door around the corner.
by romprecentor
Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:57 am
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim has a torch lit.

Int. 10

Trim and Fritz will take the middle of the marching order. Trim has his torch a trusty razor and Fritz is sporting a club.
by romprecentor
Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:30 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim is ready! He agrees with Darrow as this guy now knows of us and the longer we give him the more trouble he can cause. Flexes his wounded hand to try any keep it nibble.

Fritz wonders who this guy is.
by romprecentor
Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:41 pm
Forum: Crawl-By-Post
Topic: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post
Replies: 1363
Views: 1511349

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Trim shrugs and hands the tome to Chendris. Then he turns the trunk over and makes sure nothing is underneath or hidden in it otherwise.

Fritz eyes the sword with longing but says nothing, his club is trusty and less likely to harm him.

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