Gen Con 2018: New Releases, Round Six

Round six is about taking a break! Relaxing. Sending a note to a friend.

In fact, we’ve got a special release just for you! We’re not just old school in our choice of art or design. We’re also old school when it comes to social media. We’re bringing social media to Gen Con 2018…1970’s style. POSTCARDS!

The original email! The original social media! We’re bringing it back, Goodman Games style! We’ll have a custom Goodman Games tourist-style postcard, which will make you the envy of all your friends back home. “I saw from the postcard that you went to Gen Con! Wow!”

In fact, let’s take that one step further. We’ll provide the postcards AND the stamps. You bring your friends’ mailing address, we’ll do the rest. Yes, really, bring their snail mail addresses! You write it, we’ll stamp it, and your friends will get a vintage-inspired postcard telling them how much fun you had in Indy.

Come by booth the Goodman Games booth—that’s booth #117—and mail your postcards from Gen Con.

It’s a friendly way to send a message to your friends: “Wish you were here.”


Author: pandabrett

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