UK Games Expo Recap!


England‘s largest gaming convention? In Birmingham, the home of Black Sabbath, Wolvesbane, and Rob Halford? Do you think Brendan could say no?

The UK Games Expo was the place to be this past weekend, and Goodman Games made the scene! We had an amazing time, made new friends, said hello to a few old ones, and had a fantastic weekend of gaming and cultural exchange. Without any of it making the news! We consider this a major diplomatic event.

Huge thanks to all of the organizers and volunteers who made the Expo an absolute pleasure!

Brendan also made appearances at Weekend Warlords and Leisure Games, where he was welcomed with open arms and Marmite. (Seriously, he had Marmite on a hot dog. How USA meets Britain can you get?) The turnout at both events was excellent, and dice were rolled and DCC enjoyed. A huge thanks to both stores for allowing Brendan to invade for the afternoon.

We hope to see everyone again next year! (Oh yeah…we said that….)

Now let’s look at a whole lotta pics from the UK!


Author: pandabrett

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